Vocabulary List 4 Flashcards
Define the following:
1 adjective, 2 verbs
adj. refined and well-educated
v. try to acquire or develop (a skill, quality, or sentiment)
v. try to win the friendship or favor of (someone)
Define the following:
1 verb
v. seize and take legal custody of (something, especially a vehicle, goods, or documents) because of an infringement of a law or regulation
Define the following:
1 noun
n. the action of engaging in dishonest and fraudulent activities
Define the following:
1 noun
n. tolerance and restraint; patient self-control
Define the following:
3 adjectives
adj. plump
adj. round or spherical
adj. (of speech or literary style) indulgent in grandiloquent expression
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. instigating rebellion against the authority of a state or monarch
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. having a pale, translucent, smooth surface or appearance like wax
Define the following:
1 adjective, 1 noun
adj. having an elongated shape, as a rectangle or an oval
n. a flat figure or object in an elongated rectangle or oval shape
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a small group of people having control of a country, organization, or institution
n. a country governed by an oligarchy
Define the following:
1 verb
v. flout, express contempt for
Define the following:
1 noun
n. deceitfulness, guile
Define the following:
1 verb
v. to give an account of a sequence of events
Define the following:
1 noun
n. the view or theory that the self is all that can be known to exist
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. sulfuric acid
n. cruel and acerbic criticism
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. malevolent
adj. (of a disease) very virulent and infectious
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. bitterly hostile
adj. (of a disease or poison) very severe or harmful in its effects
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a reduction in size, quality, or importance of something
Define the following:
1 noun, 1 verb
n. an introduction to a book, speech, or event
v. (preface something with/by) introduce or begin with or by doing something
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. of or relating to a person’s body, as opposed to their spirit
adj. having a body
Define the following:
1 adjective
n. a male singer castrated in boyhood to retain a soprano or alto voice
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a strong feeling of suitability for a particular career or occupation
n. a trade or profession
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. bring under domination or control, especially by conquest
v. (subjugate someone/something to) make someone or something a vassal
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. diverse in character or content, sundry
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a large number (a multiplicity of money)
n. a large variety (a multiplicity of dog breeds)
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. many and various (the colors on the painting was manifold)
Define the following:
1 noun
n. the fact or quality of being greater in quality, number, or importance (a forest with a preponderance of Apache pines)
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. conducive, efficacious, involving or creating favorable circumstances that increase the chance of success or effectiveness
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. be the strongest or main element; be greater in number or amount (rabbits predominate the valley)
v. have or exert control or power (the king predominated over his vassals)
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a distinctive practice, system, or philosophy, typically an ideology or an artistic movement, e.g. monotheism, solipsism, illusionism
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. in agreement or harmony, jibing (the results are congruous with his hypothesis)
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. scholarly or rarefied in taste
Define the following:
1 noun
n. food
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a person’s manner of walking
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a prevailing note or central theme, typically introduced at the beginning of a conference (keynote speech)
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. express great contrition, disappointment, or bitterness over something
v. to cry or wail about (something)
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. long and careful consideration of discussion
n. slow and careful movement or thought (he moved the fragile glass with deliberation)
Define the following:
1 noun
n. nourishment; sustenance
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a notice of death
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. relating to charity; dependent on charity
Define the following:
1 noun, 1 adjective
n. a countless or extremely great number (a myriad of computers), a multitude, a multiplicity
adj. manifold, countless or great in number
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. promulgate, make openly known
v. bestow (a quality)
Define the following:
3 verbs, 2 nouns
v. speak in a quick, precise, staccato manner
v. strike briskly; strike with a glancing blow
v. move quickly in a specified direction
n. a specified speed or rate (ran at a fast clip)
n. a quick or glancing blow
Define the following:
1 verb
v. remove from office suddenly and forcefully
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a person appropriated to carry a load
n. an employee in charge of the entrance of a apartment complex, hotel, or other large building
Define the following:
2 verbs, 2 nouns
v. work hard, toil
v. move around in confusion or agitation (the workers moiled around in the smokey haze
n. hard work, slog
n. turmoil; confusion (the moil of his bemused thoughts)
Define the following:
1 verbs
v. to listen (harken to the speech)
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. (esp. of a smell) spread through and be perceived of fully (the smell of bacon pervaded the air)
v. (of an influence, feeling, or quality) be present and apparent throughout
Define the following:
1 noun, 1 verb
n. a sound, voice, or laugh resembling the cry of a donkey or mule
v. speak or laugh loudly or harshly
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. introductory (a prefatory note before the first chapter)
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. (of a person) elderly and infirm
adj. dilapidated, derelict
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a reduction in the value of something due to wear and tear
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. best or most favorable, optimum
Define the following:
2 verbs, 1 noun
v. talk in a loud, aggressive, or indignant way with little effect
v. (of a storm, wind, or rain) blow or beat fiercely and noisily (a blustering tempest)
n. loud, aggressive talk with no effect
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. not physically or mentally strong, esp. due to illness or aging
adj. (of a person or their judgement) weak; irresolute
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a Svengali, puissant potentate, a ruler who holds absolute power and usually uses it for malevolent purposes
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. not stiff or hard, tractable
adj. flexible, bending and moving easily
Define the following:
2 adjectives
adj. enough or more than enough, plentiful
adj. used euphemistically to convey that someone is fat
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a mild or indirect word or expression used in lieu of a word with a harsher connotation when referring to something unpleasant or embarrassing
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a fit of rage or hysterics
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. in a game or plucky manner
Define the following:
2 verbs
v. ask for or try to obtain (something) from someone (he called a meeting to solicit their views)
v. ask (someone) for something (historians and critics are solicited for their opinions of the artifact’s verisimilitude)
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a gangster’s female companion
n. a prostitute
Define the following:
1 noun
n. an authoritative order; a decree
Define the following:
1 adjective
adj. of or relating to a city or town or its governing body (municipal budgets, education, elections, etc.)
Define the following:
1 noun
n. a lover of words
Define the following:
1 verb, 1 noun
v. complain persistently and in a peevish and irritating way
n. the act of complaining
Define the following:
2 nouns
n. a right or privilege exclusive to an individual or class (owning an automobile was still the prerogative of the rich)
n. a faculty or property distinguishing a person or class (it is not a female prerogative to feel insecure)
Define the following:
n. threats, violence, constraints, or other action brought to bear on someone to do something against their will or better judgement (confessions distracted under duress)
Define the following:
n. a girl with mischievous or boyish charm
Define the following:
n. worthless things; trash
Define the following:
n. a batch of goods designated for or delivered to someone (a consignment of beef)
Define the following:
v. stab, pierce, or prick
n. a bout of unrestrained emotion or activity, especially drinking, crying, or laughing (a crying jag)
Define the following:
n. an act of spending money freely or extravagantly
n. a large or excessive amount of something
Define the following:
n. a pole or beam— usually not connected— used to support or keep a structure in position
Define the following:
v. carry, wield, or convey
Define the following:
n. a sharp increase, especially in price (a hike in interest rates)
v. pull or lift up (something, especially clothing)
Define the following:
n. the remnants of a liquid in a container, together with any sediments or grounds
n. the most worthless part or parts of something
Define the following:
v. squirt or spray something at or onto (something) in quick, short bursts
Define the following:
adj. great in number
Define the following:
adj. having a posture with one hip lower than the other (always used as an adverb)