Perfect tense Flashcards
What is the past participle for the verb?
donner (to give)
For -er verbs, you replace the -er at the end of the infinitive with é
What is the past participle for the verb?
tomber (to fall)
For -er verbs, you replace the -er at the end of the infinitive with é
What is the past participle for the verb?
finir (to finish)
For -ir verbs, you replace the -ir at the end of the infinitive with i
What is the past participle for the verb?
partir (to leave)
For -ir verbs, you replace the -ir at the end of the infinitive with i
What is the past participle for the verb?
attendre (to wait)
For -re verbs, you replace the -re at the end of the infinitive with u
What is the past participle for the verb?
descendre (to go down)
For -re verbs, you replace the -re at the end of the infinitive with u
What is the past participle for the verb?
avoir (to have)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
devoir (to have to)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
dire (to say)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
être (to be)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
faire (to do)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
mettre (to put)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
pouvoir (to be able)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
prendre (to take)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
savoir (to know)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
tenir (to hold)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
venir (to come)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
voir (to see)
Some past participles are irregular
What is the past participle for the verb?
vouloir (to want)
Some past participles are irregular
Translate to French
I gave, I have given
J’ai donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
You gave (familiar), you have given
Tu as donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
He gave, he has given
Il a donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
We gave, we have given
Nous avons donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
You (polite, plural) gave, you have given
Vous avez donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
They gave, they have given
Ils ont donné, elles ont donné
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
She gave Claude her phone number.
Elle a donné à Claude son numéro de téléphone.
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
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He’s bought a computer.
Il a acheté un ordinateur.
Most verbs form the perfect tense using avoir conjugated + pp
Translate to French
I didn’t watch TV yesterday
Je n’ai pas regardé la télé hier
The -ve construct, ne … pas goes around the auxiliary part of the verb
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I went to the football match yesterday.
Je suis allé au match de football hier.
Verbs that talk about movement or change use être as the auxiliary verb
Translate to French
He’s gone out to buy a newspaper.
Il est sorti acheter un journal.
Verbs that talk about movement or change use être as the auxiliary verb
Translate to French
At which station did you get off?
À quelle gare es-tu descendu ?
Verbs that talk about movement or change use être as the auxiliary verb
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Did you bring the bags down?
As-tu descendu les sacs ?
Verbs that normally use être, use avoir when used with the direct object
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She went up the stairs.
Elle a monté les escaliers.
Verbs that normally use être, use avoir when used with the direct object
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She took her purse out of her handbag.
Elle a sorti son porte-monnaie de sa sac à main.
Verbs that normally use être, use avoir when used with the direct object
Translate to French
I fell, I have fallen
- Je suis tombé (masc)
- je suis tombée (feminine)
When a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
You fell (familiar), you have fallen
- Tu es tombé (masc)
- Tu es tombée (feminine)
when a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
He fell, he has fallen
Il est tombé
When a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
She fell, she has fallen
Elle est tombée
Translate to French
We fell, we have fallen
- Nous sommes tombés (masc)
- Nous sommes tombées (feminine)
When a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
You (polite, plural) fell, you have fallen
- Vous êtes tombé (masc singular)
- Vous êtes tombée (feminine singular)
- Vous êtes tombés (masc plural)
- Vous êtes tombées (feminine plural)
When a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
They fell, they have fallen
- Ils sont tombés (masc plural)
- Elles sont tombées (feminine plural)
When a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
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Marcel and Marie fell in love
Marcel et Marie sont tombés amoureux
The subj of the sentence is masc + fem, the pp has a masc plural ending
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He’s finished his dissertation
Il a terminé sa dissertation
When the direct object comes after the verb, the pp doesn’t change.
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They finished their dissertation
Ils ont terminé leur dissertation
When the direct object comes after the verb, the pp doesn’t change.
Translate to French
The essay that he finished yesterday
La dissertation qu’il a finie hier
If the dir obj comes before the verb, the pp agrees with the dir obj
Translate to French
The essay that they finished yesterday
La dissertation qu’elles ont finie hier
If the dir obj comes before the verb, the pp agrees with the dir obj
Translate to French
Did he drink his tea? Yes, he drank it.
A-t-il bu son thé? Oui, il l’a bu.
If the dir obj comes before the verb, the pp agrees with the dir obj
Translate to French
Did he drink his lemonade. Yes, he drank it
A-t-il bu sa limonade? Oui, il l’a bue
If the dir obj comes before the verb, the pp agrees with the dir obj
Translate to French
I washed myself
- Je me suis lavé (masc)
- Je me suis lavée (feminine)
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
You (familiar) washed yourself
- Tu t’es lavé (masc)
- Tu t’es lavée (feminine)
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
He washed himself
Il s’est lavé
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
She washed herself
Elle s’est lavée
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
We washed ourselves
- Nous nous sommes lavés
- Nous nous sommes laveés
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
You (polite/plural) washed yourself/yourselves
- Vous vous êtes lavé
- Vous vous êtes lavée
- Vous vous êtes lavés
- Vous vous êtes lavées
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb
Translate to French
They washed themselves
- Ils se sont lavés
- Elles se sont lavées
if a verb takes être, the pp agrees with the subject of the verb