Future Tense Flashcards
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
donner (to give)
- je donnerai
- tu donneras
- il donnera
- nous donnerons
- vous donnerez
- ils donneront
The future tense of regular -er verbs, uses the infinitive as the stem
Translate to French
She’ll give you my address.
Elle vous donnera mon adresse.
To form the future tense, add the appropriate ending to the stem
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
finir (to finish)
- je finirai
- tu finiras
- il finira
- nous finirons
- vous finirez
- ils finiront
The future tense of regular -ir verbs, uses the infinitive as the stem
Translate to French
The class will end at 11 a.m.
Le cours finira à 11 heures.
To form the future tense, add the appropriate ending to the stem
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
attendre (to wait)
- j’attendrai
- tu attendras
- il attendra
- nous attendrons
- vous attendrez
- ils attendront
The future tense of regular -ir verbs, uses the infinitive -e as a stem
Translate to French
We’ll wait for you in front of the cinema.
Nous vous attendrons devant le cinéma.
To form the future tense, add the appropriate ending to the stem
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
appeler (to call)
- j’appellerai
- tu appelleras
- il appellera
- nous appellerons
- vous appellerez
- ils appelleront
With verbs which end in -eler the -l- doubles in all cases
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
jeter (to throw)
- je jetterai
- tu jetteras
- il jettera
- nous jetterons
- vous jetterez
- ils jetteront
With verbs which end in -eter the -t- doubles in all cases
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
nettoyer (to clean)
- je nettoierai
- tu nettoieras
- il nettoiera
- nous nettoierons
- vous nettoierez
- ils nettoieront
With verbs which end in -yer the y becomes i
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
lever (to raise)
- je lèverai
- tu lèveras
- il lèvera
- nous lèverons
- vous lèverez
- ils lèveront
With verbs like lever the -e- changes to è
se laver (to wash)
- je me laverai
- tu te laveras
- il se lavera
- nous nous laverons
- vous vous laverez
- ils se laveront
The future tense of reflexive verbs is formed as with ordinary verbs
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
devoir (to have to)
- je devrai
- tu devras
- il devra
- nous devrons
- vous devrez
- ils devront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
pouvoir (to be able to)
- je pourrai
- tu pourras
- il pourra
- nous pourrons
- vous pourrez
- ils pourront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
savoir (to know)
- je saurai
- tu sauras
- il saura
- nous saurons
- vous saurez
- ils sauront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
tenir (to hold)
- je tiendrai
- tu tiendras
- il tiendra
- nous tiendrons
- vous tiendrez
- ils tiendront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
venir (to come)
- je viendrai
- tu viendras
- il viendra
- nous viendrons
- vous viendrez
- ils viendront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
voir (to see)
- je verrai
- tu verras
- il verra
- nous verrons
- vous verrez
- ils verront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
vouloir (to want)
- je voudrai
- tu voudras
- il voudra
- nous voudrons
- vous voudrez
- ils voudront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
avoir (to have)
- j’aurai
- tu auras
- il aura
- nous aurons
- vous aurez
- ils auront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
étre (to be)
- je serai
- tu seras
- il sera
- nous serons
- vous serez
- ils seront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive
Conjugate the following verb in the future tense :
faire (to make)
- je ferai
- tu feras
- il fera
- nous ferons
- vous ferez
- ils feront
Irregular verbs do not form the future stem from their infinitive