Vocab Units 26-28 Flashcards
thing, item, goods
Common Usages:
비싼 물건 = an expensive item
제가 산 물건을 언제 받을 수 있어요? = When can I receive the goods I purchased?
한국에서는 세금이 물건 값에 포함돼요 = In Korea, tax is included in the price of goods
hall, hallway
Common Usages:
좁은 복도 = narrow hallway
긴 복도 = long hallway
PLAY복도에서 달리는 것은 위험해요 = It is dangerous to run in the hallway
이 복도를 걸레로 다 청소하는 데 시간이 많이 필요할 것 같아요 = It will probably take a long time to clean this hallway with just a rag
purpose, aim, goal
Common Usages: 목적을 이루다 = to achieve a goal 목적을 달성하다 = to achieve a goal 목적을 세우다 = to set a goal 목적어 = an object (in a sentence ), in other words, the thing that “~을/를” is attached to 목적지 = destination (the “goal” place)
저는 목적을 이루지 못했어요 = I couldn’t achieve my goal
PLAY우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
친구와 여행의 목적을 정하고 여행 일정을 대충 만들었어요 = I set the goals of the trip with my friend and then made rough travel plans
Notes: As you know, “목적” translates to “goal.” 지 is a common Hanja character (地) that refers to land or a place. Together, “목적지” literally refers to the “goal” place or “the place one is headed towards.” This is easier translated to just “destination.”
Common Usages:
목적지에 도착하다 = to arrive at a destination
목적지를 정하다 = to decide on a destination
최종목적지 = final destination
우리가 목적지에 거의 도착했어요 = We have almost arrived at our destination
최종목적지가 어디예요? = Where is your final destination?
nation, country
Common Usages: 공산국가 = communist nation 민주국가 = democratic nation 국가주의자 = nationalist 국가대표팀 = national team
모든 국가의 자원은 국민이다 = The resource of all nations is its people
30개의 유럽국가에서 각 나라 대표들이 왔어요 = Representatives from 30 European nations came
여기는 역사적인 동네입니다 = This (here) is a historical neighborhood
어느 동네에서 살아요? = Which neighborhood do you live in?
그 동네에는 가난한 사람이 많아요 = There are many poor people in that neighborhood
이 동네에서 산 지 얼마나 되었어요? = How long have you lived in this neighborhood for?
PLAY이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요 = There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
Common Usages:
학비를 내다 = to pay one’s tuition
학비를 언제까지 내야 돼요? = Until when do I have to pay my tuition?
저는 그 대학교에 가고 싶지만 학비가 너무 비싸요 = I want to go to that university, but the tuition is too expensive
군대에서는 사람들이 무기훈련을 받아요 = People in the army receive weapon training
학교에서 무기를 가지고 있는 것은 불법입니다 = It is illegal to carry a weapon in school
right/correct answer
Notes: This word is commonly yelled by Korean people if somebody asks a question to a large group. The group is usually students, but they could also be contestants on a game show or some quiz show on TV. It is common for the person who knows the correct answer to raise his/her hand and yell “정답!”
Common Usages:
정답을 알다 = to know the right answer
정답을 맞추다 = to guess the right answer
그는 정답을 아는 척했어요 = He pretended to know the right answer
정답을 안다면 손을 들어! = If you know the correct answer, raise your hand!
청소년들은 그들 자신을 사랑하지 않는다 = Young people don’t love themselves
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
일본에서 성인들은 미국 청소년보다 만화책을 더 많이 읽어요
= In Japan, adults read more comic books than kids do in America
PLAY이 동네에서 축구를 잘 하는 청소년들이 많아요
= There are a lot of kids who are good at playing soccer in this neighborhood
a certain area or region
Notes: 지역 and 구역 are often confused. 지역 is more about the area of a city or country. Like 경기도 지역 (the area of 경기 province) or something like that. 구역 is more about the area of any other place, like a specific designated area of a building or park or something like that (for example, 견인구역 = tow away zone)
Common Usages:
지역 번호 = area code
Examples: 우리가 사는 지역이 조금 위험해요 = The area we live in is a little bit dangerous
이 지역에 청소년을 데려와서는 안 돼요 = You shouldn’t bring young people to this area
match or game
우리는 3대 2로 경기를 이겼어요 = We won the game 3 to 2
우리는 다른 팀을 농구경기에서 이겼어요 = We beat the other team in the basketball game
축구경기를 보면서 맥주를 마셨어요 = I watched the match while drinking beer
축구 경기를 내일 보러 갈래요? = Shall we go to see a soccer game tomorrow?
야구 경기에서 두산은 LG를 이기게 되었어요 = Doosan ended up beating LG in the baseball game
제가 생각한 대로 태권도 올림픽 경기에서 대한민국 선수는 일본 선수를 이겼어요 = As I thought, the Korean athlete beat the Japanese athlete in the Taekwondo match
grade, score
Common Usages:
시험 점수 = exam score
높은 점수 = high score
낮은 점수 = low score
PLAY제가 받을 점수는 중요해요 = The score I will receive is important
학생들한테 점수를 안 보여줘도 돼요 = I/you don’t need to show the scores to the students
학생들이 자기의 점수가 너무 낮다고 불평하지 않았으면 좋겠어요 = I wish students didn’t complain that their score was too low
Notes: This word translates to “life” but is usually used when one ‘loses,’ ‘saves,’ or ‘dedicates’ a life.
Common Usages: 목숨을 잃었다 = to lose a life (to die) 목숨을 걸다 = to risk one’s life 목숨을 살리다 = to save one’s life 목숨을 바치다 = to dedicate one’s life
사람 네 명은 목숨을 잃었다 = Four people lost their lives
그 사람은 사고로 인해 목숨을 잃었어요 = That person died from due to a car accident
Notes: When talking about the moons of other planets, the word “위성” (which typically translates to “satellite”) is used.
Common Usages:
달력 = calendar
초승달 = a crescent shaped moon
보름달 = a full moon
Examples: 오늘 달이 왠지 아주 커 보여요 = For some reason the moon looks big tonight
Common Usages: 인사말 = greeting words 인사를 받다 = to receive a greeting 인사를 드리다 = to give a greeting (to greet a person in a formal way – like to a boss or something) 인사를 주고받다 = to exchange greetings
할아버지께 인사를 드리고 싶어요 = I want to greet my grandfather
저는 친구에게 반갑게 인사했어요 = I greeted my friend happily
그 사람에게 인사하기 싫어서 다른 사람과 통화하고 있는 척했어요 = I didn’t want to say ‘hi’ to (greet) that person, so I pretended to be talking on the phone with somebody else
tobacco, cigarettes
Common Usages: 담배를 피우다 = to smoke cigarettes 담뱃값 = the price of cigarettes 담배에 중독되다 = to be addicted to cigarettes 담배를 끊다 = to quit smoking
PLAY담배를 피우는 것은 건강에 나빠요 = It is unhealthy to smoke cigarettes
PLAY옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요 = There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
이곳은 흡연 구역이라서 담배를 피워도 돼요 = You are allowed to smoke here because this is a smoking area
Common Usages:
응급환자 = emergency patient
PLAY옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요
= There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
의사가 환자에게 열이 다 내렸냐고 물어봤어요
= the doctor asked the patient if his/her fever went down
환자분이 느끼는 고통은 부작용 중 하나 일 뿐이에요
= The pain you (the patient) are feeling is just one of the side effects
Common Usages: 인천국제공항 = Incheon International Airport 국제운전면허증 = international driver’s license 국제학교 = international school 국제무역 = international trade 국제화 = internationalization 국제경제 = international economics 국제정치 = international politics 국제사회 = international community
PLAY우리 학교의 목적은 국제고등학교가 되는 것이다 = Our school’s goal is becoming an international school
usual, normal, typical
Notes: This word is usually placed before a noun to describe it as something that is “normal” or “not special.” For example:
일반 사람 = most people (typical people – the people who are typical)
일반 국가 = most countries (typical countries – the countries that are typical)
Common Usages:
일반적으로 = typically
고속도로가 막혀서 일반 길로 갈 거예요 = The highway is jammed, so I will take the normal road급행열차가 출발하자마자 일반 전철이 역에 들어왔어요 = As soon as the express train left, the regular train came into the station
space, gap
Notes: If you place 사이 after nouns, it represents the space between them. For example:
저는 차 두 대 사이에서 서 있어요 = I am standing between two cars
그 건물과 우리 학교 사이에 사거리가 있어요 = There is an intersection between our school and that building
It is also used to indicate that the relationship “between” people:
저와 학생들 사이는 좋아요 = The relationship between my students and me is good
to peel, cut, trim, shave
Notes: As you can see, there are many possible translations for this word. It generally refers to the action of “cutting” something. In English, depending on what you cut, the word might change.
Common Usages: 값을 깎다 = to lower a price (cut the price) 연필을 깎다 = to sharpen a pencil 머리(카락)을 깎다 = to cut one’s hair, to get one’s hair cut (usually used for males) 손톱을 깎다 = to trim one’s nails
머리를 깎았어요? = Did you get a haircut?
값을 좀 깎아 주세요! = Please lower the price for me a little bit
to recognize, to try to know
Notes: This word can be used to indicate that one recognizes (or does not recognize) something, usually because of a change in appearance. When used like this, “알아보다” is formed by combining the meanings of the words “알다” (to know) and “보다” (to see). For example:
머리를 깎아서 못 알아봤어요 = I couldn’t recognize you because you cut your hair
친구가 수술을 받은 후에 알아보기 어려워요 = It is difficult to recognize my friend after she got surgery
It can also be formed by combining “알다” (to know) with the grammatical principle ~아/어보다 (to try to), which is introduced in Lesson 32. When used like this, the translation is closer to “to try to know,” and is often used when somebody looks into something new. For example:
저는 캐나다 숙소를 알아봐야 돼요 = I need to look into places to stay in Canada
어제 비행기표를 알아봤는데 싼 게 없어요 = I looked into plane tickets last night, and there is nothing cheap
to overcome
Common Usages: 문제를 극복하다 = to overcome a problem 상황을 극복하다 = to overcome a situation 시련을 극복하다 = to overcome some sort of difficult situation 장애를 극복하다 = to overcome an obstacle
PLAY이 문제를 극복하는 것이 힘들 거예요 = It will be difficult to overcome this problem
우리는 이렇게 어려운 시련을 절대 극복하지 않을 거예요 = We will never overcome this difficult situation
to adjust, fix, set
Common Usages: 알람을 맞추다 = to set an alarm 양복을 맞추다 = to get a suit tailored 초점을 맞추다 = to bring something into focus 정답을 맞추다 = to guess the correct answer
이 셔츠를 바지에 맞춰 입기 위해 노력했어요 = I tried to match this shirt with the pants
어젯밤에 알람을 맞추는 것을 깜빡해서 늦게 일어났어요 = I forgot to set my alarm last night, so I woke up late
to pass, to get accepted
Common Usages: 시험에 합격하다 = to pass an exam 간신히 합격하다 = to barely pass 합격률 = the acceptance/success rate 합격자 = a person who passed/successful candidate
그 시험을 합격하기 위해 공부를 안 해도 되었다 = I didn’t need to study to pass that test
내가 공부했더라면 시험을 합격했을 것이다 = If I studied, I would have passed the test
어쩌다 시험을 합격하게 되었어요 = I ended up passing the exam
to decide
The noun form of this word (“결정”) translates to “a decision.”
Common Usages:
결정력 = determination
미국은 경제적인 결정을 했어요 = The US made an economical decision
서울에 지하철로 가기로 결정했어요 = We decided that we would take the subway to Seoul
to get a divorce
Common Usages:
이혼율 = divorce rate
이혼소송 = a divorce suit
소문에 의하면 그 남자는 아내랑 이혼했어요 = According to rumors, he divorced his wife
우리가 서로를 사랑하지 않아서 이혼하기로 했어요 = We decided to get a divorce because we didn’t love each other
to smoke, to light a fire of some sort
Common Usages:
담배를 피우다 = smoke cigarettes
불을 피우다 = to start a fire
바람을 피우다 = to have an affair
PLAY담배를 피우는 것은 건강에 나빠요 = It is unhealthy to smoke cigarettes
PLAY옛날에 담배를 많이 피운 환자가 많아요 = There are a lot of patients who smoked a lot a long time ago
이곳은 흡연 구역이라서 담배를 피워도 돼요 = You are allowed to smoke here because this is a smoking area
to blow
Common Usages:
바람을 불다 = for wind to blow
휘파람을 불다 = to whistle
트럼펫/트롬본/플루트를 불다 = to play the trumpet, trombone, flute
안산에서는 바람이 세게 불어요 = The wind (blows) is strong in Ansan
저는 입으로 풍선을 불었어요 = I blew up a balloon with my mouth
바다 근처에는 바람이 세게 불어요 = The wind is strong near the ocean
to continue
Notes: “계속” is used as an adverb that means “always” or “continually/continuously”
Examples: 건물을 지나가서 오른 쪽으로 가지 말고 계속 직진하세요
= Go past the building, then don’t turn right, but keep going straight
우리가 계속 얘기하다가 선생님의 말씀을 못 들었어요
= We were talking, and then (as a result) we didn’t hear what the teacher said
제가 가자고 했지만 애기는 가고 싶지 않은 듯이 계속 자고 일어나지 않았어요
= I said “let’s go,” but the baby kept sleeping as if he didn’t want to go
우리 집 옆에 살고 있는 사람이 계속 노래하는 것이 싫어요
= I hate that the person who lives in the house beside ours always sings
제가 학생들에게 뛰지 말라고 했지만 학생들이 계속 했어요
= I told the students to stop running, but they continued to do it
to injure, to hurt
Common Usages:
다친 데가 있나요? = Are you injured? (Is there any injured place?)
무릎을 다치다 = to injure one’s knee
저는 저의 손목을 다쳤어요 = I hurt my wrist
PLAY병원에서 넘어져서 팔을 다친 아줌마가 약을 무료로 받았어요 = The woman who fell in the hospital and hurt her arm received free medicine
to answer, to respond
The noun form of this word (“답”) translates to “an answer”
Notes: When answering a letter or e-mail, the word “답장하다” is more commonly used.
Common Usages:
질문에 답하다 = to answer a question
정답 = the right/correct answer
시험을 끝내기 전에 답을 확인하세요 = Check your answers before finishing the test
PLAY선생님은 학생들이 물어본 질문에 답했어요 = The teacher answered the question that the student asked
to be incorrect
Common Usages:
정보가 틀리다 = for information to be incorrect
계산이 틀리다 = for calculations to be incorrect
답이 틀리다 =for an answer to be incorrect
말이 틀리다 = for something that one says to be incorrect
그 달력은 틀린 것 같아요 = It seems like this calendar is wrong
PLAY네가 지금 말하는 것이 틀려 = (the thing that) What you are saying now is incorrect
to be clean
Common Usages:
깨끗한 물 = clean water
깨끗한 공기 = clean air
이 집은 아주 깨끗해요 = This house is very clean
나는 엄마를 도와 정리를 했다. 거실을 깨끗하게 정리하고 엄마한테 진심으로 감사하다는 말을 전했다 = I helped mom clean-up/organize. We cleanly organized the living room, and then said ‘thank you’ to my mom from the bottom of my heart
to be remaining, to be left over
Notes: This word is often used in the present tense, the past tense or with ~아/어 있다 attached. Each has a very similar meaning. For example:
두 개 남아요 = Two are left
두 개 남았어요 = Two are left (or “two were left”)
두 개 남아 있어요 = Two are left
Common Usages: 5분 남아요 = There are 5 minutes left 5분 남았어요 = There are 5 minutes left 5분 남아 있어요 = There are 5 minutes left 몇 개 남아요? = How many are left? 몇 개 남았어요? = How many are left? 몇 개 남아 있어요? = How many are left?
PLAY남은 음식을 포장하고 싶어요 = I want to pack up the food that is left over
to be clear, clean, pure
Common Usages:
맑은 날씨 = clear weather
맑은 공기 = clear air
Idiom: 윗물이 맑아야 아랫물이 맑다 = Only if one’s master is honest, can the servants be honest
오늘 하늘이 아주 맑아 보여요 = Today, the sky looks so clear
Notes: The word 공짜(로) is very similar to 무료(로). 무료 is quite easy to remember if you know the Hanja characters:
無(무): nothing, without
料(요/료): money, fee
When used as an adverb, ~로 is often attached to 무료. For example:
캐나다 사람들은 병원에서 치료를 무료로 받을 수 있어요 = Canadian people can receive treatment at hospitals free of charge
It is often placed before a noun, acting like an adjective that describes the upcoming noun. When used like this, ~로 is usually not used. For example:
캐나다 사람들은 병원에서 무료 치료를 받을 수 있어요 = Canadian people can receive free treatment at hospitals
business hours
영업 시간
Notes: Although “영업” is a word by itself (which is one meaning of the word “business”), for a beginner of Korean the most common place you will see this word is as “영업 시간,” which refers to the time that a business is in operation during the day. You would most likely see this written on a sign outside of a store/restaurant or any type of business to indicate their hours.
우리 영업시간은 오전 8시부터 오후 5시까지입니다 = Our business hours are from 8 am to 5 pm
영업시간이 몇 시부터 몇 시까지예요? = From when to when are you open? (What are your business hours?)
Common Usages:
이유 없이 = without reason
개인적인 이유 = personal reason
내가 방에 들어가지 않은 이유는 사람들이 너무 많이 있었기 때문이야
= The reason I didn’t go into the room was because there were too many people
저는 제 친구에게 한국으로 이사하고 싶은 이유가 뭐냐고 물어봤어요
= I asked my friend ‘what is the reason you want to move to Korea?’
그 회사원들이 파업 중인 이유는 월급 문제가 아니라 연금에 대한 문제 때문이다
= The reason why those workers are on strike is not because of wages, but because of a problem with the pension
way, method
Common Usages: 최선의 방법 = the best way 방법론 = methodology 방법을 찾다 = to find a way 한국어를 공부하는 방법 = the way to study Korean
여자친구를 감동시키는 가장 좋은 방법은 뭐에요?
= What is the best way to impress one’s girlfriend?
투자자가 없기 때문에 우리는 다른 방법으로 할 거예요
= We will do it another way because we don’t have any investors
art, the arts
Common Usages: 예술관 = Art Center 전통예술 = traditional art 예술작품 = some sort of work of art 예술가 = artist
Examples: 예술은 저의 삶에 항상 큰 부분이었다 =Art was always a big part of my life
예술을 좋아하지 않는 사람도 있어요 = There are also people who don’t like art
Common Usages:
예술가가 되다 = to become an artist
그 여자가 한국에서 유명한 예술가예요 = That woman is a famous artist in Korea
Notes: The word “내용” in Korean is much more common than the English word “contents.” 내용 is broadly used to refer to the “contents” in a book, video, story, or any other source of information. In Korean, it would be common to say something like “저는 그 영화의 내용을 안 좋아했어요” which would translate to “I didn’t like that movie’s content.” In English, it would be more common to just say “I didn’t like that movie.”
Common Usages:
수업 내용 = class contents
책 내용 = book contents
영화 내용 = movie contents
저는 어려운 내용을 천천히 설명했어요 = I explained the difficult content slowly
시험을 보기 전 날에 내용을 복습해야 돼요 = I need to review the content on the day before the exam
시간이 부족해서 모든 내용을 가르칠 수 없어요 = I can’t teach all the material because there is a lack of time
학생들이 그 내용을 중학교 때 이미 배웠잖아 = You should know that the students already learned that content in middle school!
employee, server, worker
Examples: 종업원을 찾아야 돼요 = I need to find the worker/server/employee
저는 종업원한테 양말이 어디에 있냐고 물어봤어요 = I asked the worker where the socks are
technology, skill
Common Usages:
첨단 기술 = cutting edge technology
과학 기술 = science and technology
Notes: This word means both “technology” and “skill.” A lot of the times when a word has two difference meanings, their respective Hanja equivalents are different. 기술 is one word, that means both “technology” and “skill.” It doesn’t make sense to me either. The context can tell you what translation should be best.
For example, when used to mean “technology:”
지난 50년 동안 과학 기술은 사람들의 생각을 많이 변화시켰어요
= Technology has really changed the way people think over the past 50 years
다음 10년의 의료기술개발은 대한민국에 중요하다
= The development of medical technology over the next 10 years is important to Korea
On the other hand, when used to mean “skill”
저는 학생들이 과학에 관심이 생기게 하는 기술이 없어요
= I don’t have the skills to make students interested in Science
학교를 다닐 때 실용적인 기술을 많이 배우는 게 아주 중요해요
= It is important to learn practical skills when you attend school
Notes: The word “음력” is used to refer to the lunar calendar (with is semi-followed in Korea, especially by the older generation), and “양력” technically refers to the solar calendar. The word “달력” is used to refer to the actual book of the calendar.
그 달력은 틀린 것 같아요 = That calendar seems to be wrong
그것을 달력에 표시해야겠다 = I should mark that on my calendar
post office
Notes: The Chinese Character “국” (局) is sometimes used to designate some sort of “place” or “office.” Other examples: 약국 (pharmacy); 방송국 (broadcasting station)
Common Usages:
우체국장 = postmaster
이 편지를 부치러 우체국에 가야 돼요 = I need to go to the post office to send this letter