Propertius 1.1 Notes Flashcards
Is this poem subjective?
Is this poem didactic?
Who is the teacher and who is this poem aimed at?
Propertius is the teacher who aims his poem at the innocent
Who has authority in this poem?
Propertius has authority because he is the teacher
The first four lines replicate what?
The opening of an epigram by Meleager
What does ‘prima’ suggest?
He speaks of an early love affair
Who was his first mistress?
What is significant about ‘cepit’?
Shows Cynthia is his first true love. Cannot be controlled
If his first mistress was Lycinna, why is he talking about Cynthia?
Suggests he has chosen to forget earlier entanglements or the force of ‘cepit’ is special
What technique is ‘miserum’?
What does ‘miserum’ ask the audience to do?
Sympathise and take pity
Who is suggested should be feared?
‘Cepit’ with ‘ocellis’ gives what impression?
He was bewitched
What does ‘ocelli’ remind us of?
The evil eye and her eyes being a weapon
What else could ‘contactum’ suggest?
Pierced and corrupted
What does the plural ‘cupidinibus’ do?
Makes the noun hover between it’s proper and common form
What does line three suggest?
His pride is separate to his will
What does ‘deiecit’ suggest?
‘Dashed down’ or ‘cast eyes down in low importance’. A figurative use
What does he mean by pressing feet on his head?
Bowing his head (in submission)
What does he mean by chaste girls? What does this suggest?
Girls who are inaccessible so his advances were always refused by Cynthia
What does Propertius mean by ‘perversely’?
Amor has subdued Propertius so he should also subdue his lover but he does not. ‘Perversely’ is aimed at Amor for being ruthless and heartless
What does he mean by living without a plan?
Pursuing Cynthia means he abandons a life other than love. He has exhausted all resources of gaining love after being rejected and lives aimlessly
What case is ‘toto anno’ in? What is it expected to be in?
Expects accusative but is actually ablative
Why is Propertius referring to a year and the gods being against him?
It has been a year and the gods have not softened in relieving his infatuation or making Cynthia less obdurate
What is the story of Milanion and Atalanta in this poem?
Atalanta was nursed as an infant by a she-bear in Arcadia. She was a virgin huntress pursued by many. One day she ran into two centaurs (Rhoeteus and Hylaeus) who tried to violate her. Milanion came to her aid but was wounded by a stick wielded by Hylaeus. Seeing him lying wounded, Atalanta had a change of heart and is the ultimate proof of Milanion’s love
What is the Ovid version of the Milanion and Atalanta story?
Milanion was wounded by an arrow shot by Hylaeus
What is the more well-known version of this story?
Atalanta’s suitor is Hippomenes and the story is set in Boetia
Who was Tulle?
A nephew of L.Volcacius Tullus
Why has Propertius mentioned Tullus?
To dedicate him
What is thought about Tullus’ family?
Rich and powerful and from the same part of Italy as Propertius
What are the two meanings of ‘durae’?
‘Hard-hearted’ and ‘physically tough’
Who were Atalanta’s parents?
Iasus and Clymene
‘Modo et etiam’ is the only example of what in Classical Literature?
‘Modo’ not being answered by another ‘modo’ or an equivalent like ‘tum’ or ‘interdum’
What is unpleasant? How could it be corrected?
Repetition of ‘ille’. Correct ‘ille’ on line 12 to ‘saepe’
What is Parthenius?
A mountain
What could ‘videre’?
‘To face’
What is a Graecism? What is the Graecism?
A Greek idiom. Using the infinitive ‘videre’ instead of the supine as it would be in prose
With Hylaeus’ stick, what is significant here?
There is one genitive dependent on another
What technique is ‘Arcadiis rupibus’?
Dative or locative ablative or both
What is Atalanta’s most well-known characteristic?
What is significant about using a perfect infinitive ‘potuit domuisse’?
‘He could tame’ is an archaism to emphasise the completeness of the action
What are the ‘exploits’?
Devotion and heroism
What could ‘valent’ mean?
‘Can count for’
What does he mean by ‘love is slow in me’?
He is slow to assist and late coming
Where is the slight paradox?
‘Cogitat artes’ as ‘art’ is something that can be taught like a skill not something that can be thought of as they go along
‘Ut prius’ suggests who?
The age of heroes like Milanion
What is typical of Propertius?
Abrupt transitions ‘at vos’
What does the trick with the moon stand for?
Reference to witches who draw the moon from heaven and create eclipses with spells and incantations
Which goddess was thought to descend the moon for ceremonies and designs?
Hecate the witch goddess
What did the Romans think of Hecate, the moon and witchcraft?
It was a fraud
‘Performing sacred rites’ might be what?
An idiom for speaking dark rites of divinities one does not name
What is ‘mentem’?
Emotional and intellectual attitude
What does it mean to be pale? (Not in terms of wealth)
‘Vobis’ is what case instead of the accusative?
Where is Cytae?
A town in Colchis and the birthplace of Medea (enchantress)
Where was Colchis?
Modern Georgia on the coast of the Black Sea. Just above Liberia
What does ‘ducere’ mean here?
What does line 25 mean?
Crying a warning after the catastrophe can no longer be averted
What is the heart here?
A seat for feelings and intelligence
What does the knife and savage fires represent?
Where is his anger implicit?
Lines 5-6
What does ‘per’ mean on line 29?
What technique is the phrase on line 31?
An idiom
What is the meaning behind line 31?
He who has an easy ear will hear their prayers
Which God is consenting?
Amor although it would normally be Juppiter
What could ‘pares’ mean?
What is the alternative for ‘old Venus’?
Venus whom we serve
Who else could ‘Venus’ be referring to?
His mistress
Where is there personification?
‘Amor is never idle or weary’
What is ambiguous about line 35?
Is the ‘evil’ the unrequited love or Cynthia. We would assume Cynthia
What does ‘cura’ refer to which is common in love poetry?
A girl (his sweetheart)
What type of ablative phrases could line 36 be and give examples
Ablative absolute of attendant circumstance ‘once love has grown familiar’
Ablative of separation ‘from a love to which he has grown accustomed’
What does ‘referet’ mean?
What is the diminutive in the first line?
What is Propertius proud about?
He thought he could play with Cynthia’s affections
What technique is the Milanion and Atalanta story?
What is an exemplum?
Refer to myths to explain a situation
Who is Iasid? What technique is this?
Atalanta. Patronymic epithet as her father was Iasus
Which part of the Milanion creates sympathy?
Groaning in pain on the Arcadian cliffs
What does he mean by ‘stimulating art’?
Ability to be poetic. He is losing inspiration
When he says ‘he forgets to go on ways he used to know’ what does he mean?
His poetry is not the same as before. He loses the way he used to win over a girl
What has Propertius resorted to?
Where was Arcadia?
Central and Eastern part of Peloponnese peninsula in Greece
What does he mean by ‘he slips away’?
Cannot be helped or is at the point of death
What does ‘en agendum’ mean?
Get on with it!
What sort of ‘we’ does Propertius use?
Royal ‘we’
Why does Propertius talk about surgery?
Cutting love out
Who is he referring to with ‘vos remanete’?
The audience
How does Amor consent?
What does ‘old Venus’ add to Venus?
Where is there litotes?
Line 34
What does Propertius warn the audience?
Don’t look for something else
What does he mean by love working bitter nights?
He cannot sleep at night because of love
What does Propertius hate?
Being in love. He is angry at love and the situation
What does the last line say?
He will recall my words with so much grief
What is the parallel between Milanion and Propertius?
Milanion was wounded and got love but Propertius is also wounded by love and doesn’t get the girl
Why did Propertius lose love?
He did something and was arrogant with it. Now he is angry at himself
What is the effect of litotes?
Make a point by emphasising the opposite