Emergency/Abnormal Flashcards
- When can you omit some procedures?
In certain emergency situations (e.g. uncontrolled smoke) when an urgent or compelling reasons presents itself.
- When can you do an overweight Autoland and in what circumstances might you consider an overweight landing?
8.28.10.b In an emergency if the commander considers an Autoland to be the safest course of action it may be considered. Overweight Autoland are not recommended by Boeing and a/c performance should be closely monitored.
An overweight landing may be considered;
i) In an emergency where a delay to landing in order to reduce weight exposes a/c to additional hazard.
ii) Where QRH directs Land ANSA/ASAP and further weight reduction may only be accomplished through continued fuel burn.
iii) where fleet specific guidance exists to authorise such.
- What would do need to check before an overweight landing?
Landing performance for actual wx condx and actual runway.
- What do you need to do after an overweight landing?
Record details in AML. Also by ‘extension’ an ASR for a multitude of reasons requiring this overweight landing.
- How do you know if RFF (Rescue and Fire Fighting) cover is sufficient for your flight?
OMA 8.22.11 BA are responsible for this information. 777 RFF is Cat 9 (OMA 8.28.11).
- What is the minimum downgrading RFF if so NOTAM’d at Dept and Dest ?
1 category or 2 in the case of a temporary downgrade but no lower than RFF 4.
- What is minimum RFF at alternates?
2 below or 3 below if temporary but not lower than RFF 4
- What is minimum RFF at ETOPS Alternates?
Must be min of RFF 4 at 30mins notice.
- When can you go below specified RFF levels of cover?
In flight if judged by commander to do so would be safer than diverting elsewhere or he/she judges a landing can be made safely.
- If you have an EFATO when must you continue the SID until?
If no ETP published SIDs comply with terrain clearance until the end of the SID. Thereafter crew must ensure MSA is achieved. A SID should be followed unless an ETP is published or until the point on the SID as directed by the ETP procedure.
- Inbound to LHR/LGW with tech problem but not an emergency. What do you tell ATC?
OMA 8.28.11.f Specific arrangements have been made with ATC that when inbound or returning to Heathrow or Gatwick with a technical problem which does not require declaration of a PAN or Emergency, Commanders should advise ATC that the landing will be normal in respect of landing weight, stopping ability and the capability of manoeuvring the aeroplane after landing. ATC will initiate the category of emergency they consider appropriate Specific arrangements have been made with ATC.
- You have a Cargo Fire Warning whilst loading. What should you consider?
QRH and OMA 8.28.11.h Do not accomplish checklist unless fire confirmed and ground personnel are clear.
- You are doing a walk around. Fire breaks out around a brake. What should you do?
Alert Airport Fire services. Position all available fire extinguishers. Keep personnel clear. If no actual flames and no danger do not use extinguishers - monitor. If fire endangers a/c approach from front/rear using dry chemical extinguishers first then water glycol.
- On the ground once a brake fire has gone out. Now what?
Any wheel subject to fire is u/s and must be changed. Dry chemical corrosive and needs to be cleaned from surrounding structure.
- Who do you tell first if you have an APU Fire?
Immediately inform cabin crew or in their absence Ground engineers.
- What do you do if a tyre leaves the paved surface?
Must be inspected BEFORE next take-off.
- When can you ignore a EGPWS?
OMA 8.13.2.a NEVER ignore a warning (same as TCAS RA). Crew must take appropriate corrective action for a Caution.
- The flight controls appear frozen. What should you do before attempting a breakout?
If a safe flight path can be maintained ensure the cabin is secure prior to breakout.
At approx what weight/vref would a two engine overweight landing require the use of Flap 25?
- 200 vref + 5kts > 160kts (approx 260T)
- 300 vref + 5kts > 170kts (approx 300T)
OMB 3.2.5.b Under what circumstances should a commander brief for an emergency landing?
- Significant risk to persons on board such that the aircraft may leave the runway 2. When a remote landing on land/water is required 3. Other compelling reasons
Due to bird activity and possible ingestion you brief that in the event of an engine failure below 2000ft you will continue the approach using F25/F30. What flap setting would you call for in the event of a go-around?
FCTM - Go Around and Missed Approach OEI. The missed approach with an engine inoperative should be accomplished in the same manner as a normal missed approach except use flaps 5 for the go-around flap setting for a flaps 20 approach or use flaps 20 as the go-around flap setting for a flaps 25 or 30 approach
Windshear on approach - when are PWS and GPWS “active”?
PWS scans below 2300ft and ALERTS below 1300RA (Windshear Ahead and Go-around Windshear Ahead). For either of these alerts you can perform a normal Go Around.
GPWS is enabled below 1500RA