Uterine Diseases Flashcards
What are the 4 main inflammatory disorders of the uterus?
- Ascending infection through the cervix
- Hematogenous
- Descending from the ovary via the uterine tube
- Direct penetration from a foreign body
- Transneural with recrudescence of herpesvirus infection
What are the three main inflammatory uterine disorders?
- Endometritis
- Metritis
- Pyometra
What is endometritis?
inflammation of the endometrium
What is metritis?
inflammation of all the layers of the uterine wall
What is pyometra?
- accumulation of pus in the uterine lumen
What is pyometra sequelae to?
endometritis or metritis
What does severe endometritis look like?
swollen and corrugated mucosa, adherent fibrin
and necrotic debris
What causes endometritis in mares?
Tylorella equigenitalis
What does mare endoemetritis look like?
Inflammation of endometrium, uterine tubes, cervix and vagina
along with mucopurulent discharge for 2-3 weeks
What does endometritis in cattle look like?
- Severe
- Enlarged and flabby uterus
- lumen contains dark brown discharge
- endometrium is red and swollen
What is metritis?
Inflammation of all the layers of the uterine wall
What are the clinical signs of metritis?
- Thickened uterine wall
- Commonly foul smelling fluid
- it is more advanced and severe than endometrosis
What three reasons may cause an ascending infection through the cervix?
- insemination
- excessive vaginal contamination
- postpartum and retained fetal membranes
What is the uterosacral ligament?
Thick supportive band of tissue that connects the lower part of the uterus to the base of the spine
What is the perimetrium?
Outer serosal layer of the uterus, secretes a lubricating fluid that reduces friction
What occurs during the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle?
- Endothelium has been desquamated, with only a thin layer of endothelial stroma remaining
- with added oestrogen stromal and epithelial cells proliferate rapidly
- followed by increased thickness of the glands and mucus production (neovascularisation)
What does progesterone do during the secretory phase?
Progesterone causes swelling and secreory development of the endometrium, with increased mucus production to produce highly secretory endometrium with large amounts of nutrients for implantation of fertilised ovum
What occurs with the corpus luteum during the menstrual phase?
- Ovum is not fertilised
- Corpus luteum involutes
- Progesterone and oestrogen decrease to low levels
What hormones peak during ovulation?
- Oestrogen
- LH
What is ovotestis?
An organ that produces both ova and spermatozoa
What is segmental aplasia of the uterus?
Portion of the uterine horn does not develop
What is very common alongside salpingitis?
Ashesions of the infundibulum in the mare
What is pyosalpinx frequently associated with?
Bursal adhesions and local peritonitis
How may dystocia cause metritis?
- Uterus under the influence of progesterone
- Traumatic lacerations of the birth canal
- Uterine inertia- causes reduced clearance
What two exudate types are there for pyometra?
- Viscid, Brown = E.coli
- Creamy/ Yellow = Streptococcus
What are the clinical signs of pyometra?
Anorexia, Vomiting, DEpression, Vaginal discharge
What lesions are associated with pyometra?
- Extramedullary haematopoiesis
- Immune complex glomerulopathy
Name three things a mare can do during gestation to cause torsion
- Mare rolling
- Vigorous movements
- Low foetal fluid volume
What is ruminant prolapse associated with?
- Prolonged dystocia
- Retained placenta
- Post-Parturient hypocalcaemia
- Ingestion of estrogenic plants
How does prolapse go on to cause sepsis?
- Vascular comprimise
- Congestion and Oedema
- Ischaemia and necrosis
- Sepsis
Name three things that can cause uterine rupture
- Sequel to torsion
- Severe/ Prolonged dystocia
What does rupture of the uterine artery cause?
- Postpartum haemorrhage
- Bleeding into the peritoneal cavity-> life-threatening
What is the suggested cause of uterine artery rupture?
Weakening of the artery wall and multiple pregnancies
What causes Cystic Endometrial Hyperplasia?
Increase progesterone during the diestrul period
then causes hypertrophy/ hyperplasia of endometrial glands
What is CEH pyometra syndrome?
Stimulation for the pyometrium to undergo hyperplasia and hypertrophy by bacteria, initially low-grade- sublcinical infection causes the endometrium to proliferate
What is endomyosis?
- Endometrial tissue in the myometrium
- Malformation arising from hyperplastic overgrowth
- occurs in bitches with CEH
What is endometriosis?
- Endometrial tissue outside the uterine cavity
- Human/ Non-Human Primates
- Usually in the abdominal cavity, chronic pelvic pain, dysmenorrhea and subfertility
What is infectious pustular vulvovaginitis of cattle?
- Bovine Herpes Virus
- Highly contagious
- Causes oedema and haemorrhage
What does infectious pustular vulvovaginitis look like histologically?
- Pack-like foci, elevated, pale , soft and friable