Negatives Flashcards
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I don’t smoke
Je ne fume pas
ne … pas means not
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Don’t change anything
Ne change rien
ne … rien means nothing
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I can’t see anybody
Je ne vois personne
ne …. personne means nobody
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She never arrives on time
Elle n’arrive jamais à l’heure
ne …. jamais means never
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He’s no longer working here
Il ne travaille plus ici
ne … plus means no longer
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I don’t like hamburgers. Me neither
Je n’aime pas les hamburgers. Moi non plus
non … plus means neither
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He’s not going and neither am I
Il n’y va pas et moi non plus
ne non … plus means neither
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Who called? No One
Qui a téléphoné? Personne
Ne is omitted when negatives are used without a verb to answer questions
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They never do anything interesting
Ils ne font jamais rien d’intéressant
Sometimes two negative expressions can be combined
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I don’t know anyone in Nice anymore
Je ne connais plus personne à Nice
Sometimes two negative expressions can be combined
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He never drinks alcohol
Il ne boit jamais d’alcool
The negative expressions in French sandwich the verb
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It wasn’t raining
Il ne pleuvait pas
The negative expressions in French sandwich the verb
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She hasn’t done her homework
Elle n’a pas fait ses devoirs
In tenses with multiple parts, the -ve expression sandwichs the 1st part
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I didn’t say anything
Je n’ai rien dit
In tenses with multiple parts, the -ve expression sandwichs the 1st part
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Pierre isn’t here yet
Pierre n’est pas encore là
In tenses with multiple parts, the -ve expression sandwichs the 1st part
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I didn’t see anybody
Je n’ai vu personne
With ne … personne, the -ve expression sandwiches both parts
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I can’t hear you
Je ne t’entends pas
In tenses with multiple parts, the -ve expression sandwichs the 1st part
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Don’t speak to him
ne comes before any pronouns
Ne lui parle pas
ne comes before any pronouns
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Don’t you remember him?
Tu ne te souviens pas de lui ?
ne comes before any pronouns
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He never gets up before midday
Il ne se lève jamais avant midi
ne comes before any pronouns
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He was trying not to laugh
Il essayait de ne pas rire
ne … pas etc come together before the infinitive
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I’m afraid of not succeeding
J’ai peur de ne pas réussir
When a verb is in the infinitive, both parts come before the infinitive
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There aren’t any biscuits left
Il ne reste plus de biscuits
After negative expressions, un, une etc change to de
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Do you want to come with us? No thanks.
Tu veux venir avec nous? Non merci.
Non is the usual negative answer to a question
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Are you coming or not?
Venez-vous ou non?
Non is the usual negative answer to a question
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I hope not
J’espère que non
Non = not
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Who wants to help me? Not me
Qui veut m’aider ? Pas moi
pas is generally used on its own when a distinction is being made
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Is he back? Not yet
Est-il de retour ? Pas encore
pas is generally used on its own when a distinction is being made
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Are you cold? Not at all
As-tu froid? Pas du tout
pas is generally used on its own when a distinction is being made
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No way
Pas question
pas is generally used on its own when a distinction is being made