Virgil's Aeneid: Lines 257-296 Notes Flashcards
Why does Juppiter say ‘pace metu’?
To immediately dismiss Venus’ concerns
Who is Cytherea?
What is Cytherea named after? Why?
The island of Cytherea that Venus touched before reaching her destination of Paphos in Cyprus
How was Venus born?
In the sea from Saturn’s genitals
What is a possible reason for Juppiter mentioning ‘Cytherea’?
Dismissing her argument due to a lack of relationship
What is the word play seen? How is that word play?
Between ‘fabor’ and ‘fatorum’ as whatever Juppiter says is the same as fate
How does Juppiter respond to Venus’ accusations?
A triplet
What does Juppiter’s triplet consist of?
Fate is unchanged, his promises will be fulfilled, Aeneas will become a god
How is ‘magnanimum’ positioned emphatically?
Matched by ‘sublimem’ in emphatic first position in the clause
What two foundations will Aeneas lay?
Walls and laws
What two types of foundation will Aeneas lay?
Physical and moral
Who are the Rutulians?
A local tribe that are residents in Latium
Who is the leader of the Rutulians that Aeneas must defeat?
What is Ascanius also known as?
Where is Iulus derived from?
Ilium (Troy)
Why is Ilus called Ascanius?
Cements the link between Aeneas and Augustus through the name Julius
What is the reason for the heavy spondees in line 269?
The slow and steady rule of Aeneas’ family over the years
Who is Hector?
A Trojan leader and the greatest hero in the Trojan war
How did Hector die?
In a duel with Achilles
What is the effect of using ‘donec’ with the indicative?
To demonstrate something that did/ would happen
What is significant about Ilia?
Maintains the Roman connection to Ilus
What is Ilia more commonly named?
Rhea Silvia
Who is Romulus?
The founder of the city then called Rome
What does the reference to a she-wolf mean?
Romulus and Remus’ upbringing by a she-wolf after they were left to die
What is the archaic form of the name ‘Mars’?
What is the second piece of word play?
Between Romulus and Romanos
What is the contrast on line 278?
Between ‘metas rerum’ and ‘tempora’
What does ‘metas rerum’ mean?
Unlimited space to expand the empire
What does ‘tempora’ mean?
An unending future of rule
Why is ‘dedi’ in an odd tense?
Juppiter makes promises of the future but he has already granted Romans having power without limits
What was an assumption Romans took for granted?
Romans have power
What is the most Juppiter can get away with describing his wife?
What does the ‘metu’ on line 280 refer to?
Juno’s fears for Carthage’s future
What effect is Virgil trying to create with Juppiter describing the magnificence of their eternal city?
Warm their hearts
What has Juppiter acknowledged?
It is not only bad enough that Juno wreaks havoc on land and sea but also in the sky
What is the effect of placing the sky last when describing where Juno has wreaked havoc?
Most shocking
True/false: Romans are unique in wearing the toga
What do Romans consider themselves as?
Masters of the world militarily and civilly
What suggests Romans are very civilised?
Their unique identity of the toga
What does ‘iustrum’ mean?
Sacred season
What was the duration of a sacred season?
5 years
What was a Roman measurement of time?
Sacred seasons
How does Juppiter add authority to his claims?
Referring to specific Roman practices
Who was Assaracus?
Aeneas’ great grandfather on his father’s side
What other cities will Aeneas conquer?
Pthia- Achilles’ homeland
Mycenae- Menelaus’ homeland
Argos- Diomedes’ homeland
All Greek cities
Who is Julius Caesar’s adopted son?
Augustus Caesar
Who was the first Roman emperor?
Augustus Caesar
What is the effect of ‘terminet’ being a subjunctive?
Sense of purpose, destined to
Why can we not say Virgil is talking about Julius Caesar in line 286?
Augustus took the name Julius too
What will happen to Caesar?
He will be deified and a legacy
What do the thematic similarities show?
Rome’s history matches its destiny
What then suggests we are focusing on Augustus?
The Eastern spoils references Augustus’ conquering of the East with Egypt, Anthony and Cleopatra. Augustus also closed the gates of war and wanted to promote peace
Which line is a golden line?
Line 291
What is the possible reason for the golden line?
No specific reason- emphasises meaning of the line that there will be no more wars
Is the golden line the climax of Juppiter’s speech?
Which four Gods represent the golden age of Rome?
Romulus, Remus, Vesta and Trust
What was Vesta the goddess of?
The hearth and family
How does Virgil show the Roman view on how damaging war is?
Use of destructive and abhorrent words
Where are the Gates of War?
At the entrance to the temple of Janus
What is the myth about the Gates of War?
The doors were only allowed to be closed during times of peace. Augustus closed them in 29BC for only the third time in history. They were not opened for another 250yrs - peace was Augustus’ legacy
What is hypallage?
Putting a description with another word
Which word is hypallage? Why?
‘Dirae’ goes better with war than the gates
What is hendiadys?
One idea expressed unecessarily by two words
Where is hendiadys seen?
‘Grim with iron’ and ‘narrowed by bars’
What are walls a sign of in line 259?
A certain level of civilisation in terms of army and a need for defence
What sort of word is ‘longius’?
A comparative
What is Virgil doing in using Venus being a concerned mother?
Allows her to write more elaborately and speak to the Romans
What is another word for brackets?
Instead of bringing government laws, what does Aeneas bring to Lavinia?
Moral values
What was Latium?
The city before Aeneas made it Lavinia
Why does it make sense about Aeneas bringing in moral values?
Romans still lived by a moral code at Virgil’s time
What is a repeated idea seen in lines 265-266?
What are the Romans’ favourite numbers?
Three and seven
What is the effect of having 3yrs then 30yrs then 300 yrs?
Feels planned like destiny
What is prolepsis?
Looking forward into the future
What is the effect of prolepsis?
Shows the link between Aeneas and Rome today
Why is Romulus important?
Founder of Rome and descendant of Mars
What is exposure?
When you leave something to die like with Romulus and Remus
What is analepsis?
Looking back into the past
What is external prolepsis?
Looking forward but way ahead of Aeneid story
What is internal prolepsis?
Looking forward but still within the Aeneid story
What is significant about line 279?
Full stop in the middle of the line; very short sentence and assonance
What is the effect of the techniques on line 279?
Gives an authoritative tone of how he gives power
Give a quote of Juppiter being authoritative
‘Sic placitum’– so it is decreed
What shows Juppiter is omniscient?
When the seasons glide by
What is the significance of mentioning where Romans have beaten?
Shows what brilliant victors they are. Makes audience proud to be Roman
How do we know Aeneas will be powerful?
Mentions vertical and horizontal boundaries of the empire
What is the symbolism of ‘white haired’?
What is the effect of capitalising ‘Fides’?
Personifies it to make it seem more real
What are doors normally made of? What is the Temple of Janus gates made of?
Why does Virgil create such a long description of horrible imagery?
To show the scale of Augustus’ achievements to contain such a horrid being
Why does Virgil use such a long description at the end of this section?
It is his style to use very long sentences and descriptions to add detail
How does Virgil show the grim environment?
Personification and even the doors are grim