Vocab Units 41-45 Flashcards
colleague, peer
Common Usages:
동료애 = feelings you have towards your peers (“a camaraderie”)
회사동료 = colleague at work
직장동료 = colleague at work
PLAY동료가 그 일을 저에게 설명해 줬어요 = A colleague explained that work to me
그 회사원이 승진을 해서 동료들한테 인기를 얻었어요
= That worker was promoted and gained popularity with his coworkers
저는 오늘 직장동료들과 회식이 있어서 집에 늦게 들어갔어요
= I went home late today because I had a staff dinner with colleagues from work
우리는 사거리에서 왼쪽으로 돌았어요 = We turned left at the intersection
이 사거리를 지나면 고속도로가 시작돼요 = If you go past this intersection, the highway starts
전철역 앞 사거리에 있는 스타벅스에 항상 사람이 많아요 = At the Starbucks on the intersection in front of the subway station there are always a lot of people
day care
Notes: When children in Korea turn four years old, they usually attend an “어린이집” for one to three years. Sometime before they turn eight years old, they will start to attend a “유치원.” When they turn eight years old, they start attending elementary school. At an 어린이집, they will do some educational activities, but it is more of a day care center. A 유치원 is more focused on education.
Common Usages:
어린이집을 다니다 = to attend a day care
어린이집에 보내다 = to send somebody to a day care
어린이집 선생님 = a person (or teacher) who works at a day care
PLAY선생님은 밤에 우리를 위해 어린이집을 잠깐 열어 줬어요
= The teacher opened the daycare for us at night for a little bit (for us/me)
보통 유치원에 가기 전에 아이들은 어린이집에 가요
= Usually kids go to day care before they go to kindergarten
점점 더 일하는 여성들이 많아지면서 어린이집 수요는 늘고 있어요
= Gradually as there are more females who are working, the demand for day cares is increasing
Notes: When children in Korea turn four years old, they usually attend an “어린이집” for one to three years. Sometime before they turn eight years old, they will start to attend a “유치원.” When they turn eight years old, they start attending elementary school. At an 어린이집, they will do some educational activities, but it is more of a care center. A 유치원 is more focused on education.
In Canada, kindergarten is usually connected with elementary schools. In Korea, kindergartens are usually businesses with no affiliation to an elementary school.
Common Usages: 유치원생 = a kindergarten student 유치원 선생님 = kindergarten teacher 유치원 반 = a kindergarten class (a group of kids) 유치원을/에 다니다 = to attend a day care
PLAY우리 아이를 이 유치원에 받아 주세요 = Please accept our child into this kindergarten
저는 5살부터 유치원을 다니기 시작했어요 = I started attending kindergarten from 5 years of age
아이들은 유치원에서 사회에서 필요한 사회능력을 배우기 시작해요 = Kids start learning social skills that they need in society in kindergarten
Notes: Just like in English “뿌리” can refer to the roots of a plant, or also one’s background
Common Usages:
나무뿌리 = root of a tree
뿌리염색 = dying the roots of one’s hair
PLAY자기의 뿌리를 잊지 말아 주세요 = Please don’t forget your roots
나무뿌리가 썩지 않게 물을 너무 많이 주면 안돼요
= You shouldn’t give too much water so that the root of the tree doesn’t rot
염색을 밝은 색으로 하면 주기적으로 뿌리염색을 해야 해서 귀찮아요
= It is annoying when you dye your hair a bright color because you need to dye your roots periodically
Common Usages: 해외무역 = international trade 무역센터 = trade center 무역협정을 맺다 = to enter into a trade agreement 무역회사 = trade company
PLAY해외무역건물이 어디 있는지 보여주세요 = Please show me where the international trade building is
무역회사에서 일하고 싶으면 기본적으로 영어를 할 줄 알아야 해요 = If you want to work at a trade company, you need to know how to speak basic English (at a basic level)
Common Usages: 턱받이 = bib 턱걸이 = chin-up 주걱턱 = a big chin 턱이 길다 = to have a long chin
남자가 생각하면서 턱을 긁었어요 = The man scratched his chin while he thought
너무 딱딱한 음식을 많이 먹으면 턱에 무리가 가서 좋지 않아요 = If you eat a lot of hard food, it puts too much stress on your chin so it is not good
left foot
이번에는 우리가 공을 왼발로 차 볼 거예요 = This time, we will try to kick the ball with our left feet
몇몇 사람들은 왼발이 오른발보다 크기가 커요 = Some people’s left foot is larger than their right foot
left hand
Common Usages:
왼손잡이 = a left handed person
PLAY왼손만 주세요 = Give me only your left hand
대부분 사람들은 왼손으로 글을 못 써요 = Most people can’t write with their left hand
왼손잡이이면 가끔 일상생활을 할 때 불편할 때가 있어요
= If you are left handed, sometimes things in daily life are uncomfortable
왼손 오른손 골고루 사용하는 것이 뇌 발달에 좋아요
= It is good for the development of one’s brain to use one’s right and left hand equally/evenly
right foot
PLAY이 양말을 오른발에 신겨 주세요 = Please put this sock on my right foot
저는 특히 오른발이 왼발보다 커서 신발을 살 때 불편해요
= My right foot is particularly larger than my left foot, so it is hard for me to buy shoes
right hand
Common Usages:
오른손잡이 = a right handed person
저는 오른손 잡이여서 오른손을 훨씬 더 많이 사용해요
= I’m right-handed, so I use my right hand much more
PLAY정답을 모르는 사람은 오른손을 올려 주세요
= The people who don’t know the answer, please raise your right hand
왼손 오른손 골고루 사용하는 것이 뇌 발달에 좋아요
= It is good for the development of one’s brain to use one’s right and left hand equally/evenly
엄마가 나의 볼을 손바닥으로 때렸어요 = My mom slapped me on my cheek with the palm of her hand
PLAY엄마가 과자를 내 손바닥에 놓아 주었어 = Mom put some candy into my hands (on my palms) for me
손바닥에 있는 손금에 따라 미래를 예측하는 사람이 있어요
= There are people who can predict your future based on the lines on your palm
박수를 많이 치면 손바닥에 자극을 줘서 건강에 좋아요
= Clapping a lot gives your palms stimulation so it is good for one’s health
Notes: The word “목소리” typically refers to one’s actual voice, as in the sound that comes out of one’s mouth. “음성” is typically placed before a noun to indicate that the noun is related to “voices.” For example, a voice recognition system in Korea would be called “음성인식시스템” but probably not a “목소리인식시스템”
Common Usages:
음성메시지 = voice message
음성녹음 = voice recording
PLAY음성 메시지를 남겨 주세요 = Please leave me a voice message
요즘에 거의 모든 핸드폰에 음성 녹음 기능이 있어요
= These days almost all cell phones have a voice recording function
핸드폰에 전화를 해서 상대방이 전화를 받지 않으면 음성 메시지로 넘어가요
= If you call somebody and they don’t answer, it goes to voice message
Common Usages:
이마가 넓다 = to have a big (wide) forehead
이마가 좁다 = to have a small (narrow) forehead
PLAY이마가 좀 아파요 = My forehead is a little bit sore
PLAY이것을 이마에 붙여 주세요 = Please stick this on my forehead
저는 이마가 넓어서 꼭 앞머리가 있어야 해요 = I have a big forehead, so I need to have bangs
이마의 모양에 따라 사람마다 어울리는 헤어스타일이 달라요 = Depending on the shape of one’s forehead, the hairstyle that suits a person is different
제가 빨리 걸어서 발가락을 부딪혔어요 = Because I was walking fast I stubbed my toe
사람마다 제일 긴 발가락이 달라요 = The longest toe is different for everybody
Common Usages:
발목을 찌다 = to sprain one’s ankle
발목이 얇다 = to have thin ankles
PLAY발목이 아파서 잠깐 봐 주세요 = My ankle is sore, so please look at it for a second
발목이 얇을수록 신발을 살 때 선택의 폭이 넓어져요
= The thinner your ankles are, the more types/wider range of shoes you can choose from
운동을 하다 발목을 다치는 사람이 많기 때문에 꼭 조심해야 해요
= Be sure to be careful because there are many people who hurt their ankles while exercising
PLAY제 엉덩이를 만지지 말아 주세요 = Please don’t touch my bum
장거리 운전을 하면 엉덩이가 아파요 = When/if you drive long distances, your bum will be sore
요즘에는 예쁜 엉덩이 라인을 만들기 위해 스쿼트 운동이 유행하고 있어요 = These days, in order to make a good butt-line, doing squats is getting popular
Common Usages:
신체비율 = body ratio
건강한 신체 건강한 정신 = strong body strong mind
신체검사 = body check up
각 나라마다 사람들의 평균 신체비율이 달라요 = Each country has a different average body ratio
한국에서는 남자들이 군대에 가기 전에 꼭 신체검사를 받아야 해요 = In Korea, before men go to the army, they need to get a physical (check up)
Notes: Korean prisons serve rice with beans a lot so people often say “콩밥을 먹다” to indicate that a person is in prison.
Common Usages:
감옥살이 = prison life
PLAY볼에 이 로션을 발라 주세요 = Please put this lotion on my cheeks
엄마가 나의 볼를 손바닥으로 때렸어요 = My mom slapped me on my cheek with the palm of her hand
슬기의 볼이 통통하고 귀여워서 매일 뽀뽀해주고 싶어요
= Seulgi’s cheeks are very chubby and cute, so I want kiss them everyday
프랑스에서는 인사를 할 때 상대방의 볼에 얼굴을 대고 인사해요
= In France when you greet a person, you put your face to the other person’s cheek
in the right place
Common Usages:
제자리걸음 = to be walking but standing still (also refers to something that “isn’t going anywhere”)
PLAY책을 읽은 후에 제자리에 둬야 해요 = After reading the book, you have to put it back in the right place
저의 영어 실력은 아무리 열심히 해도 제자리걸음이라 너무 실망스러워요
= No matter how hard I try, my English ability is at a standstill (I’m spinning my wheels with English) so I’m really disappointed
to deal with people
Common Usages:
상대방 = the other party/person/adversary
상대방을 앞지르다 = to pass/go ahead of an opponent
PLAY경찰관은 밖에 있는 미친 사람과 상대해 줬어요
= The policeman dealt with the crazy person outside (for me)
PLAY제가 외국 사람이라서 이 회사에서 저를 상대해 주고 싶은 사람이 없어요
= Nobody wants to deal with me at this company because I’m a foreigner
서비스직은 사람들을 상대해야 하기 때문에 생각보다 힘들어요
= Because it is necessary to deal with people in the service industry, it is more difficult (than perceived)
far, far away
This is the adverb form of the adjective 멀다.
Notes: Particles aren’t usually added to adverbs. However, ~에서 is often added to 멀리 to express that something comes from (or is done) “far away.” 멀리에서 is sometimes shortened to “멀리서”.”
할머니가 오늘 멀리에서 오셨어요 = Grandma came from far away today 멀리서 그가 수업이 끝나고 걸어 오는 것이 보였다 = I saw him from far away finish class and come walking
직장에서 더 멀리 이사하게 되었어요 = I ended up moving farther away from work
저는 멀리 살고 있기 때문에 집까지 걸어가기 힘들어요 = It is difficult to walk home because I live far
서울에서 멀리 살수록 집값이 더 저렴해져요 = The farther you live from Seoul, the more affordable housing prices become
the first time in history something is done or occurs
저의 와이프가 그 식품을 한국에 최초로 수입했어요
= My wife was the first person to import that (food) product to Korea
달에 최초로 착륙하는 사람은 Neil Armstrong이었어요
= The first person to land on the moon was Neil Armstrong
최초로 하늘을 나는 비행기구를 만든 사람들은 라이트형제예요
= The first people that made an airplane that flies in the sky were the Wright Brothers
beginning of a time period
Notes: 초 is placed after an indication of time to indicate that something occurs at the “beginning” of the indicated time period.
Common Usages:
1월 초 = at the beginning of January
2월 초 = at the beginning of February
학기 초 = at the beginning of a semester
PLAY내년 초에 오빠가 돈을 보내 줄 거예요 = My brother will send the money early next year
이달 초에 친구들과 모임이 많을 거여서 매우 바쁠 것 같아요 = I will probably be very busy at the beginning of this month because I have a lot of meetings with friends
end of a time period
Notes: 말 is placed after an indication of time to indicate that something occurs at the “end” of the indicated time period.
Common Usages: 1월 말 = at the end of January 2월 말 = at the end of February 학기 말 = at the end of a semester 기말고사 = final exam
Examples: PLAY6월 말에 돈을 주세요 = Give me the money at the end of June
매년 말에 한 해를 마무리하는 행사가 많아요 = There are a lot of events that close out the year at the end of every year
put with negative sentences to stress
저는 결코 그 사람을 한 번도 사랑한 적이 없어요
= I have really never loved that person (not even once)
사람들이 제가 거짓말을 했다고 생각하지만 저는 결코 거짓말을 하지 않았어요
= Many people think that I lied, but I (really) never lied
PLAY이 레인에서 운전할 때 앞에 있는 차를 앞지르지 마세요
= When you are driving in this lane, don’t pass the car in front of you
1번 레인에서 출발하는 수영선수가 현재 신기록을 가지고 있는 선수예요
= The swimmer departing from lane number one is the swimmer who holds the current record
Common Usages:
뼈마디 = joint
머리뼈 = skull
꼬리뼈 = tailbone
PLAY뼈가 아플 때 고통을 버티려고 이 약을 먹어요
= When your bones are sore, in order to endure the pain, take this medicine
뼈가 건강하기 위해서는 많은 칼슘을 꾸준히 섭취해야 해요
= In order to have healthy bones it is necessary to have a steady calcium intake
나이가 많을수록 넘어질 경우 뼈가 부러질 가능성이 커요
= As you get older, the possibility of falling and breaking a bone is high
PLAY뼈마디가 아플 때 이 약을 드세요 = When your joints hurt, take this medicine
뼈마디를 이어주는 역할을 하는 것이 인대예요
= The things that have the role of connecting joints are ligaments
슬기는 뼈마디가 얇아서 실제 몸무게보다 날씬해 보여요
= Seulgi has thin joints (is small boned) so she looks thinner than her actual body weight
Common Usages:
도매가격 = wholesale price
도매상 = a wholesaler
이 시장에 가면 모든 제품을 도매가격으로 구입할 수 있어요
= If you go to this market, you can buy all products at wholesale prices
PLAY이 제품을 소매로 팔았을 때 돈을 많이 못 벌어서 지금부터 도매로 팔 거예요
= When I sold this product through retail, I didn’t make any money so from now on I’m going to sell it through wholesale
Common Usages:
소매가격 = retail price
소매상 = retailer
대부분의 소비자가 제품을 구입할 때 내는 가격이 소매가격이에요
= The price that most consumers pay when purchasing products is the retail price
Common Usages:
팬사인회 = an event to give fans one’s autograph
사인을 받다 = to get an autograph
여기에 사인을 안 해도 돼요 = You don’t need to sign here
여기 아래에 사인해 주세요 = Please sign below, here
PLAY그 연예인의 사인을 받았을 때 너무 설레었어요 = When I got that celebrity’s signature, I was really excited
오늘 저스틴 비버 팬사인회에서 사인을 받기 위해 한 시간을 기다렸어요 = I waited for an hour to get Justin Bieber’s signature at the fan signing meeting (autograph session) today
Common Usages:
세뇌 = brainwashing
PLAY오랫동안 공부할 때 뇌가 아파요 = When I study for a long time, my brain hurts
PLAY의사가 뇌에 대한 수업을 가르치셨을 때 아주 깊이 설명하셨어요 = When the doctor taught a class about the brain, he explained it very deeply
왼손 오른손 골고루 사용하는 것이 뇌 발달에 좋아요
= It is good for the development of one’s brain to use one’s right and left hand equally/evenly
저희 어머니는 호두가 뇌 발달에 좋다고 매일 먹으라고 하셨어요
= My mother says walnuts are good for brain development and to eat them every day
inside a house
Common Usages:
집안일 = house chores
집안 배경 = “family background” (usually refers to the money in a family)
집안 환경 = home environment
PLAY저는 방학 때 집안에서 공부를 할 거예요 = I’m going to study in my house during vacation
저는 주로 책을 참고해서 집안을 꾸미는 것을 좋아해요
= I usually/mostly like to decorate my house by looking at/referring to books
요즘에는 남녀 모두가 공평하게 집안일을 나눠서 해요
= These days house chores are divided evenly between men and women
Common Usages:
배경음악 = background music
집안 배경 = “family background” (usually refers to the money in a family)
PLAY그 그림을 볼 때 배경이 무슨 의미가 있는지 생각해 보세요
= When you look at the painting, try to think about what meaning the background has
사랑 없이 집안 배경을 보고 결혼할 경우 미래에 이혼할 가능성이 높아요
= If you only look at one’s “family background” (the money that somebody has) and don’t have any love, the possibility of divorce in the future is high
lottery ticket
Common Usages:
복권을 긁다 = to scratch a lottery ticket
복권에 당첨되다 = to win the lottery
저는 복권에 당첨되면 바로 세계여행을 떠날 거예요
= If I won the lottery I would travel the world right away
보통 돼지꿈을 꾸면 한국에서는 복권을 사요
= If you dream about pigs, you usually buy a lottery ticket in Korea (This is actually true. In Korea, there are these things called “해몽” and depending on what you dream about, it signals that something is going to happen. Specifically, if you dream about pigs, it signals that you will have good luck)
Common Usages:
시간표를 짜다 = to set/make a timetable
bug, insect
Common Usages:
곤충채집 = an insect collection
PLAY제가 어렸을 때 곤충을 먹었어요 = When I was young I used to eat bugs
PLAY사람들이 곤충을 죽일 때 아무 느낌도 없어요 = People don’t feel anything when they kill insects
to endure, bear
PLAY뼈가 아플 때 고통을 버티려고 이 약을 먹어요
= When your bones are sore, in order to endure the pain, take this medicine
하지만 내가 하고 싶은 일을 시작해서 하루하루 잘 버티고 있다
= But, because am starting work that I want to do, every day (day by day) I am enduring it well.
신입사원으로 입사해서 힘들었지만 잘 버텨서 어제 승진했어요
= I entered the company as a new worker (rookie) so it was very difficult, but I endured it well and was promoted
to endure, bear
실연의 아픔이 커도 견디다 보면 언젠가는 그 사람도 잊혀질 거예요
= Even if the pain of a broken heart is big, if you endure it for a while, someday that person too will be forgotten
to cheer on, to root for
Common Usages:
응원석 = a “cheering” seat (at Korean sporting events, there is usually a designated area of seats that will have fans who will cheer a lot during the game)
PLAY저는 그 팀을 어렸을 때부터 응원했어요 = I’ve been cheering for that team since I was young
이번에 제가 응원하는 팀이 슈퍼볼에서 승리했으면 좋겠어요
= It would be nice if the team I cheer for won the Super Bowl this time
우리 가족은 내가 힘들 때마다 나와 함께 있어주고 내가 무슨 일을 해도 항상 응원해주는 든든한 지원군이다 = Whenever things are difficult, my family is always with me, and anything I do, they are always encouraging (cheering) strong supporters
to gaze, to look
너의 눈을 응시할 때 가슴이 설레어 = When I gaze into your eyes, my heart flutters
컴퓨터를 오래 사용해 눈이 피곤하면 먼 곳을 20초 동안 응시하면 좋아요
= If your eyes are tired from using a computer for a long time, it is good if you look at a far place for 20 seconds
to guess
Common Usages:
제가 짐작했던 대로 / 제가 짐작한 대로 = As I guessed
지레짐작하다 = to guess something too fast (to guess before something even happens)
PLAY그 사람이 말을 했을 때 그 사람이 경찰관인 것을 짐작했어요
= When that person talked, I guessed he is/was a police officer
이웃주민들은 그 남자의 이상한 행동을 보고 범인으로 짐작했다
= The neighborhood residents saw that man do some weird actions and guessed he was a criminal
to wash one’s hair
Common Usages:
머리를 감다 = to wash one’s hair
PLAY머리를 감을 때 비누로 해요 = When I wash my hair, I do it with soap
저는 머리가 길어서 머리 감는 데 남들보다 오래 걸려요 = I have long hair, so it takes longer than other people to wash my hair
to be polite
예의가 바르다
PLAY대통령을 만날 때 저는 아주 예의가 바를 거예요 = When I meet the president I will be very polite
이 청년은 예의가 발라서 어른들에게 인기가 많아요
= This young man is very polite, so he is popular amongst older people
어렸을 때 우리 엄마가 항상 낯선 사람들한테 예의가 바르게 행동하라고 했어요
= When I was young, my mother always told me to act politely to people you don’t know
to be shallow
The pronunciation of this word is closer to “얃따”
Common Usages:
수심이 얕다 = for the depth (usually of a pool) to be shallow
지식이 얕다 = to have “shallow” knowledge (to know a lot of things, but to not know them deeply)
PLAY키가 클 때까지 얕은 수영장에서만 수영할 거예요
= I’m only going to swim in shallow swimming pools until I am taller
이 수영장이 다른 곳보다 수심이 얕아서 어린아이들이 놀기에 좋아요
= This pool is shallower than other places so it is good for children to play here
PLAY의사가 뇌에 대한 수업을 가르치셨을 때 아주 깊이 설명하셨어요
= When the doctor taught a class about the brain, he explained it very deeply
타임캡슐을 땅에 묻기 위해서는 땅을 깊이 파야 해요
= In order to bury the time capsule in the ground, we have to dig deep (in the ground)
그 문제를 해결하기 위해 깊이 생각해봤지만 해답을 찾지 못했어요
= In order to solve that problem, we thought deeply but couldn’t find a solution/answer