Catullus Poem 5 Notes Flashcards
What is the tone of this poem?
Deceptive sophistication
What does the first line suggest?
Living is the equivalent to loving
Which word do the two verbs in line 1 frame?
Which themes are displayed here?
Life and death
Love and contempt (over strict old men)
What types of verbs are used in the second half of the poem?
What do the repeated numbers suggest?
A mathematical sum is being aimed at (builds up attitude of exactitude) only to find a confusion of figures
What are the polarities created?
Life vs death
Light vs dark
Young vs old
Counting vs muddling
What is the effect of the polarities?
Expression of love set against dark background of threats
How is the love shown?
Frequent use of first person pronouns not endorsed elsewhere
What is line one framed by?
Two iussive subjunctives
What is the tone in lines 2-3?
Rebellious against older generation
What techniques are in lines 2-3?
Juxtaposition of ‘omnes unius’
Hissing sibilants
What is an as?
The smallest Roman coin weighing a pound but was equivalent to a penny in English
What does the use of the sun pick up?
‘Vivamus’ the sun dies and returns everyday but we cannot. Motif of life
What is the impact of linking the sun to ‘vivamus’?
Makes it into an argument to make the most of time available