Vertebral Column Practical Flashcards
When the vertebrae are aligned into the vertebral column, what is the role of the vertebral foramen?
Align to form the vertebral canal
What attaches to the cranial and caudal endplates in life?
Annulus fibrosus of the intervertebral discs
What is the function of the dorsal and transverse spinous processes?
Increase surface area for muscle attachment
What is the function of the articular facets?
Articulate with adjacent vertebrae to form the vertebral column.
what are the structures
What structure is located in the intervertebral disc space and what is/are its function/s?
Intervertebral disc. Holds vertebral bodies together and provides shock absorption
What structure passes through the vertebral canal in life?
Spinal cord
What structure passes through the intervertebral foramen in life? In which species might this knowledge be of clinical use for performing abdominal surgery?
Spinal nerves
Cow & sheep – performance of paravertebral anaesthesia to allow a lateral flank surgical incision for operations such as caesarean sections to be performed.
what are these structures
What is the nature of the movement that is possible at the joints between C1 & the skull and C1 & C2 and what is the functional significance of this arrangement?
C1 & the skull - Dorsal and ventral movement – ‘Yes’ joint
C1 & C2 - Lateral rotation – ‘No’ joint
Allows wide range of movement between skull and vertebral column but spreads this over a relatively large area (occipito – atlanto-axial joints) so spinal cord not damaged.
Why do the rest of the cervical vertebrae have short dorsal and transverse spinous processes?
Large range of movement necessary in this region therefore short so don’t interfere with movement
Why do the thoracic vertebrae have long dorsal spinous processes and absent transverse ones?
Dorsal spinous processes – muscle attachment for forelimb and epaxial muscles
Absence of transverse processes to allow articulation with the ribs.
Why do the lumbar vertebrae have long transverse processes?
Attachment of abdominal wall muscles for support of abdominal contents
Why are the sacral vertebrae fused?
Efficient transfer of propulsive forces from the hindlimb to the vertebral column via the sacro-iliac joint
Which areas of the vertebral column are associated with most movement and therefore are most prone to damage?
Cervical region - especially atlanto-occipital joint
Lumbar region – especially thoracolumbar junction & lumbosacral junction
Why is it useful clinically to be able to palpate the transverse processes of C1, the dorsal spinous process of C2 and the lumbar dorsal spinous processes?
Injection of contrast medium into subarachnoid space to perform myelogram or take CSF sample
what are the palpable features on the vertebral column
- transverse processes of C1/atlas
- dorsal spinous process of C2/axis
- dorsal spinous processes of thoracic vertebrae
- dorsal spinous processes of lumbar vertebrae
What is the vertebral formula for each of the skeletons present and are these always constant within a species?
Dog & cat - C7 T13 L7 S3 CC17
Horse - C7 T18 L6 S5 CC 10
Cow – C7 T13 L6 S5 CC 12
Pig - C7 T16 L6 S4 CC9
Pig & sheep variable to provide extra cuts of meat