Practice Questions TM2 Flashcards
Mevrouw M. heeft huidtype Fitzpatrick 2 en wil graag haar tatoeage weg laten laseren bij jou en de praktijk. Ze heeft de tatoeage al een langere tijd en heeft hier nu toch spijt van. Een tatoeage is pigment wat zich bevindt in de dermis. Je gaat behandelen met een Q-switched laser en stelt de parameters in. Waaronder een korte puls-duur vanwege het fotoakoestische effect wat je wilt bereiken. Je wilt ook de penetratiediepte aanpassen omdat het pigment zich diep in de dermis bevindt. Met welke belangrijke behandelparameter kun je de juiste penetratiediepte bereieken.
Dit kun je bereiken door de spotgrootte aan te passen.
Hoe zorg je ervoor dat er minder/geen hypopigmentatie optreedt bij het laseren van haren bij een donker huidtype.
- Door de behandelparameters constant te monitoren bij het geven van een behandeling en deze waar nodig aanpassen. Bijvoorbeeld een langere golflengte of een grotere spotsize (als dat mogelijk is)
- Het is daarbij ook mogelijk om een ‘pre-treatment’ toe te passen met alpha-hydroxy acids of bleekmiddelen.
- En ook het afschermen van tattoos en zongebruinde huid is belangrijk.
A patient with telangiectastie on her leg wants to have those removed. What kind of working mechanism will you use, name the sort of technology you will use and explain what the desired clinical result will be?
I would use light as the working mechanism. I would treat the telangiectasia with vascular-specific laser. The desired clinical result will be immediate vessel disappearance or vessel darkening.
As a dermal therapist, you can use chemical energy in different types of treatments. Name a type of chemical energy and explain how this chemical energy works on the skin.
With a peeling, an increase in chemical reactions takes places due to the addition of reactive particles. This disrupts the protein structure in the epidermis. THe matrix proteins stop working, so that keratinocytes are removed.
The P6 method can be applied in different ways and for different projects. Step 4 ‘ project execution’ of the P6 method consists of three steps. list the three steps that fit under step 4 of the P6 method when applied to a study.
- designing the research
- collecting data
- analysing data
A BMC describes how an organization creates value. You conduct research for a skin therapeutic practice. Before you start this research, you want to map out the practice, so that you can understand the company. For this, you use the Business Model Canvas. Describe what you could put under Key Resources and Revenue streams for a skin therapy practice.
Key resources
- products (peelings, bandage supplies, skincare products)
- equipment (laser, microdermabrasion, micro needling)
- digital file management/ appointment system
- treatment room
- staff
- courses/training
- products sales via the website
- product sales in practice
- treatments
When you write a literature review it is important that you tell a story. You tell which articles you have found, what they contain and how it compares with other articles. Explain why this is important.
Otherwise you will only get a summery of information, it should be debatable.
What is a Meta-analysis and why is it used for research?
A Meta-analysis is seen as a good start. It combines findings from previous studies. In the conclusion or summary, a consensus is given of all these studies and that provides a lot of information.
A company asks an advisor to conduct research on a certain technology to use in a dermal clinic. In order to answer the main question, the advisor has a certain responsibility. Use the word objectivity in your answer to explain the responsibility of the advisor.
Objectief blijven is een verantwoordelijkheid van de adviseur. Er mag nagemlijk geen ‘ bias’ of favoritisme voor een bepaald product of bepaalde technologie meegenomen worden bij de uiteindelijke beantwoording van de hoofdvraag.
The first GBD 1190 study introduced a new measure - Disabled-Adjested Life Year (DALY) - as a single measure to quantify the burden of disease, injury and risk factors. What is DALY based on?
The DALY is based on years of life lost through premature death and years of life lived less than full health.
The murder of Georgy Floyd, an African American, took place May 25, 2020, after a police officer sat with his knee in his neck for more than 8 minutes. This news has spread worldwide and Floyd is still remembered every day.
How can you link this incident to Global Health?
Global Health stands for, among other things, seeing the world as one community and human rights regardless of orientation, race, etc. Floyd is disadvantaged because of his race/skin color. This goes against the principles of Global Health.
Every person is entitled to 3 primary necessities: integrated primary health care, health promotion & wellness and health care education. Name the health care systems where this is financially well arranged, when there is a need for this care and explain how these health care systems can be partly connected with each other.
- The Bismarck model works through private insurance companies.
-The Beveridge model works with government funding for health care through taxation.
- The National Health Insurance model works through private providers, but payment comes from a government-run insurance program that citizens pay for. This makes this model somewhat like the Bismarck and Beveridge model.
Of the 56.9 million deaths worldwide in 2016, more than half (54%) were due to the top 10 causes of death (WHO, 2018. Name two top 10 causes of death in low-income countries and two in high-income countries.
High-income countries: Ischaemic heart disease, stroke
Low-income countries: Road injuries, diarrhoeal diseases
A skin therapist from Australia will visit you in the skin therapy practice. She tells you that she is the best skin therapist in Australia and also has the best clinic. There are six cultural dimensions according to Hofstede. Which cultural dimension best fits the above example?
- The culture dimension masculine vs feminine fits the example best. Especially the extremely masculine is clearly present here.
- This means that people strive for perfection and want to be the best. Competition and success are also very important in this extremity.