AWOPS Flashcards
A runway is shown in LIDO to have CAT3 minima. Can you use them?
Provided the CCI pages identify what minima BA may use - yes. The fact that mins might be shown in the ILS page only indicates that the runway supports CAT 3 Ops but the runaway may NOT be approved by BA.
If there is a note in CCI pages for a LIDO CAT 3 runway that reads “Not Auth BA Ops” what minima can you use?
Those shown on the LIDO ILS chart (in other words the lowest minima without “company” annotated) which generally will be CAT 2. Following an Autoland on such a runway report back to Aerodromes and Performance.
What section of OMA covers AWOPS?
Section 8.22
Following the withdrawal of take-off minima on CARD where would you find the take-off minima for a given runway?
From the AOI pages of LIDO. Note that the published minima are the lowest supported by a given runway and may not be appropriate to the aeroplane type on the day! i.e. lowest mins at LHR are 75m but if you have no PVD then it’s going to be 125m!
Lowest take-off minima for a 777 with and without PVD?
75m with PVD (only require Capt PVD)
125m without PVD
Which RVR transmissometers are required for take-off?
OMA 8.22.3.d RVR reporting is required below 400m. Above 200m technically only the TDZ. It is permissible for the commander to evaluate this from the flight deck. However if the MP is reported it MUST be taken into account AND if either of these were < 200m the SE would also be required AND all of them must be above the relevant minima.
When the reported meteorological visibility (VIS) is below that required for take-off and RVR is not reported, a take-off should only be commenced if the Commander can determine that the visibility along the take-off runway is equal to or better than the required minimum.
When no reported meteorological visibility or RVR is available, a take-off should only be commenced if the Commander can determine that the visibility along the take-off runway is equal to or better than the required minimum.
The TDZ RVR is u/s and the MP and SE are below 200m. Can you depart?
Technically “yes”. Provided the MP and SE are above the relevant minima for PVD status (75m or 125m) or state minima the commander may assess the TDZ from the flight deck.
How many light @ 15m spacing represent 75m/125m/150m?
75m - 4 lights
125m - 7 lights
150m - 9 lights
Below what visibility MUST you have RVR measurement for take-off? For landing?
Take-off - 400m (with proviso that the initial part of the take-off run can be assessed by the commander).
Landing - 550m (generally CAT 1 minima).
Note: LHR AOI states 600m for LVPS.
What is a low visibility take-off?
Viz < 400m/1300ft LVP’s must be in force.
What is the minimum visibility permissible for take-off without ANY form of runway lighting?
500m DAY ONLY (proviso that pilot must be able to continuously identify take-off surface and maintain directional control)
The take-off minima in USA/Canada vary according to what facilities are available but what are the lowest minima?
USA - 500ft/500ft/500ft
Canada - 600ft/600ft/600ft
Where do you tune the PVD and when will it ‘unshutter’?
FMC NAV/RAD page. 45deg of runway heading.
How would you know if a runway has coded centre-line lights and what speeds would be appropriate?
On the IAC plate legend chart availability of coded RCLL are depicted as a red/white line. At 900m the light alternate red/white (90kts) and in the last 300m all red (30kts). Note in USA the RE lights are amber in the last 2000ft/600m. Depicted on IAC in ‘orange/amber’ hi-light alongside edge of runway.
With respect to LIDO published minima, if you see ‘ACFT MAX 65/7’ can you apply those minima and what does it mean?
YES! OMA 8.22.12. The figures refer to the wingspan and the relationship of the GP aerial to landing gear.
Autoland wind limits are?
25kts HWC & CWC 15kts TWC. EXCEPT USA when the CWC is 15kts.
Note: max demonstrated in non-LVO approx 30/30/15 with both two & single eng ops
Autoland Glideslope range limits?
What flap settings are approved for Autoland?
F30 and F20 only.
A runaway has downgraded/temporarily failed transmissometers. What/which RVR transmissometers are required for landing CAT2 and below?
Essentially you might get away with x1 only. From 8.22.11 “Effect on Landing Minima of Temporarily Failed or Downgraded Ground Equipment”
For CAT3B NO DH - At least one RVR value to be available on the aerodrome
For CAT3B/3A/CAT2 On runways equipped with two or more RVR assessment units, one may be inoperative (so you could get away with one RVR).
On a CAT3B/3A/CAT2 approach you hear the a/c ahead of you go-around. What might this alert you to?
OMA 8.22.A Background Info - the possibility of multi path interference affecting your own approach. An A380 vacating ahead may also lead to similar interference.
Absolute CAT3B landing minima for a 777?
Absolute CAT3A minima? CATB minima?
CAT 3A Minima (generally 200m)/125m/75m. Note: CAT3A TDZ minima are never less than 200m and CAT2 never less than 300m but either may well be higher. Refer to LIDO CCI charts for specific runways.
CAT 3B - 75/75/75 if relevant (speed < 60kts).
When would the Stop-end be considered ‘relevant’ and if so what is the required RVR?
If it is considered the a/c speed will exceed 60kts in that portion of the runaway. If it is assessed to be relevant then the required RVR is always 75m. My thoughts: on a long runway (e.g LHR) selection of AB4 on a dry runway or even wet (BA-good) F30 gives an LDR on a -300 of approx 2290m and would effectively make the STOP-END irrelevant at MLW on all types.
Visual Requirements for landing?
CAT1/RNAV/NPA – ‘distinctly visible’ CAT2 (LTS CAT1) – x3 ‘centreline’ lights and lateral element of ground pattern. CAT3A – x3 ‘centreline’ lights CAT3B – 1 centreline light CAT3b NO DH – No viz rqmnts
Note: Available in Low Viz Aide Memoire > Ops Info
The sequence of events from 1500RA.
1500RA – other 2 AP’s engage. LAND3/LAND2/NO AUTOLAND annunciated. FLARE/ROLLOUT arm.
1000RA – auto ‘1000’. Confirm Mins, chk PFD, Capt “Autoland xxxft or NO DH I have control”
500RA – Rwy align begins if > 10 deg crab
200RA – Alert Ht. NO LAND 3/LAND 2 inhibited (If landing clearance has not been received Go-Around unless visual!) 2nd Rwy align.
100RA – LAND 2 AP trims
50RA – Flare commences (note should be auto call of ’50 above’ if DH set)
25RA – Throttles retard
5RA – Wings level roll-out engaged
5RA – plus 2secs A/T disconnects.
What would your actions be ABOVE Alert heights for various failures?
AT disconnect – Limitations now mandate that the AT is required for a CAT3B approach.Therefore if CAT3B and NO REVERSION you must discontinue approach.
If CAT3A/CAT2 or you have reversion control manually.
Speedbrake Extended – above alert ht retract speedbrakes
NO AUTOLAND EICAS – during CAT2/3 approach go-around. CAT 1 mins will apply
NO LAND 3 EICAS – (LAND2 PFD) CAT3A mins apply. ALL CAT3 ops a DH MUST be set if reverting. If workload/time permits re-calc app mins and re-bug if not go-around
Eng Fail – continue approach. Above 1500ft control yaw with rudder.
ILS deviation Alert– (amber flashing pointer) Go Around
What would be your actions BELOW Alert Height for various failures?
Below Alert (Go-Around for everything EXCEPT Engine Failure) AP Disc ANYTIME – GO AROUND AT Disc – Go-Around Speedbrake Extended – Go-Around. NO AUTOLAND – Go-Around ILS Deviation – Go-Around Eng Fail other EICAS Alert - Continue
Technically what visibility defines LVO?
400m for take-off and 550m for landing.
Describe the yellow taxiway pavement markings at a CAT 1 and CAT2/3 holding point.
CAT 1 - double yellow line and double dotted line.
CAT2/3 - ‘stepladder’ type yellow markings.
What other ‘light’ protection might you find addition to the yellow pavement taxiway markings?
Flashing ‘wig-wag’ guard lights at edge of taxiway (or for wide taxiways they may be inset into the taxiway).
Also the taxiway centreline lights alternate green/yellow if they lead to or from a CAT2/3 runway.