LE Practice Points to Remember Flashcards
Health club larceny. Several members complain about property missing from looks, you should
tell the manager to get list and description of property from the victims and forward it to headquarters
Unreliable witness should be permitted to
talk as much as he likes
Don’t express opinions during
an interrogation. May improperly influence person being questioned.
The coroner or medical examiner makes or arranges for testing of VICTIM’S blood in a
fatal motor vehicle accident
When questioning a rape victim try to first
reassure her
For FELONY where DPF or a deadly weapon is not used and perpetrator is not apprehended, entry into NYSPIN should be within
5 HOURS from time complaint is received
When using an interpreter, utilize one who
gives correct translation as well as the spirit of the interview
Records show that when there are spontaneous assaults/homicides between people drinking..who is usually drinking?
Both Victim and Perpetrator
When dealing with a rape victim, you should
help the victim cope with the ordeal - sympathize with her and calm her down so she may be able to answer all questions
When giving deaf must miranda, you should
READ his rights from a card and THEN give him card to read.
Marihuana plants have
odd number of serrated leaves
silver nitrate can be used to develop
fingerprints on paper
Paraffin Test is
NOT conclusive regarding gun powder residue
Most common fingerprint pattern is the
Entry bullet wound is usually
smaller than exit wound
SIZE of ENTRY wound depends on
Proper way for a police officer to handcuff a prisoner is
with both hands behind back, palms facing out
EXPLOSIVE TAGGANTS (20 or more) recovered after a bomb goes off can
be used to determine the date and shift during which explosive was manufactured
A “suppresion” hearing may also be called a “Huntley-Wade” hearing
“Huntley-Wade” hearing
When you must package wet blood stains, you should
dry them first