Viral hepatitis Flashcards
Enveloped, circular, partially dsDNA virus of the Hepadnaviridae family
Marker of HBV envelope seen in serum, used for diagnosis
Marker of HBV not seen in the serum, but seen in the liver
HBV core associated antigen seen in serum
HBV trans-activator of replication
Forms of HBV
Dane particle
Spherical forms
Tubular forms
Baltimore class VII replication type
DNA genome replicated via an RNA intermediate
Incubation period of HBV
45-180 days, average of 60-90
HBV markers positive in immune tolerant phase
High levels of HBV DNA
Minimal rise in LFTs
First phase of HBV infection characterized
Immune tolerant phase
Second phase of HBV infection
Immune active phase
HBV markers seen in immune active phase
High levels of HBV DNA
HBeAg converted to Anti-HBe (IgM)
Increased LFTs
Third phase of HBV infection
Immune control phase
HBV markers seen in immune control phase
Anti-HBe (IgM)
HBV DNA low or undetectable
HBeAg negative
Normal LFTs
Forth phase of HBV infection
Immune clearance phase
HBV markers seen in immune clearance phase
HBeAg negative
Anti-HBe (IgM)
HBV DNA high
Increased LFTs
When is HBsAg spot test able to be detected in serum and what does it indicate?
1-10 wks after exposure
Marker present during the entire duration of acute HBV
Marker present during acute, chronic, and carrier states of HBV
What is indicated by present of IgM anti-HBc in serum?
Acute infection
What is indicated by Anti-HBs in serum?
Immunity to HBV
What is indicated by IgG anti-HBc in serum?
Marker of past or chronic infection
What specific antibody is used as marker for reduced replication of HBV?
Antivirals used for treating chronic HBV
Active immunization against HBV and schedule
Recombinant HBsAg vaccine
Given at 0, 1, and 6 mos
Passive immunization for HBV vaccine
Human immunoglobulin given within 1 wk of exposure
What HBV vaccine is given to neonates of HBV positive mothers?
Passive immunization with human immunoglobulin
How many doses of the combined HBV vaccine are given?
Treatment for HBV contaminated materials
10% bleach
Spherical, enveloped, positive sense ssRNA virus of Flaviviridae family. Genotype 1a is major seen in US.
Predominant symptom of HCV infection
Chronic fatigue
Binds to CD81 antigen or LDL receptor on hepatocytes via E2 glycoprotein, leading to chronic disease.
Prodromal phase of HCV
6-7 wks after exposure
Viremia phase of HCV
1-3 wks up to 4-6 mos
Extrahepatic manifestations of HCV
Essential mixed cryoglobulinemia
Porphyria cutanea retarda
Membranoproliferative glomerulonephritis
Defective virus with negative sense ssRNA
Family of HAV
Incubation period of HAV
2-6 wks
How HAV travels to liver?
Via portal V
Gold standard for diagnosing HAV
Anti-HAV IgM by ELISA or RIA
Post-exposure prophylaxis for HAV
Anti-HAV antibody within 2 wks
HAV vaccine type
Killed HAV
Family and genus of HEV
Family Hepeviridae
Genus Hepevirus