Vocab Flashcards
direct assessment
target behavior (or antecedents and consequences) observed or recorded as it occurs
-more accurate and desired
indirect assessment
information of target behavior from others
-interview, questionnaires
continuous recording
record each instance of behavior, frequency as rate (# of occurrence divided by duration
-records all instances, but time and behavior intensive
-records frequency, duration, latency or intensity
interval recording
divide observation into intervals of same length
-record presence or absence of behavior in intervals
-don’t need to observe entire time per interval
-bases rate on smaller amount of data
functional relationship
relationship between behavior and event only and if the target behavior (DV) changes when IV (event) changes, including in replication
operant conditioning
behavior is followed by reinforcing consequence, making it more likely to occur in the future
respondent conditioning
neutral stimulus us paired w/ unconditioned stimulus (US)
-US elicits unconditioned response (UR)
-pairing of neutral stimulus w/ US -> neutral stimulus becomes conditioned stimulus (CS) that elicits a response similar to the UR called a conditioned response (CR)
(UR + CR, US -> UR, CS -> CR)
pos. reinforcement
+ stimulus, + probability
neg. reinforcement
- or avoidance of aversive stimulus, + probability
stimulus or event immediately occurring after a behavior
stimulus or event that precedes target behavior
primary/unconditioned reinforcer
naturally reinforcing stimulus because being strengthened by it has survival value
-no prior conditioning needed
-food, water, escape from extreme stimulation, sexual contact
primary/unconditioned punisher
naturally punishing stimulus because avoiding or minimizing contact w/ it has survival value
-no prior conditioning needed
-painful stimuli, extreme lvls. of stimulation
secondary/conditioned reinforcer
stimulus once neutral but established as reinforcer by being paired w/ unconditioned or existing reinforcer
termination of adverse stimulus that was present when behavior occurred, which negatively reinforces behavior
(i.e., shock -> jump away)
aversive stimulus hasn’t occurred yet, behavior stops occurrence, negatively reinforcing it
(i.e. dog approaches electric fence -> collar beeps -> dog stops)
motivating operation (MO)
antecedent stimulus or event that alters value of reinforcer or probability of behavior producing reinforcement
establishing operation (EO)
makes reinforcer more potent and evokes behavior that produces that reinforcer
-deprivation: not having access to reinforcer for amount of time
abolishing operation (AO)
makes reinforcer or punisher less potent, makes behavior that produces that reinforcer less likely to occur
-satiation: consume large amount of reinforcer
schedule of reinforcement
specifies which responses will be followed by delivery of the reinforcer
continuous: every response followed by reinforcer
intermittent: not every response is followed
extinction (operant)
previously reinforced behavior is no longer followed by reinforcing consequences
-frequency of behavior decreases in the future
extinction burst
behavior bit reinforced increases in frequency, duration and intensity, and decreases
-novel behavior may occur
discriminative stimulus (SD)
stimulus that’s present when behavior is reinforced
-(i.e., red light -> pigeon pecks -> food)
stimulus that is present when a behavior isn’t reinforced
(i.e., green light -> pigeon pecks -> no food)
stimulus generalization
process in which behavior occurs in presence of antecedent stimuli that are similar to the SD present when behavior was reinforced
-defined as occurrence of target behavior in a non training situation after
(i.e., MEN on flashcard -> says “men” -> praise -> sees MEN on sign -> says “men,” or fear of all dogs)
stimulus discrimination
process in which behavior is reinforced when SD is present and extinct when S-delta is present, increases likelihood of response
-i.e., fear of one type of dog
pos. punishment
+ adverse stimulus, - probability
-i.e., touch stove -> don’t touch
neg. punishment
- adverse stimulus, - probability
-i.e., home late -> take car -> don’t come home late
unconditioned stimulus (US)
stimulus that naturally elicits an unconditioned response (UR) because the UR has survival value
-no prior conditioning needed for US to elicit a UR
i.e., Pavlov’s meat powder
unconditioned response (UR)
response elicited by unconditioned stimulus
i.e., salivation
neutral stimulus (NS)
pairs with unconditioned stimulus and elicits no response at first
conditioned stimulus (CS)
previously neutral stimulus that’s been paired with unconditioned stimulus
-one established, elicits CR similar to UR elicited by US
conditioned response (CR)
elicited by a conditioned stimulus, which acquires power to elicit the CR by repeated pairing w/ an US or other CR
higher-order conditioning
when NS is paired w/ established CS a number of times, the NS becomes a CS that will elicit CR
i.e., air (US) + click (NS) -> blink (UR), click (CS) -> blink (CR), click (CS) + light (NS) -> blink (CR), light (CS) -< blink (CR)
extinction (respondent)
when a conditioned stimulus (CS) is no longer paired with an unconditioned stimulus (US), the CS gradually ceases to produce the conditioned response (CR)
-i.e., metronome (CS) not paired w/ meat powder (US) -> no salivation
reinforcement of successive approximations to a target behavior
-use to establish a novel topography or dimension of behavior
-moves forward, usually 1 response
successive approximation
behavior that more closely resembles target behavior
-starts w/ reinforcement of first approximation, a behavior currently exhibited
-after first approximation is strengthened through reinforcement, its extinguished
-a closer approximation occurs and is reinforced
-process continues until person exhibits target behavior
(i.e., babbling, word sounds, part words, whole words, strings of words, sentences)
behavior chain
complex behavior consisting of many component behaviors that occur together in a sequence
chaining procedures
used to teach a person to engage in a chain of behaviors
-includes backward and forward chaining, total task presentation, written task analysis, picture prompts, and self-instructions
functional assessment
gather information about antecedents and consequences related to problem behavior
-gives information of time, place, people, preceding events, frequency, alternative behavior, MO, reinforcers
-includes indirect assessment, direct observation, and functional analysis
functional analysis
manipulation of antecedents and consequences to show functional relationship between variables
function-based intervention
interventions (extinction, differential reinforcement, and antecedent control) that decrease problem behaviors without the use of punishment by
-modify the antecedents and consequences to control the behaviors
differential reinforcement of other behavior (DRO)
procedure in which the reinforcer is delivered after intervals of time in which the problem behavior does not occur
-reinforcing the absence of the problem behavior
differential reinforcement of alternative behavior (DRA)
procedure for decreasing problem behavior by reinforcing a functionally equivalent alternative behavior (a competing behavior) to replace the problem behavior
non-contingent reinforcement
continuous access to a reinforcer that is independent of a specific behavior
loss of access to pos. reinforcers fora brief period contingent on the problem behavior
-results in decrease in future probability of problem behavior
response cost
removal of amount of reinforcer contingent on problem behavior
response cost
removal of amount of reinforcer contingent on problem behavior
positive punishment procedure in which, contingent on the problem behavior, a person is required to engage in effortful activity for a brief period
-pos. practice (client is required to engage in correct forms of relevant behavior until behavior has been repeated a number of times
-restitution (client is required to correct the environmental effect of the problem behavior and to bring the environment to a condition better than that which existed before the problem behavior)
increase likelihood that person will engage correct behavior at the correct time
-involve behavior of trainer (response prompts) or environmental stimuli (stimulus prompts)
prompt dependence
person has behavior in repertoire but waits for prompt before doing it
-common when prompts aren’t faded properly or when reinforcement schedule doesn’t support independent responses
-mostly seen with verbal prompt, can be fixed by reinforcing only independent responses
conditioner reinforcer used in token economy
-something delivered to someone immediately after an appropriate behavior
-accumulated by the person, and exchanged for established or backup reinforcers
backup reinforcer
reinforcer used within token economy
-given to client based off payment of a certain amount of tokens
backup reinforcer
reinforcer used in token economy
-given to client based off payment of a certain amount of tokens
interdependent group contingency
all group members of the group must meet criterion before any member receives the consequence.
-“all or none” procedure
dependent (hero) group contingency
reward for group is based on performance of individual or collection of individuals in a group
-hero: individual earns reward for whole group
behavioral contract
a.k.a. contingency contracts
-written document that specifies a target behavior for a client and the consequences that will be contingent on the occurrence or nonoccurrence of the behavior in a stated period of time
quid pro quo contract
2 party contract in which 2 people each specify a behavior that they will change in return for the behavior change of the other person
parallel contract
2 party contract in which 2 people seek behavior change
-both specify their behavior to be changed and the consequence of their behavior
-contract behaviors and consequences are independent of each other
systematic desensitization
procedure sued to treat fear or phobia, person learns relaxation
-develop hierarchy of fear-producing situation
-relax and imagine hierarchy to replace fear with relaxation
person is exposed to feared stimulus t full intensity for prolonged period until anxiety subsides in presence of feared stimulus