Ground and Flight Procedures Flashcards
Approaching LHR with an EAT which exceeds hold capability. Who do you call?
Up to 45mins before TOD and before entering the hold if there are significant delays and the a/c has less than 15mins hold capability contact FTD advising latest acceptable EAT. FTD will contact ATC and an improved EAT may be offered.
- When being marshaled who is responsible for the a/c?
The Captain.
- Stand Guidance is on. Does this indicate the stand is clear for use?
Not necessarily OMB 2.20.2 however, without the guidance switched on the a/c may not be taxied onto stand. If guidance system fails stop a/c and request assistance. Even if a failed system is restored it may give false guidance.
- What must be confirmed before leaving a parked a/c?
That the a/c has been chocked.
- Where would you find Holdover Tables?
Docunet > Cold Wx Ops Aide Memoire
ADAM > 3.2
What five items should you check when lining up?
i) Cloud ceiling and RVR would permit a return unless a suitable take-off alternate nominated
ii) Correct runway and take-off position
iii) Confirm visually (or TCAS in low viz) safe to line-up
iv) Be prepared to roll immediately or advise ATC prior to entering runway.
v) Confirm any preceding traffic safely vacated – visually or with TCAS. If no TCAS icon it may not have taken off!
- Where would you find wake vortex categories?
The categories are listed in OMA 8.10.2 . Separtion standards can be found in LIDO (bookmarked). TBS designed to cater for wake turbulence separation.
- Who makes the MSA call?
When first clearance below MSA received the PF announces “cleared above/below MSA”. This may be discussed in departure briefing if SID takes you above MSA.
- When can you descend below MSA visually by day or by night?
Descent below MSA VMC Day – permitted provided clear of all obstacles on intended track. You can descend while above fog/low cloud.Day AND VMC – MOA 500ft above all obstacles.
Descent below MSA VMC Night – line of sight line of flight toward an identifiable lit area which would generally be the runway itself checking height against distance.
Descent below MSA IMC – avoid reliance on any one Nav aid. Unlikely scenario but this would be when FMS updating from single VOR/DME, the same VOR is being used for approach and no SRA is available to monitor that approach. If necessary then pay careful attention to heading/track and Rad alt info.
For both -the MOA is the relevant MSA/SSA/Radar cleared altitude amended for any appropriate met condx.
- What is the coverage for an ILS?
Out to 25nm and minimum of +/- 10deg of centerline (average in UK 35deg)
- Can you use an ILS promulgated as ‘On Test’?
- Can you use an ILS promulgated as ‘Uncategorised’?
Yes – down to the minima specified.
To what runways can you make an Autoland – practice or otherwise?
Only to runways categorized with LTS CAT1, OTS CAT2, CAT2 or CAT3 and for which minima are published. For landings in conditions below CAT1 (including LTS CAT1) LVP’s must be in force.
- What do you need to record following an Autoland?
For ALL Autoland attempts the tick boxes (Autoland/Satis/LVO) as applicable must be completed and a ‘For Info’ text including info outlined in OMA 8.22.12.d and on the card in the AML.
- There is a discrepancy between the left and right ILS display. What do you do?
Make maximum use of other aids, standby instruments and cross check heights and distance to identify potentially erroneous aid. If in doubt go-around.
- When must a Go-Around be carried out?
i) Whenever required visual reference has not been achieved
ii) Whenever the a/c is displaced laterally or vertically from the desired profile
iii) Whenever speed over threshold exceeds vref plus 15kts on a runway that is performance limiting.
Below 1000ft use normal go-around procedure.
Generally only 2 approaches should be attempted in marginal weather. A third approach should only be made following a significant improvement in wx.
- Can you fly an NPA without the AP?
Yes, however if an AP is available then it MUST be engaged. OMA 8.13.4.f
Whats items are you checking on a load sheet?
OMB 2.9.2 - Essentially check all info reading across the lines;
- Prepared by and signed by official preparing it
- Edition no
- Flt date/number
- A/C Reg
- Crew complement
- FUEL vs Cirrus Trip
- Payload
What changes the issue number on a load sheet?
Anything that can be changed manually - e.g trip fuel, crew complement etc
What would you be looking to check if presented with a manual load sheet?
Identify controlling weight so ZFW/TOW/LW (top left), identify the ‘underload before LMC’. Add the underload to the controlling weight and it should equal the MZFW/MTOW/MLW
What is the requirement for checking the basic weight index?
No longer required for DCS load sheet as ‘tied’ to a/c registration. So if the registration is correct the basic weight index will be too. However NOT the case for a manual load sheet.
You receive your final load sheet which states “compliance with issue 2”. On checking the provisional you realise that it is issue 1. What do you do?
Although there may have been no changes between the two editions of the provisional, the system is still comparing with EDNO 2 so in this case request an ACARS extended loadsheet from CLC.
What time should you use when signing a Provisional Loadsheet?
Local. Although many Captains use ‘Z’ and annotate it as such. Note: only other procedure to use local is de-icing!
Can passengers be boarded (or left on board) in the absence of Flight Crew?
No. OMB 2.2.9
You are required to position. In order to do so you are listed on the Gen Dec rather than as a pax. Can you consume alcohol?
You may not consume alcohol when positioning on the Gen Dec (so technically part of the operating crew) or when travelling in uniform. OMA 6.1.4
You notice the Provisional Loadsheet has the incorrect crew. You point his out to the TRM but when the Final Loadsheet arrives the crew figure is still incorrect. What do you do?
The Captain may make an LMC. Additionally send a message to .CLC with the correction. While 1000kgs is unlikely to affect performance you could verify that the change has does not effect the selected de-rate.
2.9.2.a Last Minute Changes (LMC)
The Last Minute Change (LMC) process can be used to update a final loadsheet if it is not practical to obtain a new Loadsheet. LMC can be used to update any weight, load, crew complement or passenger change. If a change is required in excess of the maximum limits specified, a new final loadsheet must be obtained prior to departure.
Last minute changes are subject to a maximum change of:
500 kg for single aisle aircraft;
1000 kg for wide body aircraft.
To make a last-minute change:
Annotate the final loadsheet;
Update the TOW;
The commander must sign the change.
A copy of the annotated final Loadsheet does not need to be left with the ground station.