Using the Definite Article Flashcards
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Prices are rising
Les prix montent
Def article is used with words that describe qualities, abstract ideas
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I’ve got flu
J’ai la Grippe
Def article is used with words that describe qualities, abstract ideas
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I dont have time
Je n’ai pas le temps
Def article is used with words that describe qualities, abstract ideas
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to be hungry
avoir faim
There are set phrases that omit the definite article
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with pleasure
avec plaisir
There are set phrases that omit the definite article
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without doubt
sans doute
There are set phrases that omit the definite article
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I don’t like coffee
Je n’aime pas le café
French requires a def article if talking about concrete nouns generally
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Computers are expensive
Les ordinateurs coûtent cher
French requires a def article if talking about concrete nouns generally
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Teachers dont earn very much
Les enseignants ne gagnent pas beaucoup
French requires a def article if talking about concrete nouns generally
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Turn your head to the left
Tourne la tête vers la gauche
French uses definite articles with body parts
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He has broken his arm
Il s’est cassé le bras
French uses definite articles with body parts
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La Bretagne
French uses the different article with country and region names
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French uses the definite article with continent names
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France is very beautiful
La France est très belle
French uses the definite article with country and region names
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I bought this poster in Japan
J’ai acheté ce poster au Japon
French uses the definite article with country and region names
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I come from the United States
Je viens des États-Unis
French uses the definite article with country and region names
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I’m going to Scotland next month
Je pars en Écosse le mois prochain
If the name of the country is after en, the def article is omitted
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He works in Germany
Il travaille en Allemagne
If the name of the country is after en, the def article is omitted
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Do you like maths?
Aimes-tu les mathématiques?
The definite article is used with the names of academic subjects
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My favourite sport is football
Mon sport préféré est le football
The definite article is used with the names of sports
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I have been learning French for three years
J’apprends le français depuis trois ans
The definite article is used with the names of languages
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She’s leaving on the 7th of May
Elle part le 7 mai
The definite article is used with dates and days of the week
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I go to my grandmother’s on Sundays
Je vais chez ma grand-mère le dimanche
The definite article is used with the names of the days of the week
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Six euros a kilo
Six euros le kilo
The definite article is used in phrases about prices and rates
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Three euros each
Trois euros la pièce
The definite article is used in phrases about prices and rates
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We were doing 100 km per hour
Nous faisions 100 km à l’heure
The definite article is used in phrases about prices and rates