Translations - 23 Flashcards
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Are you (vous) waiting for her?
Vous l’attendez ?
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My car’s too small, I’m selling it.
Ma voiture est trop petite, je la vends.
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We hear their TV
Nous entendons leur télé
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That depends on the price.
Ca dépend du prix.
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He defends his friends.
Il défend ses amis.
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Do you (tu) hear me?
Tu m’entends?
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The girls are waiting for the bus.
Les filles attendent le bus.
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The computer’s useless, they’re selling it.
L’ordinateur est nul, ils le vendent.
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They hear the bells every morning.
Ils entendent les cloches tous les matins.
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She’s expecting a baby.
Elle attend un bébé.