VTL Flashcards
Emergency Operation does NOT include
return from emergency *Not authorized to violate rules of the road
Intersection definition
The area embraced within the prolongation or connection of the lateral curb lines, or, if none, then the lateral boundary lines of the roadways of two highways which join one another at, or approximately at, right angles, or the area within which vehicles traveling upon different highways joining at any other angle
Traffic is defined as
Ridden or Herded Animals (in human control)
other conveyances
Unlawful disposition of traffic ticket is a
A misdemeanor
how long for NYS resident to register vehicle?
30 days
how long to register vehicle for soldier?
45 days and 60 days to get his NY license
vehicle involved in reportable accident but driven away from scene must be
reinspected within 60 days
vehicle lights required in daytime if visibility not clear for
1000 feet
overtaking another vehicle - use lower beams within
200 feet
approach another vehicle head on - use lower beams within
500 feet
What are the exemptions for tinted windows?
label or medical exemption sticker
a tow rope or non-rigid connector cannot be longer than
16 feet
When a school bus is sold - the purchaser has how many days to repaint it to a color other than “national school bus chrome”?
15 days
motorcycle head lamps and rear red illumination distance
200 ft head lamps
50 ft illumination of license plate
rear red visible
dolly’s used to transport damaged vehicles must be secured by
chains or cables
operating with inadequate brakes is a
leaving the scene of an accident is a
traffic infraction
equipment violations on car, if summons issued, can get dismissal if fixed before
1/2 hour after sunset on next business day (saturdays, sundays, and holidays do not count) **not ok if both head lamps
Dos and DONTs
muffler cut out on private property ok
don’t carry packagethat prevents 2 hands on handlebars
handlebars no higher than shoulder height
need goggles, tail light, review view mirror - don’t need straight pipe
motorcycles needed to drive on public highway
one STOP lamp
red light visible from rear
plate illuminated 50 feet
front light 200 feet
muffler (no cut outs)
one RED REFLECTOR on rear
handelbars no more than shoulder height or 15” from saddle
helmet with chin strap or neck strap and reflector on both sides
goggles or face shield
rear view mirror
Front light of a motorcycle must have a
reflector built into it
a Disabled VEHICLE over 65’ long is towed no more than
10 miles on a highway
overweight truck can be directed up to
3 miles to next weighing station
person who hires felon as a driving school instructor commits
a motor vehicle operated for hire shall include the following:
tow truck
*Not trailer
Vehicle with defaced VIN
seize it
an impounded motor vehicle may be
sold at auction to highest bidder
repossession of vehicle needs to be notified
immediately after repossession to local PD
sale of fraudulent registration is a
METAL COIL endorsement required to
OPERATE a truck carrying metal coils
N endorsement and S endorsement
N - license to operate tank vehicles
S - school bus
H endorsement
Transport Hazardous material *not required to operate. but to transport
X endorsement
combination of H and N endorsement
H - TRANSPORT hazardous
N - OPERATE tank vehicle
T endorsement
operate double and triple trailers
W endorsement
Tow Truck
a CDL shall be revoked if licensee commits felony regarding
commercial vehicle
Mandatory Revocation
leaving scene of accident with P.I. and CONVICTION for unlawful speed contest (not just participating)
Driving with suspended/revoked license is known as
aggravated unlicensed operator
3rd - misdemeanor
2nd - misdemeanor
1st - felony
Aggravated unlicensed operator 2nd
1 - prior conviction or 3rd within 18 months
2 - first offense but license was suspended/revoked for 1192 or refusal
3 - suspension was mandatory pending 1192
4 - 3 or more suspensions on 3 separate dates
Aggravated unlicensed operator 1st
1 - driver after sus/rev for 1192, or a refusal, and is are also 1192
2 - suspension was mandatory pending 1192 and is also 1192
3 - defendant has 3 or more sus and is also 1192
4 - 10 or more sus on 10 or more dates
5 - 5 or more sus on 5 or more dates
Knowingly permitting person with “sus/rev” license to operate your vehicle - you are guilty of
3rd - basic offense
2nd - you have prior conviction of 3rd within 18 months
person has 3 or more sus
you have 2 or more convictions of 3rd within 5 years
1st - person has 10 or more sus
1st and 2nd are vehicle for hire
if someone is aggravated unlicensed operator 1st or 2nd - the vehicle can be
impounded - can be released to registered owner - who isn’t driver and has valid license and auto is insured and registered
a car should NOT be impounded if someone is driving AUO and there is
a license driver in the vehicle
A restricted license - you are NOT allowed to drive yourself to a
union meeting
police officer can arrest for leaving the scene of an accident (traffic infraction) even if it did not
occur in his presence - which have in fact been committed and he has reasonable cause to believe offense was committed by such person
police required to conduct investigation and submit a report regarding P.l. accident reported to him that took place within
5 days
patrol car can speed in a non-emergency situation in order to
calibrate speedometer
It is ok to pass a stoped vehicle on the right when the vehicle is
turning left, but don’t use the shoulder of the roadway
upon approach of authorized emergency vehicle, operator should
pull to right curb and stop
A u-turn on a grade or a curve is illegal if made within
500 feet of curve or crest
when making a turn, signal should be done at least
100 feet from turna