Vocab Units 11-15 Flashcards
Common Usages: 기회를 놓치다 = to miss an opportunity 기회를 잡다 = to seize an opportunity 기회를 기다리다 = to wait for an opportunity 기회를 얻다 = to gain/get an opportunity 기회를 노리다 = to aim for an opportunity
이것은 저의 마지막 기회예요 = This is my last chance
저는 의견을 말할 기회가 아직 없어요 = I still haven’t had a chance to say my opinion
그는 직업을 바꿀 수 있는 기회를 잡았어요 = He seized the opportunity to change jobs
Common Usages:
~ㄹ/을 계획이 있다 = to have plans to do (Introduced in Lesson 50)
저는 내일 계획이 있어요 = I have plans tomorrow
서울에 갈 계획이 있어요 = I have plans to go to Seoul
제가 친구를 만날 계획이 있었지만 친구는 안 왔어요 = I had plans to meet my friend, but he didn’t come
우리가 지난 번에 계획이 없었어요 = We didn’t have plans last time
저는 5일 동안 계획이 없을 거예요 = I won’t have plans for 5 days
PLAY저는 그 날에 계획이 있어요 = I have plans on that day
원래 대학교에 갈 계획이 있었지만 수능을 잘 못 봐서 대학교에 갈 수 없었어요 = I had plans to go to university, but I couldn’t get in because I did poorly on the SAT test
a driver
Common Usages:
택시 운전사 = taxi driver
버스 운전사 = bus driver
트럭 운전사 = truck driver
Notes: This is not the same “사” in 요리사.
“기사님” is common when talking to bus and taxi drivers
버스운전사는 승객들을 버스에 서울역에서 태웠어요 = The bus driver took on riders at Seoul Station
to drive
Common Usages: 운전사 = driver 음주 운전 = drunk driving 운전면허 = driver’s license 국제운전면허 = International driver’s license 운전을 못하다 = to be bad at driving
트럭을 운전할 수 있어요? = Can you drive a truck?
저는 8시간 동안 운전했어요 = I drove for eight hours
저는 차를 안전히/안전하게 운전했어요 = I drove the car safely
우리 아버지는 차를 항상 안전하게 운전해요= Our dad always drives his car safely
그 고속도로에서 트럭을 운전해서는 안 돼요 = You must not drive a truck on that highway
to be scared
Notes: 무섭다 and 두렵다 both translate to “scary.” 무섭다 is more typically used to describe the feeling of being scared, usually as it applies to something shocking or something outright scary like snakes or spiders. 두렵다 is more about psychological things in the future, like the fear of death or the fear of tomorrow.
두렵다 and 무섭다 typically describe that something is scary, but it can be used to indicate that you are scared of that thing by using the Subject – Object – Adjective form introduced in Lesson 15.
그녀를 잃는 것이 두려워요 = I am afraid of losing her
저는 모르는 것이 두려워요 = I am afraid of things that I don’t know (the unknown)
저는 죽는 것이 두려워요 = I am afraid of dying
last year
작년에 어디서 공부했어요? = Where did you study last year?
저는 작년에 살이 많이 쪘어요 = I gained a lot of weight last year
그는 작년보다 한국어를 훨씬 잘해요 = He is much better at Korean than last year
작년에 우리 회사의 수입은 200만원이었어요 = Our company’s income last year was 200만 won
제가 작년에 가르친 학생 한 명은 벌써 의사가 되었어요 = One of the students I taught last year has already become a doctor
this year
우리는 올해 결혼하고 싶어요 = We want to get married this year
in my whole life
평생 (동안)
Common Usages:
평생 동안 = throughout my whole life
평생 동반자 = lifelong companion
저는 평생 동안 하키를 했어요 = I played hockey my whole life
저는 평생 동안 오렌지를 세 번밖에 안 먹어 봤어요
= I have only eaten oranges three times in my life
저는 평생 동안 담배를 한 모금도 안 피웠어요
= In my whole life, I haven’t even had one puff/drag of a cigarette
그 사람이 부잣집에 태어나서 평생 동안 돈을 쓰는 것에 대해 한번도 걱정 안 했어요
= That person was born into a rich family, so during his whole life he never had to worry about spending money
store assistant
Common Usages:
점원 모집 = Clerk Wanted (you might see this on a sign outside a store looking for applicants)
저는 점원한테 질문을 물어봤어요 = I asked the clerk a question
이 가게는 점원 한 명만 있어요 = This store only has one person working here
Common Usages:
주연배우 = leading actor/actress
조연배우 = supporting actor/actress
배우상 = acting award
배우들은 돈을 많이 벌어요 = Actors earn a lot of money
배우들은 그들의 영화를 보통 좋아하지 않아 = Actors usually don’t like their movies
Common Usages:
삶의 의미 = the meaning of life
의미가 있는 = meaningful
의미가 없는 = meaningless
그 이야기의 의미는 뭐예요? = What is the meaning of that story?
돈이 많이 있어도 존경을 받지 않으면 의미가 없어요 = Regardless of if you have a lot of money, if you don’t get respect, it is meaningless
그 사람의 상황은 나빠요 = That person’s situation is not good
저는 그 상황을 처음부터 끝까지 몰랐어요 = I didn’t know that situation from start to finish
Common Usages: 기름 값 = the price of oil 동물성 기름 = animal fats 식물성 기름 = vegetable oil 기름이 많다 = to be a lot of oil
고기에 기름이 많아요 = There is a lot of grease in meat
기름 값은 비싸졌어요 = The price of oil got expensive
Common Usages:
대학생활 = one’s university life
기숙사 생활 = dormitory life
Example: 한국에서는 저의 생활이 좋아요 = My life in Korea is good
to whisper
저는 그녀의 귀에 속삭였어요 = I whispered into her ear
to review, to re-study
Common Usages:
복습수업 = review class
저는 그것을 처음부터 끝까지 복습했어요 = I reviewed that from start to finish
시험을 보기 전 날에 내용을 복습해야 돼요 = I need to review the content on the day before the exam
to change
Common Usages:
자리를 바꾸다 = to change places/seats
우리는 계획을 바꿔야 돼요 = We have to change our plans
저는 내일의 예정을 바꿨어요 = I changed tomorrow’s schedule
비가 온 다음 날에 하늘은 보라색으로 바꿨어요 = The sky turned purple the day after the rain
새로운 핸드폰을 사고 전화번호를 바꿨어요 = After buying a new phone, I changed my phone number
그 식당은 메뉴를 바꿨어요 = That restaurant changed its menu
to study abroad
저는 캐나다에서 유학했어요 = I studied abroad in Canada
영어를 할 수 없으면 유학을 갈 수 없어요 = If you can’t speak English, you can’t study abroad
to fall
Common Usages:
넘어질 뻔하다 = to almost fall
길이 미끄러워서 저는 넘어졌어요 = I fell over because the road is slippery
네가 넘어질 것처럼 보였어 = It looked like you were going to fall
늙은 아주머니는 넘어졌어요 = The old lady fell over
만약 엄마의 손을 안 잡았더라면 넘어졌을 거예요 = If I didn’t grab mom’s hand, I would have fallen
to read a book
Common Usages:
독서실 = reading room
Notes: This word less common and more difficult than “읽다.” When using 독서하다, within the meaning of the verb is that one is reading a book. You don’t need to include the object “책” if using this verb. It is common in its noun form “독서” to refer to the noun of reading a book.
심심할 때 독서를 하는 것이 좋아요 = When bored, reading books is good
내일 공부하러 독서실에 갈래요? = Shall we go to the reading room tomorrow to study?
to depart
Common Usages: 출발 시간 = the time of departure 출발역 = the first (departing) station 출발점 = the point of departure 출발지 = the point of departure (usually used when filling out a customs form upon arrival in a new country)
우리는 언제 출발할 거예요? = When are we going to leave/depart?
비행기가 아직 출발할 준비가 안 됐습니까? = Is the plane not yet ready to depart?
저는 인천공항에서 출발했어요 = I departed from Incheon airport
PLAY다음 버스는 저 정류장에서 출발할 거예요 = The next bus will depart from that station
우리는 집에서 출발할 거예요 = We will depart from home
비행기가 9시에 출발할 예정이지만 눈이 많이 와서 못 출발할 것 같아요 = The plane is scheduled to depart at 9:00, but it probably won’t because it is snowing a lot
to get off, to go down, to come down
Common Usages: 버스에서 내리다 = to get off the bus 전철에서 내리다 = to get off the subway 내려오다 = to come down 내려가다 = to go down
저는 다음 정류장에서 내릴 거예요 = I’m going to get off at the next stop
PLAY저는 서울역에서 내릴 거예요 = I will get off at Seoul station
문이 완전히 열릴 때까지 버스에서 내리거나 문에 기대지 마세요 = Until the door is fully/completely open, don’t get off the bus or lean on the door
to cover one’s head
Common Usages:
모자를 쓰다 = to wear a hat
Notes: The word 씌우다 is used when covering somebody’s head with something. The most common case this would come up is when holding an umbrella for somebody.
저의 아버지가 저 모자를 매일 써요 = My dad wears that hat every day
to apply
Common Usages:
신청서 = application form
신청마감일 = application deadline
장학금을 신청하다 = to apply for a scholarship
저는 교장선생님께 저의 신청서를 드렸어요 = I gave my application form to the principal
인도에 가고 싶으면 비자를 신청해야 돼요 = You need to apply for a visa if you want to go to India
연수를 받으시고 싶다면 내일까지 신청하시기 바랍니다 = If you want to receive the training, please apply by tomorrow
to buy
Common Usages:
사 주다 = to buy for somebody (the grammar for this is taught in Lesson 41)
싸게 사다 = to buy something at an inexpensive price
비싸게 사다 = to buy something at an expensive price
저는 사과만 샀어요 = I only bought apples
저는 사과와 바나나를 샀어요 = I bought apples and bananas
저는 저의 여자 친구를 위해 꽃을 샀어요 = I bought flowers for my girlfriend
만화책을 샀나요? = Did you buy the comic book?
무엇을 샀어요? = What did you buy?
치마를 몇 개 샀어요? = How many skirts did you buy?
그것을 사는 것은 돈 낭비일 뿐이에요 = Buying that is just a waste of money
교감선생님은 선생님들을 위해 식사를 살 거예요 = The vice principal will buy a meal for all the teachers
할인을 얼마나 해 줄지 상관없이 저는 그것을 안 살 거예요= It doesn’t matter how much of a discount you give me, I’m not going to buy it
to be thin
This is not used to talk about people, only when talking about objects being thin
이 종이는 너무 얇아요 = This paper is too thin
to be moderate
Notes: This word is often used in the adverb form to make “적당히” (moderately)
적당히 먹어! = Eat moderately (don’t eat too much!)
to be young
Common Usages: 어려 보이다 = to look young 어렸을 때부터 = since I was young 어린이집 = daycare/preschool 어린 시절 = one’s youth
저의 여자 친구는 어려요 = My girlfriend is young
저의 여자 친구는 저보다 네 살 더 어려요 = My girlfriend is four years younger than me
어렸을 때 강아지를 키우고 싶었어요 = When I was young, I wanted to raise a puppy
저는 어렸을 때부터 야구를 좋아했어요 = I’ve liked baseball since I was young
어린 한국 사람들은 대개 영어로 조금 말할 수 있어요 = Young Korean people can usually speak English a little bit
to be glad
Common Usages:
기뻐하다 (the grammar for this is introduced in Lesson 105)
우리가 만나서 기뻐요 = I am glad that we met
그 여자는 꽤 예뻐요 = That girl is fairly/kind of pretty
Common Usages
3층 = third floor
4층 = fourth floor
지하층 = basement floor
Notes: Placed after a number to indicate the “third floor,” fourth floor,” etc…
저는 2층에서 살아요 = I live on the second floor
Common Usages:
하늘만큼 땅만큼 = An idiom that is like saying “thiiiiissss much” For example:
나는 너를 하늘만큼 땅만큼 사랑해 = I love you thiiiiiissss much.”
More literally, “as much as the earth and the sky”
하느님 = Literally, the “respected one in the sky”
하늘에 비행기가 있어요 = There is a plane in the sky
하늘에 별이 많아요 = There are many stars in the sky
이것을 하늘로부터 받았어요 = I received this from the sky (heavens)
비가 온 다음 날에 하늘은 보라색으로 바꿨어요 = The sky turned purple the day after the rain
Common Usages:
땅값 = the price of land
땅콩 = peanut
Notes: ‘독도는 우리땅이다’ is a famous saying that Korean people use to express that Dokdo, the disputed territory between Korea and Japan belongs to Korea. This was written on a sign by a fan during the 2012 Olympics in London and when the Korean team one, a Korean player took the sign and ran around the field with it. The player got in a lot of trouble for bringing political elements into the Olympics. By the way, Dokdo does belong to Korea.
한국은 다른 나라보다 땅이 작아요 = Korea’s land is small compared to other countries
Common Usages:
지하철 underground railway/subway
지하층 = underground floor, basement
지하 주차장 = underground parking lot
차는 지하 주차장에 있어요 = The car is in the underground parking lot
Common Usages:
쓰레기통 = garbage can
쓰레기 봉투 = garbage bag
쓰레기를 버려 주세요 = Please throw out your garbage
이 떡은 쓰레기 맛 같아 = This 떡 tastes like garbage
쓰레기는 월요일마다 수거된다 = Garbage is collected every Monday
Common Usages:
공인회계사 = public accountant
저는 회계사가 되고 싶어요 = I want to be an accountant
그 회계사는 정부에 대해 나쁜 말을 했어요 = That accountant said bad things about the government
green tea
녹차 두 잔을 주세요 = Give me two cups of green tea, please
녹차는 한국에서 유명해요 = Green Tea is famous in Korea
저는 약과 녹차만 샀어요 = I only bought medicine and green tea
Common Usages:
잇몸 = gums
이가 빠지다 = to lose a tooth
이를 쑤시다 = use a toothpick to pick one’s teeth
이를 빼다 = to get a tooth pulled
이가 시리다 = that feeling when your teeth are cold
치과의사는 저의 이를 두 개 뺐어요 = The dentist took out two of my teeth
한국에서는 정부가 국립학교를 통제해요 = In Korea, the government controls the public schools
한국 정부는 교통사고를 방지하려고 노력하고 있어요 = The Korean government is trying to prevent traffic accidents
그 회계사는 정부에 대해 나쁜 말을 했어요 = That accountant said bad things about the government
Common Usages:
성격 차이 = difference in personalities
그 사람의 성격은 좋아요 = That person’s personality is good
우리의 성격은 달라요 = Our personalities are different
서울에서 사는 사람들의 성격은 너무 급해요= The people who live in Seoul have a very fast personality (rushed/impatient nature)
Common Usages: 높은 온도 = high temperature 낮은 온도 = low temperature 실내온도 = the temperature indoors) 온도를 높이다 =increase the temperature 온도를 내리다 =decrease the temperature
Notes: The word 체온 is used to refer to one’s body temperature.
Example: 교실이 너무 더워서 온도를 내려도 돼요? = Because the classroom is too hot, may I lower the temperature?
Common Usages:
숨을 쉬다 = to breathe
숨을 내쉬다 = to exhale
숨을 들이마시다 = to inhale
Example: 공기가 나빠서 저는 숨을 못 쉬어요 = I can’t breathe because the air is bad
to enter (the verb form of ‘admission’
Common Usages:
무료입장 = free admission
입장료 = admission price
몇 시부터 입장할 수 있어요? = From what time can we enter?
to breathe
Common Usages:
숨을 못 쉬다 = to not be able to breathe
Example: 저는 운동을 열심히 하고 숨을 빨리 쉬었어요 = After I exercised I was breathing really fast
to be interesting
화학은 매우 흥미로워요 = Chemistry is very interesting
그는 흥미로운 삶을 살아요 = He lives an interesting life
한국문화는 오래됐고 흥미로워요 = Korean culture is long and interesting