Various/Misc Flashcards
- When may you deviate from the rules, operational procedures and methods?
If an emergency situation requires immediate decision/action.
- When must you comply with all rules and procedures?
At all times unless there is an urgent or compelling reason not to.
- How long should be allowed between alternate controlled rest periods?
- You make an ALERT call but PA has stopped working. What should you do?
Use multiple cabin chimes (switch belts on/off).
- You need a rapid disembarkation, what do you do?
Use standard ALERT call > NITS > PA “Attention, this is an important announcement. All passengers must leave the a/c via the nearest boarding door in a quick and orderly manner. LEAVE ALL PERSONAL ITEMS BEHIND.” Delegate PA?*
The FO passes out for no apparent reason. What is your first action?
Don Oxygen mask.
- The medical kit is opened. What paperwork should be completed?
Non-urgent opening inform commander BEFORE kit is opened. Check seals. Yellow indicate kit has not been opened and should always be present ex main base. Red indicate kit has been opened. An opened kit must be re-sealed and the seal numbers recorded in AML Part 2. Record kit opened in AML Part 1.
- To whom do you give DIP mail on arrival?
To accredited diplomatic representative. DIP mail categorised ‘A’ or ‘B’. ‘A’ will include a ‘Flight deck/Secure Locker’ receipt. ‘B’ can be loaded in hold. Handling may be delegated to SCCM however each time responsibility for a Cat A item is passed it must be recorded on receipt. The top copy should be retained for one week.
To whom should Diplomatic mail be handed over to in the absence of accredited diplomatic representative?
May be signed over to the senior BA airport official.
Where must diplomatic mail be stored?
Load and Balance Manual 3.5.1 > unaccompanied DIP mail on the Flight deck c/o the Capt (at Capts Discretion). Flight Deck must not be left unattended.
- What paperwork should be completed on acceptance/relinquishing diplomatic mail?
‘Flight Deck/Secure Stowage’ receipt.
How many INADS or DEPORTEE are you able to carry? In what circumstances?
OMA 2.5.4 For both INAD and DEPO Commander must be informed by TRM/ACARS. Max of 6 INADS per flight. If the INAD is part of a family group that group shall count as one INAD. Generally unescorted but any concerns should be addressed to BA Security. If escorts are deemed necessary then min of 2. ONLY Unescorted INADS may be served alcohol provided well behaved etc.
DEPU/DEPA – are either unescorted or escorted. May not be accepted without written removal directions stating routing and flight. Max 2 DEPU or 1 DEPA.
What are the four levels of disruptive behaviour?
1) Irrational/Verbal/Defiant of crew
2) Physical > pushing/grabbing/damage
3) Life threatening > Hi-jack Procedures must be followed!
4) Attempted/Actual Breach of Flt Deck
- When can a pax be restrained?
Initially a warning notice signed by the commander should have been issued (spare forms wallet). All possible alternative options should be considered incl diverting a/c.
8.4.14 - Physical restraint of a passenger, using the passenger restraint, can be applied only on the express instructions of the Commander and only whilst the aircraft is airborne. The Commander has the duty and the legal authority to order physical restraint when, in his/her judgement, it is essential to preserve the safety of the aircraft, the crew or other passengers. Flight crew are not to involve themselves directly in the restraint process.
Only crew trained using Quick-Kuf/reasonable force/may accept but NOT solicit assistance from other pax.
What paperwork needs to be completed following passenger restraint?
OMB 3.13 - gives guidance on use of pax restraint.
Paperwork - Pax Restraint Galley Checklist/Witness Statements/ASR/Incident Form/AML parts 1 and 2.
What are the rules regarding weapons carriage by Armed Escorts?
OMA 8.4.5 Armed escorts may carry guns & CS gas. Commander must be informed. Escort must have their own CAA dispensation. (When not accompanying their principal the weapons must be un-loaded and stored in the hold).
- Assistance Animals. Are they allowed?
Yes. Have to be specifically cleared by ground staff. May not occupy a seat and must travel at pax feet. Not permitted at an over-wing/emergency exit row. Further guidance OMB 2.5.8 including toilet needs and securing animal.
Is there a limit on pax with reduced mobility (PRM’s)?
There is no limit to PRM’s. However pax who are not self-reliant must provide an escort. Should number of PRM’s form ‘significant’ proportion of total load their number should not exceed number of able bodied persons capable of assisting them in emergency evac.
- What is the minimum number of crew required on 777?
OM A 4.1.1. Only when away from main base;
200 > 7 crew/max 283 pax
300> 9 crew/299 pax
Perf Man Quick Turnaround Tables Section 3.6. no longer appears to exist! The only guide would be the Brake Cooling Tables in QRH. Below what ‘general’ speed would you remain outside of Caution Zone?
Approx 120kts (depending on a/c weight).
The Quick Turnaround Tables were used to assess when following a landing when an a/c may depart again. The information can be extracted from the Brake Cooling Schedule. At MLW generally a cooling period of 30 mins will be more than adequate. Basically, if the EICAS ‘Brake Temp’ Advisory has not shown within 15mins after parking the a/c is safe to go! (See note at bottom of table).
A door is inoperative - inoperative escape facilities. Where would you find info on any restriction to pax numbers?
Load & Balance > Interior Layouts Section 2.3
During your pre-flight check of O2 you note the pressure is below 1400psi. Is this normal and where would you find the required pressures?
Not normal - min press ex LHR 1400psi (4 crew 1600psi). Downroute figure varies depending on number of flight crew - x2 900psi x3 1300psi x4 1600psi. Details DDG>Oxygen
During your pre-flight check of O2 you note a PAX press of less than 1600psi. Is this acceptable?
Ex LHR the press must be 1600psi. Downroute it depends on exact pressure and number of pax. Generally 1400psi will be sufficient (200-299 pax). See DDG.
Who makes the Vref entry, Autobrake selection and sets the stand-by altimeter as part of the Descent Procedure? (As if it matters!)
PM selects Vref and Autobrake PF sets standby altimeter.
What is TEAM in relation to LHR?
OMA 2.2.2 Tactically Enhanced Arrival Measures - to increase flow rates, provided cloud base exceeds 1000ft and viz 6km, LHR may switch off ILS 27L if it is the departure runway and offer LOC/DME to that runway
What ‘allowance’ are included in landing performance tables in the QRH for normal and non-normal landing figures?
Both Normal and Abnormal include a ‘standard’ air distance from threshold of 455m. NORMAL landing figures include a further 15% factor NON-NORMAL have no additional factor.
When checking the Manager > System Information you discover that the tail number is present by the VER and ADM boxes are blank. What do you do and what might be your concerns?
No guidance apparent (June 2022) but it appears these boxes are not required and CPDLC should function. There is however strong anecdotal evidence that this is not always the case. My own experience ex JFK in Jun 2022 was the CPDLC was not functioning correctly. A/C would not log on to KUSA either. Engineer offered fix of Left AIMs 001 module reset. If that doesn’t work ALL AIMS modules off then reinstate LEFT first. You might also consider loading extra fuel in case the log on does not function. Atlantic crossing at FL280 will require approx 4-5 T extra fuel.