Passive Mood Flashcards
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She is encouraged by her parents.
Elle est encouragée par ses parents.
The passive is formed using être and the past participle
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You guys are well paid.
Vous êtes bien payés.
The past participle must agree with the subject
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The doors have been closed.
Les portes ont été fermées.
The past participle must agree with the subject
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I am loved
Je suis aimé(e)
The passive is formed using être and the past participle
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You (familiar) are loved
Tu es aimé(e)
The passive is formed using être and the past participle
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He is loved
Il est aimé
The passive is formed using être and the past participle
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She is loved
Elle est aimée
The past participle must agree with the subject
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One is loved
On est aimé(s)
The past participle must agree with the subject
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We are loved
Nous sommes aimé(e)s
The past participle must agree with the subject
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You guys (plural) are loved
Vous êtes aimé(e)s
The past participle must agree with the subject
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They are loved
- Ils sont aimés
- Elles sont aimées
The past participle must agree with the subject
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You (familiar) will be loved.
Tu seras aimé(e).
Other passive tenses can be formed by changing the tense of être
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He was loved
Il était aimé
Other passive tenses can be formed by changing the tense of être
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We sent them a letter
On leur a envoyé une lettre
By using the pronoun on, the passive can be avoided
aaTranslate to French
The melons are sold for 2 euros each
Les melons se vendent 2 euros la pièce
By using a reflexive verb, the passive can be avoided