Quiz 14 Pt. 1 (Ch. 17) Flashcards
punishment procedures are used when?
functional interventions (extinction, differential reinforcement, antecedent manipulations) have been used or considered
2 negative punishment procedures
1) time-out
2) response cost
time-out (from positive reinforcement)
loss of access to positive reinforcers for a brief period contingent on the problem behavior -> decrease behavior’s probability
non-exclusionary time-out
person is removed from sources of reinforcement but not removed from room
exclusionary time-out
person is briefly removed from reinforcing enviro. to other room, contingent on problem behavior
nonexclusionary time-out is used when?
a) person can be removed from reinforcing activities or interactions while remaining in the room
b) person’s presence in room will not be disruptive to others in enviro.
time-out considerations
get close to child, tell child to go to time-out area while pointing to it
-give physical guidance if child doesn’t comply w/ instructions to go to time-out
-ignore problem behavior occurring in time-out
-use timer with beep to signal start and end of timeout
time-in enviro.
enviro. where problem behavior occurs consists of positively reinforcing activities or interactions for timeout to be effective
timeout isn’t appropriate to use with?
problem behaviors maintained by neg. reinforcement or sensory stimulation (automatic reinforcement)
-timeout would negatively reinforce behavior maintained by escape when time-out enviro. is less aversive than ongoing activities in time-in enviro.
-problem behavior maintained by sensory stimulation
-> not function as time-out from pos. reinforcement
–person would have opportunity to engage in automatically reinforced behavior w/o interruption
time-out is practical when?
change agents can implement procedure successfully and phys. enviro. is conducive to its use
-agent must score client to time-out room or area, but resistance from a large person must be considered
-2nd consideration is whether there’s an appropriate room to use for time-out
–should be safe (free of sharp or breakable objects(, well-lighted, barren (except for chair)
–observation window so client can be observed, room shouldn’t have a lock so client can’t lock out agent and agent can’t lock client and leave them unattended
-agent mustn’t interact w/ clients during time-out, the agent should observe them throughout the duration of time-out to ensure they don’t harm themselves
time-out brevity
client should be returned to time-in enviro. asap
-1-10 mins., if client engaged in problem behavior in time-out area at the end of timeout period its extended for a brief time (10 sec.-1 min.) until client isn’t engaging in problem behaviors
contingent delay to release contingency
extension of time-out, recommended so that problem isn’t inadvertently reinforced by escape from time-out
time-out escape
change agents should prevent client from leaving timeout room or area before end of time-out interval
-if implemented correctly, time-out is aversive for the client, so the client may try to leave
timeout considerations
What’s the function of problem behavior?
-Is time-out practical in the circumstances?
-Is time-out safe?
-Is the time-out period brief?
-Can escape from time-out be prevented?
-Can interactions be avoided during time-out?
-Is time-out acceptable in the circumstances?
contingent observation
type of nonexclusionary timeout in which, contingent on the occurrence of the problem behavior
-the person is removed from a reinforcing activity for a brief time
-required to sit and observe other people as they continue to do the activity
response cost
removal of a specific amount of a reinforcer contingent on the occurrence of a problem behavior
-is a negative punishment procedure when it results in a decrease in the probability of a problem behavior
reinforcer removal
reinforcer should be one change agent has control over so that it can be removed after problem behavior
-quantity of reinforcer must be big enough so its loss contingent on problem behavior will decrease the problem behavior
-decide whether loss of reinforcer is permanent or temporary
immediacy or delay of reinforcer loss
-reinforcer is removed immediately but when a token reinforcement program isn’t in use, the reinforcer loss in response cost is delayed
–person is still told about loss immediately
-immediate consequence can occur together with delayed loss of reinforcer
–both are paired with eventual loss of reinforcer
response cost practicality
mustn’t stigmatize or embarrass person with problem behavior
response cost considerations
Which reinforcer will be removed?
-Is the reinforcer loss immediate or delayed?
-Is the reinforcer loss ethical?
-Is response cost practical and acceptable?