Verb Forms and Conjugation Flashcards
How to form the imperfect tense
Take nous form, omit -ons, add
- ais
- ais
- ait
- ions
- iez
- aient
how to generate the simple past, -er verbs
take the nous form of the present tense, omit -ons, add
-ai, -as, -a, -âmes, -âtes, -èrent.
how to generate the simple past, -ir and -re verbs
take the
past participle, omit the final vowel, and add the following endings: -is, -is, -
it, -îmes, -îtes, -irent.
how to form the simple past for -oir verbs
take the past participle, omit the final vowel, and add the following endings: -us, -us, -ut, -ûmes, -ûies, -urent
How to form the future and conditional for all verb types
Take the infinitive form of -er, -ir and -re verbs (deleting the final e in the latter case)
Future: -ai, -as, -a, -ons, -ez, -ont
Conditional: -ais, -ais, -ait, -ions, -iez, -aient
how to form the present subjunctive
take the third person plural ils/elles form of
the present tense, omit -ent and add the endings:
- e
- es
- e
- ions
- iez
- ent
how to form the imperfect subjunctive
For all regular verb conjugations, take the first person singular je form of the
simple past tense, omit the last letter and add the endings:
how to form the imperative
take the second person singular tu form, the second person plural vous form and the first person plural
nous form of the present tense, delete the subject and the final -s of any verb
which ends in -es or -as.
present tense finir
je finis tu finis il/elle finit nous finissons vous finissez ils finissent
imperfect of finir
je finissais /ɛ/ tu finissais /ɛ/ il;elle;on finissait /ɛ/ nous finissions /ɔ̃/ vous finissiez / ils;elles finissaient /ɛ/
future tense of finir
je finirai /ʁe/ tu finiras /ʁa/ il;elle;on finira /ʁa/ nous finirons /ʁɔ̃/ vous finirez /ʁe/ ils;elles finiront /ʁɔ̃/
passé simple of finir
je finis / tu finis / il;elle;on finit / nous finîmes /fi.nim/ vous finîtes /fi.nit/ ils;elles finirent /fi.niʁ/
conditional of finir
je finirais /ʁɛ/ tu finirais /ʁɛ/ il;elle;on finirait /ʁɛ/ nous finirions /ʁjɔ̃/ vous finiriez /ʁje/ ils;elles finiraient /ʁɛ/
imperative of finir
tu finis /
nous finissons /ɔ̃/
vous finissez /
present subjunctiv eof finir
je finisse /fi.nis/ tu finisses /fi.nis/ il;elle;on finisse /fi.nis/ nous finissions /ɔ̃/ vous finissiez / ils;elles finissent /fi.nis/
imperfect subjunctive of finir
je finisse /fi.nis/ tu finisses /fi.nis/ il;elle;on finît / nous finissions /ɔ̃/ vous finissiez / ils;elles finissent /fi.nis/