variation in chromosome structure Flashcards
variations in chromosome structure are important for which of the following?
A. evolution
B. may result in the production of abnormal offspring
C. may alter the phenotype of an organism
D. all of the above
all fo the above
the normal sequences of nine genes on a human chromosome is ABCDEFGHI, where the star represent the centromere. Some humans were found to have the aberrant chromosomes. Name type of chromosomal rearrangement using:
inversion- change in direction of part of the genetic material along a single chromosome
Non-allelic homologous recombination between repetitive sequences can cause genetic diseases in humans. These diseases are caused by ____
A. changing the copy number of important genes
B. deletion of important genes
C. gene silencing
D. position effect
E. A or B
changing the copy number of important genes an deletion of important genes
which of the following expressions denotes an organism with a genome 2n+1?
the failure of chromosomes to separate during cell division is called ___
nondisjunction- failure of chromosome to separate
which describes an organism that has 2 complete sets of chromosomes from different species combined within a single species? A. diploid B. Aneuploid C. autptetraploid D. allotetraploid E. mosaic
allotetraploid- hybrid cell/individual possessing 4 timex the chromosomes in a haploid organism
if 2 non-homologous chromosomes swap a segment of DNA by recombination, what has occurred?
a reciprocal translocation- 2 way transfer
which allopolyploid plant of major importance to Washington State is vigorous hexaploid species that combines the genomes of 3 different original species
tritium aestiuvm ( bread wheat)
genetic variation
refers to the differences in allele and chromosomes either between members of the same species or between different species
micrograph of metaphase chromosomes from a cell arranged in a standard fashion
deletion in chromosome
portion os chromosome is missing, when a chromosome breaks and fragment is lost
duplication in chromosomes (aka non-allelic homologous recombination)
portion of the chromosome is repeated
inversion of chromosome
change in the direction of part of the genetic material along a single chromosome
segment of one chromosome becomes attached to a non-homologous chromosome
gene family
two or more genes that are similar to each other
breakpoint in inversion
location of breaks leading to inversion occurs in a vital gene, it will then disrupt gene function
position effect in inversion
gene is repositioned in a way that alters its expression
variation in the number of particular chromosomes within a set
variation in the number of complete sets of chromosomes
trisomy (Aneuploidy)
2n + 1
Monosomy (Aneuploidy)
triploid (euploid)
tetraploid (euploid)
nondisjunction in meiosis or mitosis results in diploid gametes
2 sets, one from each of 2 different species (hybrid cell)
possessing more than 2 complete sets of chromosomes
point mutations
change within a gene in which 1 pair in the DNA sequence is altered
pairing of homologous chromosomes prior to their separation into daughter cells
simple translocation
chromosomal segment is transferred to a non homologous chromosome
reciprocal translocation
the exchange of segments from 2 nonhomologous chromosomes