Vocab Units 1-5 Flashcards
Common Usages:
대도시 = a large city
신도시 = a new city (usually a city that is planned to serve a specific purpose)
도시가스 = the gas that is used in one’s home (by the heating systems and stoves)
도시남자 = a city boy/man (kind of a “cool” and “cold” style of man)
서울은 큰 도시예요 = Seoul is a big city
어느 도시에 갈 거예요? = What city are you going to go to?
이 도시는 분위기가 좋아요 = This city has a good atmosphere
서울 대신에 다른 도시에 갈 거예요? = Other than Seoul, will you go to another city?
강가에는 도시에서 내려온 많은 쓰레기가 쌓여 있어요 = A great deal of garbage that had flowed down from the city was piled on the riverbank
Common Usages
의자에 앉다 = sit on a chair
그녀는 의자에서 일어났어요 = She rose up from her chair
고양이는 의자 밑에 있다 = The cat is under the chair
의자는 탁자보다 더 낮아요 = The chair is lower than the table
저는 의자를 앞으로 움직였어요 = I moved my chair forward
Notes: The little table that Korean people use when they sit on the floor to have meals is called a “상.” A kitchen table can be referred to more specifically by saying “식탁.”
Common Usages
탁자 위에 = on top of the table
탁자에 놓다 = to place on a table
저는 잡지를 탁자 위에 놓을 거예요 = I will put the magazine on the table
펜이 탁자에 놓여 있었어요 = The pen was (laying) on the table
의자는 탁자보다 더 낮아요 = The chair is lower than the table
밖에 나가기 전에 열쇠를 탁자에 두었어요 = Before I went outside, I put the keys on the table
이 탁자가 너무 낮아요 = This table is too low
병이 탁자에서 떨어졌다 = The bottle fell from the table
Common Usages: 소나무 = pine tree 대나무 = bamboo 단풍나무 = maple tree 나무뿌리 = root of a tree 나무를 심다 = to plant a tree
저는 집을 나무로 지었어요 = I made a house out of wood
나는 우리 집을 나무로 지었어 = I built our house out of wood
대부분의 원숭이는 나무에서 살아요 = Most monkeys live in trees
아이들은 나무 주위에서 놀고 있어요 = The children are playing around the tree
Common Usages:
우리 나라 = “our country” (usually used to refer to Korea by Korean people)
어느 나라에서 왔어요? What country did you come from?
미국은 민주적인 나라예요 = The US is a democratic nation
한국은 좋은 나라예요? = is Korea a good country?
한국이 곧 좋은 나라가 될 것이다 = Korea will become a good country soon
한국은 다른 나라보다 땅이 작아요 = Korea’s land is small compared to other countries
Common Usages:
창문을 열다 = to open a window
창문을 닫다 = to close a window
창문 너머로 = through a window
너무 더워서 창문을 열었어요 = I opened a window because it is too hot
저는 창문 너머에 봤어요 = I looked through the window
저는 팔을 창문 너머로 내밀었어요 = I stuck my arm through the window
창문이 커튼으로 가려져 있어요 = The window is covered by the curtains
아버지는 창문을 잠갔어요= Dad locked the window
Common Usages 잡지를 읽다 = to read a magazine 잡지 기사 = magazine article 잡지구독 = magazine subscription 잡지사 = magazine company 잡지 편집장 = magazine editor
저는 잡지를 읽었어요 = I read a magazine
저는 잡지를 탁자 위에 놓을 거예요 = I will put the magazine on the table
이 잡지를 가져가도 돼요? = May I take this magazine?
Common Usages:
김치냉장고 = kimchi refrigerator (these actually exist – most Korean families would have [at least] one)
(음식을) 냉장고에 넣다 = to put (food) in the fridge
(음식을) 냉장고에서 꺼내다 = to take something out of the fridge
저는 야채를 냉장고에 넣었어요 = I put the vegetables in the fridge
자석을 냉장고에 그냥 붙여 놓았어요 = I just stuck the magnet onto the fridge
저는 당근을 칼로 잘라서 냉장고에 넣었어요 = I cut carrots with a knife and then put them into the fridge
rat, mouse
Common Usages:
다람쥐 = squirrel
박쥐 = bat (the animal)
쥐 죽은 듯이 조용하다 = An idiom for “to be as quiet as a mouse” (literally, as if a mouse died)
쥐는 너무 더러워요 = Rats are very dirty
저는 쥐를 들었어요 = I heard a mouse
개는 고양이랑 쥐보다 더 커요 = Dogs are bigger than cats and mice
우리 아빠가 쥐를 집에서 한 마리씩 쫓아냈어요 = Our dad chased the rats out of our house one by one
Common Usages:
건물 내에 = inside a building
건물 외에 = outside a building
그 건물은 너무 높아요 = That building is very high
그 건물은 어제와 달라요 = That building is different from yesterday
저 학교는 역사적인 건물이에요 = That school is a historical building
한국은 문화적인 건물이 많아요 = Korea has a lot of cultural buildings
건물을 지나가서 오른 쪽으로 가세요 = Go past the building, then go right
Common Usages: 은행원 = a banker 한국은행 = Bank of Korea 농협은행 = Nonghyup Bank 국민은행 = Kookmin bank
호텔은 은행 옆에 있어요 = The hotel is beside the bank
아버지는 은행에 들어갔어요 = My dad went into the bank
저의 친구는 은행 안에 있어요 = My friend is in the bank
저는 친구를 만나고 나서 은행에 갈 거예요 = I will meet a friend and then go to the bank
친구가 오기 전에 저는 은행에 갔어요 = Before my friend came, I went to the bank
Common Usages:
집 안에 = inside a house
방 안에 = inside a room
Notes: Position words are typically placed after a noun to indicate in which direction in reference to that noun something occurs. ~에 is typically attached to a word of position. For example:
저의 친구는 은행 안에 있어요 = My friend is in the bank
개는 집 안에 있어요 = The dog is in the house
안 can also be used to indicate that some action is completed “within” or “inside” a time period. This usage is discussed in Lesson 24. For example:
on top
Notes: ㅅ is often added to 위 as a 받침. This is discussed in Lesson 131.
Common Usages:
윗도리 = clothes worn on the upper part of one’s body
윗사람 = one’s superior
잡지는 탁자 위에 있어요 = The magazine is on the table
우리 집은 언덕 위에 있어요 = Our house is on top of the hill
새는 구름 위에 날고 있어요 = The bird is flying above the clouds
고양이는 의자 밑에 있어요 = The cat is below the chair
Common Usages:
옆집 = the house next to another house
옆방 = the room next to another room
옆구리 = one’s side/flank
학교는 은행 옆에 있어요 = The school is next to the bank
은행이 학교 바로 옆에 있어요 = The bank is right (immediately) next to the school
강 옆에 큰 산이 있어요 = There is a big mountain next to the river
저는 병원을 공원 옆에 지었어요 = I built a hospital beside the park
나는 학교 옆에 서 있어 = I’m standing next to the school
Common Usages: 뒷면 = the back side 뒷산 = refers to a mountain usually “behind” one’s house 뒷다리 = the back (hind) legs of an animal 뒷담화하다 = to talk behind one’s back
병원은 박물관 뒤에 있어요 = The hospital is behind the museum
저는 학교 뒤에 있어요 = I am behind the school
저는 큰 박스 뒤에 숨었어요 = I hid behind a big box
in front
Common Usages:
앞면 = the front side 앞다리 = the front legs of an animal 눈앞에 = in-front of one’s eyes 앞으로 = in the future
집은 가게 앞에 있어요 = The house is in-front of the store
저는 집 앞에 있는 눈을 다 치웠어요 = I cleaned up the snow in-front of the house
Common Usages:
인천국제공항 = Incheon International Airport
공항버스 = Airport bus
공항철도 = Airport railroad
저는 인천공항에서 출발했어요 = I departed from Incheon airport
저는 어제 공항에 처음 갔어요 = I went to the airport for the first time yesterday
Notes: In English, I would only go to the “hospital” if I was really sick, and I would “go to the doctor” if I had some minor illness. In Korean, they go to the hospital for minor and major problems. This is because even small doctors’ offices are referred to as a “병원.” If you are really sick, you would probably need to go to a “대학병원.”
Common Usages: 병원비 = hospital bills 대학병원 = university hospital 동물병원 = animal hospital (vet) 병원에 입원하다 = to be admitted to a hospital 병원에서 퇴원하다 = to finish treatment and leave a hospital
저는 아파서 병원에 갈 거예요 = I’m going to the hospital because I am sick
저는 저의 친구를 병원에서 봤어요 = I saw my friend at the hospital
저는 먼 병원에 갔어요 = I went to a far away hospital (a hospital that is far away)
엄마가 어디에 있어요? 병원에 갔어요? = Where is mom? Did she go to the hospital?
Common Usages:
놀이공원 = amusement park
국립공원 = national park
친구들이랑 공원에서 놀았어요 = I played in the park with friends
저는 남편을 공원에서 만날 거예요 = I will meet my husband at the park
저는 아버지랑 공원에 갈 거예요 = I will go to the park with my dad
저는 내일 공원에 갈 거예요 = I am going to the park tomorrow
나는 공원에서 친구를 만났어 = I met a friend at the park
우리는 공원에서(/을) 산책했어요 = We went for a walk in the park
이 장소는 공원이 될 것이다 = This place will become a park
일요일이어서 저는 공원에 가고 싶어요 = It is Sunday, so I want to go to the park
Common Usages: 머리카락 = hair 머리띠 = hairband 머리핀 = hairpin 머리뼈 = skull 머리가 아프다 = to have a head ache 머리를 감다 = to wash one’s hair 머리를 묶다 = to tie up one’s hair
Notes: This is used to refer to one’s head or the hair on one’s head. For example, if you get a haircut, you can say “머리를 잘랐어요.” Note that this does not mean “I cut my head.” To specifically refer to the hair on your head, you can use “머리카락”
머리가 아파서 학교에 못 가요 = I can’t go to school because my head hurts
저는 머리를 긁었어요 = I scratched my head
머리를 감을 때마다 눈이 아파요 = Every time I wash my hair, my eyes hurt
여자의 머리 색깔은 자연스러워요 = That girl’s hair color is natural
친구가 머리를 깎은 것을 알아보지 못했어요 = I couldn’t recognize that my friend cut his hair
저의 머리카락을 꼬지 말아 달라고 했어요 = I told her to please stop twisting my hair
Common Usages: 앞다리 = an animal’s front legs 뒷다리 = an animal’s back (hind) legs 양다리 = a way to refer to a person who has two girlfriends or boyfriends 양반다리를 하다 = to cross one’s legs 다리가 후들거리다 = for one’s legs to shake
Example: 다리가 길었으면 좋겠어요 = I wish my legs were long
다리에 있는 문신을 포함하면 저는 문신 네 개가 있어요
= If you include the tattoo on my leg, I have four tattoos
제가 스트레칭을 안 하고 바로 운동을 하다가 갑자기 다리에 쥐가 났어요
= I suddenly got a cramp in my leg while exercising because I didn’t stretch and exercised right away