Translations - 31 Flashcards
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They had already made up their minds.
Ils s’étaient déjà décidés.
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He had drunk a lot.
Il avait beaucoup bu.
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He had already asked her twice.
Il lui avait déjà demandé deux fois.
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I had noticed her immediately.
Je l’avais remarquée immédiatement.
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She had felt fine during the day.
Elle s’était sentie bien pendant la journée.
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Perhaps you had had enough of it.
Peut-être que vous en aviez eu assez?
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The girls had had to leave before dinner.
Les filles avaient dû partir avant le dîner.
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We had met in Paris.
Nous nous étions rencontrés à Paris.
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She had often seen him in the supermarket.
Elle l’avait souvent vu au supermarché.
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You had expected that?
Tu t’étais attendu à ça?