Catullus Poem 109 Notes Flashcards
What is Catullus saying in this poem?
He expresses his hopes of happy love for the future but reports he doubts his love’s ability to make a promise
What is ‘amicitia’?
A political alliance in Rome based on self-interest which may last but often didn’t
What is the effect of the last line being a hyperbole?
Demonstrates the doubt that this everlasting bond of friendship can be achieved
Is the poem giving anyone confidence that fidelity and friendship are possible to last forever?
What type of irony is created in this poem?
Dramatic irony
What is line 1 framed by?
Love… pleasant
How is the lover addressed? What is the effect?
‘My life’ more than an affectionate term and focuses on the ‘whole life’ nature of the relationship
What stresses the relationship should be neutral?
‘Of ours… between us’
How is ‘possit’ emphasised? What is the effect?
End of the line and alliteration. Could be an insult to the girl questioning if she is capable of making a real promise
Which words does Catullus use to express the same thing?
‘Vere… sincere… ex animo’
What is the effect of the intensive ‘per’ sound in the phrase with ‘perducere’?
Strongly emphasises the hoped- for quality of the relationship
Which word has strong emphasis in the last line?
What are the different meanings of ‘amicitia’?
Friendship and political alliance
Why might Catullus have chosen the specific word ‘amicita’?
Suggests a marriage-pact of friendship. Two worlds of marriage: more permanent but not loving and more loving but less permanent
What sort of overtones does the last line have?
What could be the meaning of the words on the last line? What is Catullus doing?
An everlasting bond of sanctioned alliance. Trying to find the vocabulary to express his feelings and hopes
What could be seen by his hyperbolic language?
Undertone of doubt
What can be said about ‘mea vita’?
Lesbia is not only his love but his life too
What is significant about word positioning on lines 1-2?
‘Iucundum’ and ‘fore’ separated to show doubt about pleasantness in the future
What other words are separated from each other?
‘Amorem’ and ‘nostrum’
What does Catullus hope to do?
Tolerate Lesbia with friendship and trust
Why does Catullus need to add in ‘verum’?
Not completely certain she will tell the truth