Vocabulary List 16 Flashcards
Define the following:
adj. owing thanks or having a duty to someone in return for help or a service: I don’t like to beholden to anybody
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n. a sudden, intense pang of an intense emotion: a dart of panic
v. [with obj.] cast (a look or one’s eyes) suddenly and rapidly in one direction: she darted a glance across the table
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v. cover (a metal object) with a thin coating or film of a different metal: the cylinder is nickel-plated
v. serve or arrange (food) on a plate or plates for a meal
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v. [with dir. speech] say something in a high, shrill voice: “No ma’am!” piped Lucy
n. lengths of pipes, or a network of pipes, made of metal, plastic, or other materials
n. ornamentation on food consisting of lines on icing, whipped cream, etc.
adj. (of a voice or sound) high pitched
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v. tolerate
v. allow (someone) to do something: my conscience would not suffer me to accept any more
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n. a small boat for recreation or sailing, especially an open boat with masts or sails
n. a small, inflatable rubber boat
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n. (an Adonis) an extremely handsome young man
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n. a crowd or confused mass of people or things
n. a small group of people having an informal, private conversation
n. confusion; bustle
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v. [with obj.] put (something heavy) over one’s shoulders
v. take on (a burden or responsibility)
v. [with obj.] push (someone or something) out of one’s way with one’s shoulder
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n. [usu. as modifier] a distinctive intricate pattern of curved, feather-shaped figures based on a pine-cone design from India: a paisley silk tie
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conj. with the intention of preventing (something undesirable): he spent the whole day in his room, headphones on lest he disturb someone
conj. (after a clause indicating fear) because of the possibility of something undesirable happening; in case: she sat up late worrying lest he be held up on the way home
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n. an unknown person or thing
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n. tending or aiming to exhort
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adj. characterized by or given to extreme optimism
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n. (in nontechnical use) excessive and irrational anxiety or obsession: apprehension over mounting debt has created a collective neurosis in the business world
Define the following:
v. [no obj.] extend outward beyond something else; protrude: I noticed a slip of paper projecting from the book
v. cause (light, shadow, or an image) to fall on a surface: the one light projected shadows on the wall
v. imagine (oneself, a situation, etc.) as having moved to a different place or time: people may be projecting the future into the past
v. (project something onto) transfer or attribute one’s own emotions or desire to (another person), especially unconsciously: men may sometimes project their fears onto women
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n. a lazy person who stays in bed for a long time
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adj. pertaining to the sky; celestial
n. (the empyrean) the visible heavens; the sky
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adj. extremely poor; poverty-stricken
adj. parsimonious; mean
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adj. abrupt or offhand in speech or manner
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n. a person sent on a special mission, usually as a diplomatic representative
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v. make receptive or aware: a society more attuned to consumerism than ideology
v. accustom or acclimatize: students are not attuned to making decisions
v. [no obj.] become receptive to or aware of: a consciuous effort to attune to the wider audience
v. make harmonious
Define the following:
v. express or make known: they passed a resolution importing that they relied on His Majesty’s gracious promise
n. [in sing.] the meaning or significance or something, especially when not directly stated
n. great significance; importance
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adj. exactly the same
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adv. too much
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n. the action or process of disputing or arguing
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adj. dispensing with needless details or formalities; brief
adj. (of a judicial process) conducted without the customary legal formalities: a summary arrest
adj. (of a conviction) made by a judge or magistrate without the jury
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n. the insulting of a monarch or other leader; treason
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n. a feeling of joy
n. the expression of joy
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n. the most private or secret things
n. the innermost parts or recesses of a place or thing
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adj. having or showing a submissive or excessive fondness for one’s wife
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v. to eat greedily or ravenously
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n. an obsessive or uncontrollable urge to buy things
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n. the process of stretching oneself
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n. a person who caches or hoards books
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v. (winkle something out) obtain or extract something with great difficulty
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n. the state of being close to something or someone; proximity
n. affinity of nature; similarity
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adj. striking as if with lightning; sudden and overwhelming in effect; stunning
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n. the transposition of the beginning sounds of two words, such as instead of crushing blow, being blushing crow
Define the following:
v. to buzz, humm, or drone: Like his co-workers he had been somewhat stampeded by Dorn’s imitative faculties, faculties which enabled the former journalist to bombinate twice as loud in a void three times as great as any of his colleagues
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n. a person who compiles dictionaries
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adj. evanescent
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n. two weeks
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adj. of or belonging to the time of the time before the biblical Flood
adj. ridiculously old fashioned
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adj. relating to or occuring in the morning; early
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adj. of or proceeding from the earth or soil
adj. of or relating to the earth; terrestrial
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n. a person who is timid or submissive
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adj. conducive to happiness
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n. a connoisseur of wines
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n. a gourmet
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adj. aiming or aimed at peace
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n. a concise saying or maxim; an aphorism
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n. a thing presented or offered to God or a god
Define the following:
v. (usu. be shunted) push or shove (someone or something)
v. direct or divert (someone or something) to a less important place or position: amateurs were gradually shunted into filing jobs
n. an act of pushing or shoving something
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v. manipulate (someone) by psychological means into questioning their own sanity
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adj. used after a number to indicate the size of a group: a hostile crowd several thousand strong
adj. (of something seen or heard) not soft or muted
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n. a stock of skills or types of behavior that a person habitually uses
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n. written in normal handwriting as opposed to shorthand (typing or printing)
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n. a person who is anxiously cautious about their health
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adj. outstandingly bad; shocking
adj. remarkably good
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n. brilliant display or effect
n. social distinction or conspicuous success
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n. a poem or piece of music appropriate to the dawn or early morning
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adj. unqualified; absolute: crusaders were offered a plenary indulgence by the pope
adj. (of a meeting) to be attended by all participants at a conference or assembly, who otherwise meet in smaller groups
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adj. not complete or absolute; limited: a qualified success
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adj. respected and impressive
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v. make (something extreme or undesirable) less severe or extreme: his sincere piety and his large heart always qualify his errors
v. alter the strength or taste of (something, especially a liquid): he qualified his mug of water with a plentiful infusion of liquor
v. (qualify something as) attribute a specified quality to something; describe something as: the propositions have been qualified as heretical
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n. light and slightly contemptuous mockery or banter
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n. the highest point in the development of something; culmination or climax
n. the elevation of someone to a higher status; deification
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n. a fixed amount of money paid to someone each year, typically for the rest of their life: he left her an annuity of $1,000 in his will
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adj. related to or characterized by reversion to something ancient or ancestral: atavistic fears and instincts
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adj. (of light or fire) glowing, gleaming, or flickering with a soft radiance
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adj. feeling resentment at having been treated unfairly
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adj. (of a place or setting) having or creating a friendly and informal atmosphere
adj. (of knowledge) detailed; thorough; his intimate knowledge of the software
n. a close friend
v. imply or hint: he already intimated that he might not be able to continue
v. state or make known: he had already intimated his retirement
Define the following:
v. cheerful friendliness; geniality
Define the following:
Pas de deux
n. a dance for two people, typically a man and a woman
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adj. (of a person) affected, overrefined, and ineffectual
adj. no longer effective or capable of action
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n. a place where money is coined
n. (a mint) a vast sum of money
adj. (of an object) in perfect condition, as new: a pair of speakers including stands, mint, $160
v. produce for the first time: an example of newly-minted technology
Define the following:
n. a vagrant
n. the sound of heavy footsteps, typically by several people
n. [in sing.] a long walk
n. a promiscuous woman
n. a metal plate protecting the sole of a boot
n. the top of the blade of a spade
v. walk heavily or noisily
v. walk through a place tiredly or reluctantly over a long distance
v. [with obj.] tread or stamp on
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v. [with obj.] transform into something more beautiful or elevated
Define the following:
High tide
n. the highest point of something: the high tide of nationalism