Sulpicia Poem 3.16 Notes Flashcards
What is significant about the syllables on the first line? What is the effect?
The last two words are monosyllabic. Gives authentic colloquialism
What do critics think ‘subito ne’ does not go with?
What could the ‘subito ne’ be?
A pseudo-final clause with ‘permittis’
How is Sulpicia ironic?
She interprets a consequence of Cerinthus’ action as his intention ( that she should not fall into the disgrace of marrying someone of lower social status)
Where is the idea it would be a disgrace to marry Cerinthus brought up again?
Last couplet
What does ‘cado’ mean?
Fall into disgrace
What does ‘male’ intensify?
What sort of style and tone is ‘male inepta’ possibly?
Colloquial and pejorative
What is she not talking about?
Making a sexual error
What suggests there has been a sexual error?
‘Ne… securus’
Who wore togas?
Prostitutes or very low class women
What technique is ‘togae’?
Who could a prostitute be called?
What was ‘stola’?
Metonymy for posh ladies
Who were spinsters known as?
Lowly slaves
How does Sulpicia categorise her rival for Cerinthus?
A prostitute engaged in spinning (slave)
Wha could we infer from the prostitute and wool idea?
Do we imagine her practising both occupations at the same time or was she an ex-spinner that became a prostitute now she is a freed woman?
Is there hyperbole and rhetorical devices here?
Why might Sulpicia be being snobbery and abusive?
Her rival is not noble like herself
Where is there a slight asymmetry?
‘Cura’ lines up with ‘scortum’ and ‘filia’
What was kept in a ‘wool basket’?
Unspun wool
What does ‘pressum’ mean?
What technique is she using throughout but mainly with ‘scortum’ and ‘toga’?
Who are worried about her?
Her family
Who else might be worried?
Rivals of Cerinthus who want the prostitute
What is hyperbaton and where is it seen?
Inversion of word order as seen with ‘maxima causa’
Who does ‘maxima causa’ relate to?
Who does ‘ignoto toro’ refer to?
Cerinthus as he may not be as flash as Sulpicia or could be an exaggeration of a jilted girl
What could ‘cedam’ mean?
Become property of
What sort of writing is created if the lowborn bed refers to Cerinthus?
Preferable, forceful writing
Where does the distllabic pattern at the end of even lines change? Why?
‘Sulpicia’ to show she is different and not a prostitute. She’s angry
Could Sulpicia just be being jealous Unnecessarily?
Where is there a contrast?
‘Securus’ and ‘solliciti’
What does ‘ne cedam’ pick up? Why?
‘Ne… cadam’ to give balance and the second quote extra weight
What sort of sounds are seen in line 4? Why?
‘S’ sounds to show hissing.
Where are there elisions and why?
‘Gratum est’
‘Illa dolori est’
Lack of control and composure
Why is ‘maxima causa’ nearer the end of the line?
To highlight the greatness
Where else is there a word to show a lot of something?
What does she use a lot of in this poem compared to others?
Elisions and sibilance
Is the first phrase meant to be sarcastic?
What does she mean by ‘securus’?
Confident in her feelings for him
Why does the image of carrying wool contrast the prostitute idea?
Spinning and wool work were traditional tasks of a virtuous Roman lady
‘Potior… quam’ is what?
A comparative
Who could be concerned about her?
Messalla or her friends and family
What is ‘illa’ in apposition with?
‘Maxima causa’
Who is ‘illa’ not a reference to?
Whoever caught Cerinthus’ eye
What is ‘quibus, dolori’?
Double dative
What are the two interpretations of ‘lowborn bed’?
They don’t want her falling for a man who has affairs with slaves or they don’t want to see Sulpicia come second to a less advantageous girl
Could Sulpicia be bluffing?
Is there a chance Messalla knows about her relationship and approves of Cerinthus?