Vivaldi - Melody Flashcards
How would you describe the interval structure and shape of the opening melody of the concerto?
The opening of the concerto is based on broken chords (you could also use the term triadic) and descending scales.
What common musical feature are many of the elaborate melodies decorations of?
Scalic ideas (e.g. bar 16 in the first violin, where the scale A–G–F–E–D–C♯) is decorated with a series of changing notes (notes moving away then down by a third).
What is a melodic sequence?
When a fragment of melody is immediately repeated, but at a lower or higher pitch.
Why are melodic sequences so significant in Vivaldi’s concerto?
It’s one of the defining characteristics of his music.
Give an example of a descending melodic sequence used in the concerto.
There’s a descending sequence at the beginning of the first cello solo in the concerto (bars 20–25).
What is “conjunct melody”?
When the melody moves stepwise/the interval distance between notes is always close together.
What is a “disjunct melody”?
When a melody contains large intervals/big leaps between notes.
Give an example of Vivaldi using conjunct and disjunct melody in the concerto.
There is a combination of conjunct (stepwise) music at the beginning of the fugue, followed by a series of disjunct leaps outlining the circle of fifths.
Give an example of scalic passages in Vivaldi.
There are rising scales in the bass line at bar 37 of the second movement
What is a melodic leap of a 7th?
When the distance between 2 consecutive notes is the interval of a 7th, for example the note C is followed by the note B seven notes higher.
Vivaldi sometimes uses chromatic notes. What does this mean?
When there is a note in the melody that is note contained in the key/scale being use. For example, the note Bb would be a chromatic note if the scale/key were C major, as the note Bb is not in the C major scale.
What awkward intervals does Vivaldi occasionally use?
The diminished 5th is used at the beginning of the 3rd movement.