Demonstrative pronouns Flashcards
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It’s me.
C’est moi.
Demonstrative pronouns, CE is usually used with the verb être
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That was my brother.
C’était mon frère.
Ce becomes c’ when it is followed by e or é
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It’s them.
Ce sont eux.
Demonstrative pronouns, CE is usually used with the verb être
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It was difficult.
Ç’a été difficile.
CE becomes ç’ when it is followed by a verb part starting with a
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Who is this?
Qui est-ce?
CE is used with a noun or question to identify a person or thing
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They are teachers.
Ce sont des enseignants.
CE is used with a noun or question to identify a person or thing
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What’s this?
Qu’est-ce que c’est ça?
CE is used with a noun or question to identify a person or thing
It’s a can opener.
C’est un ouvre-boîte.
CE is used with a noun or question to identify a person or thing
It’s very interesting.
C’est très intéressant.
CE is used to refer to an idea etc that is neither masculine feminin
It’s dangerous.
C’est dangereux.
CE is used to refer to an idea that is neither masculine or feminine
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It does not matter.
Ce n’est pas grave.
CE is used to refer to an idea that is neither masculine or feminine
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It was me who phoned.
C’est moi qui ai téléphoné.
CE can be used for emphasis
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It was the children who made the cake.
Ce sont les enfants qui faisaient le gâteau
CE can be used for emphasis
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It doesn’t matter
Ç’a ne fait rien
cela and ça mean it, this or that.
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Listen to this
Écoute-moi ça
cela and ça means it, this or that. Ça is colloquial.
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It depends
Cela dépend
cela and ça means it, this or that. Ça is colloquial.
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I do not like it
Je n’aime pas cela
cela and ça means it, this or that. Ça is colloquial.
Give me that
Donne-moi ça
cela and ça means it, this or that. Ça is colloquial.
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Read this.
Lisez ceci.
CECI is used to talk about something that has not yet been mentioned
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Take this. You will need it
Prends ceci. Tu en auras besoin.
CECI is also used to hand or show someone something
What are the French demonstrative pronouns for :
the one, the ones
- Celui (masc sing)
- Celle (fem sing)
- Ceux (masc plural)
- Celles (Fem plural)