Reflexive verb Flashcards
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to enjoy oneself
se changes to s’ in front of a word starting with a vowel
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to be called
se changes to s’ in front of a word starting with a vowel
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to stop
se changes to s’ in front of a word starting with a vowel
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to sit down
se changes to s’ in front of a word starting with a vowel
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to go swimming
se baigner
Je me baigne = I swim
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to go to bed
se coucher
Tu te couches = you go to bed
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to hurry up
se dépêcher
Il se dépêche = he hurries
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to get dressed
se changes to s’ in front of a most words starting with an h
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to be interested in sth
s’intéresser à qc
se changes to s’ in front of a word starting with a vowel
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to wash yourself
se laver
Elle se lave = she washes
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to get up
se lever
Nous nous levons = we get up
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to happen
se passer
Il se passe = it happens
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to take a walk
se promener
Vous vous promenez = you go for a walk
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to remember
se rappeler
IIs se rappellent = they remember
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to wake up
se réveiller
Elles se réveillent = they wake up