Subjunctives Flashcards
Cum + subjunctive can be translated as…
‘When’, ‘since’ or ‘although’
If a verb is indicative, how do you translate ‘ut’?
‘When’ or ‘as’
How do you translate an ‘ut’ clause with no verb?
Reinforces or modifies what has already been said
In a result clause given by clues of ‘tam’, ‘tantus’ etc how do you translate ‘ut’?
In an indirect command seen by ‘impero’, ‘persuadeo’ etc, how is ‘ut’ translated?
With the infinitive
With the verb ‘vereri’ how does ‘ut’ translate?
‘That… not’
How do you translate accidit ut?
It happens/ happened that
How do you translate ‘fieri potest ut’?
It is possible that
How do you translate ‘ex quo factum est’?
The result of this was that
In purposes clauses how do you translate ‘ut’?
With the infinitive
How do you translate ‘ut… ita’?
‘As… in this way’
‘As… so does’
What else can ‘ut’ mean in relation to a purpose clause?
‘In order to’
In an indirect command, how does ‘ne’ translate?
‘Not to’
In a purpose clause, how does ‘ne’ translate?
‘That… not’, ‘to avoid’, ‘to prevent’, ‘in case’
With iussive subjunctives or in iussive verbs, does ‘ne’ depend on a main verb?
‘Ne’ + perfect subjunctive =
Expresses negative order in second person
How is it translated when ‘ne’ is near ‘quidem’ in a sentence?
‘Not… even’
What can ‘quod’ most commonly mean and what form is it in?
Neuter interrogative adjective means ‘what’
‘Id’ and combine with ‘quod’ to give what?
What does ‘idcirco quod’ mean?
For the reason that
What does ‘propterea quod’ mean?
For the following reason
Namely that
When you have ‘quod’ with a subjunctive what is suggested?
It is alleged rather than an actual action
What is ‘qui’ used with a present or imperfect subjunctive and commonly after verbs like ‘ire’, ‘venire’ or ‘mittere’?
What are the four other purposes of ‘qui’ with subjunctive as well as purpose?
Concessive (despite something happening…)
Generic type or class of person or thing
How can ‘qui’ be translated in causal phrases?
How do you translate ‘qui’ in a purpose clause with ‘quippe’?
Both work together to make ‘since’
What tense of subjunctives are used for causal clauses with ‘qui’?
Any tense
What does ‘qui’ mean in concessive clauses?
What can ‘qui’ mean in a result clause?
As to
What tense subjunctives can go in a result clause?
Any tense
What can ‘qui’ mean in generic clauses?
The sort of
What can ‘qui’ and ‘non’ combine into?
When is ‘quin’ used with ‘qui’?
If there is a negative in the main clause e.g. nemo
What else can ‘quin’ from ‘qui… non’ mean?
How can present subjunctives be translated in the main clause to state a wish or command?
‘I wish’
How are present subjunctives used to state concession?
How does a present subjunctive give a conditional sentence?
Give an example of a deliberative question using the present subjunctive
‘Quid faciam?’
What am I to do?
How else can a present subjunctive be used?
Potential subjunctive to suggest a tentative opinion in a polite way
How can present subjunctives be translated in a conditional sentence?
Past tense
What do you include with imperfect subjunctives?
In a potential subjunctive, how is it translated with an imperfect subjunctive?
‘Would have’
How do you translate pluperfect subjunctives?
‘Would have’
Translate ‘licet abeas’
You may go away
Literally: it is allowed for you to go away
How is ‘quominus’ used in subordinate subjunctive clauses?
From …ing
How can ‘perinde ac si’, ‘quasi’, ‘tamquam si’ and ‘velut si’ be translated in a subordinate subjunctive clause?
To make a comparison with an untrue situation
E.g exactly as he would if
Why do you add subordinate clauses for reported speech using the subjunctive?
Makes that clause part of what was announced
What two reasons might reported speech contain a subjunctive?
Part of a result clause, purpose clause, fearing clause etc
Part of a subordinate clause which is part of what was said or thought