Visual perception Flashcards
How many light senstive cells does the retina have?
107 million
How many rods does the retina have?
100 million
How many cones does the retina have?
7 million
what are rods?
mostly used in peripheral view, more light sensitive, used for black and white view.
How long does it take for rods to adjust to the dark?
20-30 minutes
What are cones?
Mostly in fovea, detail sensitive, detect color.
How long does it take for cones to adapt to light?
2-3 minutes
What is the Young- Helmholtz theory Trichromatic theory?
3 types of color: S cones=blue
M cones= green
L cone= red
What is color blindness?
lacking one or more types of cones
What is the opponent process theory?
red opposes green
blue opposes yellow
black opposes white
What is an after image?
Opposite color stands out when looked at
What is depth?
binocular cues( 2 eyes) and monocular cue (1 eye)
What is binocular disparity?
each eye gets a different picture, the greater the difference the closer the object
What is linear perspective?
parallel lines converge with distance
What is relative size?
bigger thing are closer
What is texture gradient?
texture gets finer with distance
What do visual illusions do?
Reveal information about the visual systems.
What are the different types of illusions?
- perspective illusions
- horizontal/ vertical illusions
- contrast illusions
- perspective illusions
- contrast illusions
What is the figure/ground principle?
Figure–ground (perception) Figure–ground organization is a type of perceptual grouping which is a vital necessity for recognizing objects through vision
What are the wavelengths for visible light?
400-750 nanometer