Sulpicia 3.13 Notes Flashcards
Why were Sulpicia’s poems banned?
They didn’t think they were good poems and were too complex
Who suggests Sulpicia 3.13 was a concluding poem?
Voss 1810
Smith 1913
Tränkle 1990
Do people think Sulpicia thought of publication?
How did Smith (1913) say her poems read?
It reads more like an extract from her own diary
What is this poem stating about love?
The triumph and elation of love achieved in a series of bravado statements
Why should lines 7-8 be scrutinised?
It is normal for writing tablets to be kept sealed for confidentiality but Sulpicia wants everyone to know
What were emblems of poetry?
Books, tablets and pages
What are the wax tablets objects of in Catullus poems?
Poetry that Catullus wants back
The idea of the contents matching or not matching the deluxe materials they were made of
What do her ‘unsealed tablets’ suggest?
Her tablets are open/ published
Who is the implied reader?
The snooping messenger reading the unsealed writing tablets
What are the wax tablets a symbol of in Propertius and Sulpicia?
The impromptu nature of love elegy
What suggests Propertius is alluding to Sulpicia?
The phraseology about writing tablets is common in both but in Sulpicia, it occurs in one line
What sort of speech has this poem been said to be?
What type of verb could ‘ferar’ be?
Which words are non-committal for an introductory poem?
‘Illum’ and ‘meus’
What else could the non-committal words do?
A designed inducement to the reader to proceed further
Which words have a slight grammar inappropriateness together?
‘Fama’ and ‘nudasse’
What would be an alternative interpretation of line 2 given the grammar and word order inappropriateness?
‘Than the fact that’
What sort of infinitives are present?
Subject infinitives
How could lines 1-2 be a pun on Amor?
‘Tandem venit Amor’ Sounds like a statement in a Cletic hymn to summon Amor
What characteristic is Cupid suggested to have?
What is Sulpicia playing with with regards to Amor?
The thought of clothing and unclothing Amor
What is ‘tego’ the opposite of?
What is ‘tego’ idiomatic for?
‘Vestio’ which means ‘to clothe’
What is the paradox?
Clothing Amor in shame
What does the phrase with Camenis remind us of?
The incantation of Daphnis
What can Amor not mean?
A lover
Who is ‘Illum’ in line 3?
Is there a delay in showing the identity of Cerinthus?
Yes which could be artful or artfulness
What could lines 3-4 be a parallel to?
A Sappho poem 1 (he entreated Aphrodite and did in the past)
What is the parallel with delivery a lover?
Aphrodite rescues Paris in Homer
What is a common verb in elegies?
Who is Cytherea?
What pattern of nouns and adjectives is in line 3?
What device is ‘Camena’?