Pre-Flight Planning Flashcards
What Info are you checking on CIRRUS?
A/C type/Reg/Dep/Dest/FL/CI/Perf Penalties/Gross error chx on fuel
What time band of weather are you considering at the departure airfield?
Wx at time of departure i.e current conditions. Note: for delays exceeding 1 hr re-check ETOPS alternates as at planning stage the window is between the anticipated time of landing until 1 hour after the latest possible time of landing.
When do you need a Take-off Alternate?
When it is not possible to return to airfield of departure for perf or met reasons based on time of departure. If a Take-off Alt is required then for the period +/- 1hr of ETL normal op mins apply. At the planning stage cloud base need only be considered if the only app avail is non-precision. For ETOPS the airfield must be within 120mins (800nm) at 1 eng inop speed. USA/Saudi/Canada & Non-ETOPS reduced to 60mins (400nm). CIRRUS ‘will’ check requirement for take-off alternate and annotate on CIRRUS though it will not check 120mins but this will be checked manually. In the USA/Canada/Saudi Arabia if a take-off alternate is rqd the wx must not be below minima specified for that aerodrome. Refer to OMA 8.2.6 The USA Precision Approach Alternate minima are 600ft/2sm (NPA 800ft/2sm) under certain condx reducing to absolute mins of 400ft/1sm for suitably equipped airfields. These reduced minima are authorised provided TAFS/METARS indicate at ETA a straight in instrument approach would be avail. Canadian requirements are similar (8.2.6.b) refer to table.
What operating minima do you need at the take-off alternate? Within what time band?
Normal operating minima for the period 1 hour before to 1 hour after ETA.
How might the available approaches at a Take-off Alternate influence the minima?
If the only approach available is a non-precision approach then cloud base must be taken into account.
What planning minima need to be taken into account for Destination?
Normal Operating RVR OMA 8.2.5.p If only approach NPA or circling then cloudbase must be taken into account.
What planning minima need to be taken into account for Dest Alt/Isolated Alt/ERA?
OMA 8.2.5.q ‘One Better’ basis e.g.Cat2/3 avail need Cat 1 mins. Cat 1 avail need NPA mins
Under what conditions may you dispense with/depart without a destination alternate?
I) Flight time less than 6hrs 2) two runways available at DESTINATION and 3) forecast +- 1hr of 5km & 2000ft or circling min +500ft.
- When do you need two destination alternates?
When wx at dest for +/- 1hr are below applicable planning mins or no met avail.
What are the ‘new’ Contingency Fuel parameters?
OMA 8.18.10 When Contingency data is avail then generally provided to 95% coverage. Contingency can never be less than 5mins holding @1500ft (777 – approx. 500kg). When no statistical data is available then 5% of trip fuel or 3% of trip fuel from an ERA or 20mins based on trip consumption may be used.
There is no weather available for your destination. Can you depart?
Yes, provided there are two suitable Destination Alternates
What are the implications of TEMPO/Prob30/40?
For all except ETOPS may be disregarded unless for persistent conditions e.g Fog/Haze/Mist. Mean wind speed must be taken into account but gusts exceeding limits may be disregarded. For ETOPS Alternates TEMPO etc are applicable if below landing minima.
What/where is guidance for forecast conditions?
OMA 8.2.5.m Table
The wind at destination is within limits but gusting outside them. How is your decision on alternates effected?
Mean wind only need be within limits. Gusts may be disregarded.
What does cloud ceiling mean?
BKN/OVCST (SCT and FEW) can be ignored.
What are ETOPS planning minima?
For a period between the anticipated time of landing until 1 hour after the latest possible time of landing for a precision approach (incl CAT2/3) +200ft/+800m and NPA or circling +400ft/+1500m. NB Gusts must be applied.
How is Reserve Fuel calculated?
30 mins @ 1500ft at planned landing weight AT ALTERNATE (or Dest if no alt)
What is the fuel penalty for carriage of extra fuel?
Approx 3% per hr. i.e. for 8hr flight burn 24% of extra fuel loaded.
When should you NOT tanker fuel?
If anticipated landing on contaminated runway or specifically annotated on Cirrus.
8.18.19. Additionally under certain conditions as outlined in 8.19.19 tankering fuel for 777 limited to 19,000kg.
You load an extra 6 tonnes of fuel. Do you need a new Cirrus?
No. OMA 8.18.2 A new plan should normally be requested if ZFW increases by more than 5000kg (note: the weight change guide on Cirrus is valid up to 5000kg). No need for a new plan for a drop in TOW or if the increase is due to extra fuel.
- What/when/how can you LMC a FINAL LOADSHEET?
To update a final load sheet for any weight/load/crew complement/pax change to a max of 1000kg IF IT IS NOT PRACTICAL TO OBTAIN A LOADSHEET. Annotate loadsheet & update TOW. Sign the change. OMB 2.9.2.a
Summarise a Fuel Shortfall and what options are available to you if identified?
If a fuel check shows that the aircraft will arrive at Destination with less than Diversion + Reserve fuel in tanks.
Action should be taken to reduce fuel consumption for the rest of the flight, and/or to select a closer Destination Alternate.
OMA 8.18.23 In general always possible to land at two aerodromes with at least Reserve (2 rwys if operating without Destination Alt). If shortfall identified;
i) x2 aerodrome at which landing assured
ii) within 6hrs of destination you can reduce to 15min Reserve provided 2 rwys at destination and forecast +/-1hr of ETA of 2000ft (or circling +500ft) and viz of 5km.
iii) If within 2hrs of ppos there are 2 separate rwys taking into account any likely delay they may be considered equivalent of 2 aerodromes (essentially committing).
With an EAT (note EAT and not EFC):
May continue regardless of number of rwys provided landing is assured with at least Reserve fuel.
(NOTE: within 2 hrs METARS can be used)
If you should land with less than reserves what action should you take?
File an ASR (ipad App prompts you to do so!)
How do you notify a fuel low situation to ATC?
Once committed to a specific aerodrome and the commander calculates any change to an existing clearance may result in landing with less than planned reserves declare MINIMUM FUEL. This may be the case where an EAT increases beyond that which was originally given and in which the original decision to “commit” was made. This is NOT an emergency declaration. If it becomes apparent that the a/c will upon landing at the NEAREST SUITABLE AERODROME (this may not necessarily be the destination aerodrome) will have less than Reserve fuel remaining then MAYDAY MAYDAY MAYDAY FUEL giving time in minutes of fuel remaining.
In the USA you may use the term MINIMUM FUEL on initial contact to indicate that any undue delay at destination is unacceptable. Initial contact could be your first communication arriving in FAA airspace and still several hours from destination. For example stronger than expected winds or not achieving levels or storm activity re-routes compromise arrival fuel. With the assistance of air traffic you may obtain shortcuts that once again provide enough arrival fuel to reinstate your alternate fuel and the Minimum Fuel can be cancelled. This is NOT an emergency nor does it imply the need for priority. If priority is required then an emergency should be declared.
Mike Carr Fuel video in MLA is useful.
What section of OMA covers fuel policy?
Section 8.18
What would constitute a plausible single failure of airborne equipment?
Anything in the QRH! (Colin Seaman). By that token it would NOT be prudent to commit an aeroplane to an airfield in conditions below Cat1 as Cat2/3 capability could ‘plausibly’ be lost.
When considering MSA/MGA values on charts what would be a sensible figure to add to those altitudes to take into account fluctuations in pressure (a lower than standard pressure particularly)? And what about an allowance for cold air? How about strong winds?
1000ft for low pressure and another 1000ft for cold temp and perhaps another 2000ft for winds. So in a hurry you will have a ‘safe’ target LEVEL to fly on your altimeter (Colin Seaman)