Catullus Poem 9 Notes Flashcards
What is the contrast between this poem and poem 8?
After the wretched unhappiness failed love in poem eight there follows a celebration of male friendship in poem nine
Who is the focus of this poem?
It is still the poet rather than the man being welcomed
How do we know the focus is still on the poet in this poem?
‘Meis… mihi… mihi… me’
‘Audiam… visam… suaviabor’
Declaration of own happiness and use of ‘iucundum’
What does the poem begin with? Why?
A name to make Veranius key word of poem
What style are the first two lines?
Why is the numbering ambiguous?
It hardly suggests the poet has 300,000 friends. So is it ‘one worth 300,000’?
What is significant about ‘milibus’?
Means ‘miles’ like the colloquial expression ‘best by 300 miles’ to give a purpose to the number that would be redundant
What are the welcoming elements mentioned in lines 3-4?
Home, household gods, brothers, aged mother
How does the poet show the welcoming aspect?
The brothers don’t have to be close but they are ‘unanimi’ and next to the attribute to describe the mother
What is significant about ‘beati’?
Sets up a theme which ‘beatiorum… beatius’ picks up later
What techniques are on lines 6-7 and why?
Elisions to give impression of haste and excitement. Also conveyed by enjambment and asyndeton on next line
Where is the asyndeton?
‘Loca facta nationes’
What is inferred by ‘as is your custom’?
Poet has often heard Veranius speaking at great length and that he might dilate at excessive length.
Why does then poet kiss Veranius?
His way of stopping Veranius talking
What is significant about ‘iucundum’?
Subjective tone and pleasure- seeking
What is ‘os oculosque’?
What is the effect of ‘beatius’?
Demonstrates Catullus’ happiness
What can be said about the list of homely items?
The gods are put before the people.
As well as many words relating to himself what other word is repeated?
What emphasises how happy he is?
Ablative of comparison
What can be said about ‘visam te’?
‘Te’ is next to ‘visam’ to show how close they are
What is the technique for the different forms of ‘beatius’?
What is the effect of the polyptoton?
Emphasises happiness and how love comes in different forms