Vision I Flashcards
We each have ___ eyes
Eyes contain __% of the body’s sensory receptors
You only see ___of the eye’s total surface
The rest of the surface of the eye is in the orbit, which is composed of how many bones?
7: Frontal Lacrimal Ethmoid Zygomatic Maxillary Palatine Sphenoid
How is information from the eyes transmitted to the brain?
Via the optic nerve, or Cranial Nerve II
What is a commissure?
Where eyelids meet
What is the lacrimal caruncle?
A little bit of flesh on the medial commissure.
Contains sebaceous and sweat glands
What are the three functions of the eyelid?
1-To shade the eye
2-Protects the eye
3-Eyelid spreads lubricating tears across the eye
What is the palpebral fissure?
The area between eyelids
What is the sclera?
The white part of the eye, goes around the eyeball
What is the palpebral conjunctiva?
Covers the inside of the eyelid
What is conjunctiva?
A thin, transparent protective mucus membrane
What type of cells compose the conjunctiva?
Stratified epithelium
The conjunctiva is very ______ and can cause bloodshot eyes and is richly ________, which makes it sensitive to pain
What is conjunctivitis and what causes it?
Inflammation of conjunctiva
Aka: “Pink-Eye”
Can be caused by bacteria, viruses, allergens, or irritants
The bulbar conjunctiva covers the _______, while the palpebral conjunctiva covers the ________.
Eyelashes protect the eyes from these three things:
foreign objects
direct rays of sun
What is the name of the sebaceous gland at the base of each eyelash?
Gland of Zeis
What is the function of the Zeis gland?
Zeis glands make lubricating fluid,
An infection of the Zeis gland is a ______.
What is the lacrimal gland?
A small gland medial to the eye, that create tears
What is the excretory lacrimal duct? How many are there?
Ducts that transport tears to the conjunctiva. There are 6-12 per side.
What is the inferior nasal meatus?
A space below the inferior nasal conchae in palatine bone, through which tears travel to the sinuses. This connects the eye to the nose.
What are tears?
Make 1 mL a day, are a solution of mucus, salts and lysozyme (an antibacterial)
What are the six extrinsic eye muscles?
Medial Rectus Superior Rectus Superior oblique Lateral Rectus Inferior Rectus Inferior Oblique
Describe the recti and oblique muscles in general.
4 recti; recti=straight
2 oblique; oblique= curved