Imperative mood Flashcards
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
donner (to give)
- donne (tu)
- donnons (nous)
- donnez (vous)
In the tu form of -er verbs, the final -s is usually dropped
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Give me that!
Donne-moi ça!
Ponouns come after the verb in positive instructions
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
finir (to finish)
- finis (tu)
- finissons (nous)
- finissez (vous)
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Finish your homework and go to bed! (plural)
Finissez vos devoirs et allez vous coucher!
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
attendre (to wait)
- attends (tu)
- attendons (nous)
- attendez (vous)
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Let’s wait for the bus!
Attendons le bus!
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Go on! (informal)
When a Tu imperative comes before en or y, the final s is kept
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Give some to your brother!
Donnes-en à ton frère!
When a Tu imperative comes before en or y, the final s is kept
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Don’t disturb me!
Ne me dérange pas!
With negative commands, put the object pronouns before the verb
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Let’s not speak to them!
Ne leur parlons pas!
With negative commands, put the object pronouns before the verb
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Don’t look at him!
Ne le regarde pas!
With negative commands, put the object pronouns before the verb
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Excuse me!
With positive commands, put the object pronouns after the verb
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Help us! (vous)
With positive commands, put the object pronouns after the verb
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Let’s wait for her!
With positive commands, put the object pronouns after the verb
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Lend them to me!
The order of pronouns is : le/la/les, moi/toi/lui, nous/vous/leur
Translate to French
Give it to us!
The order of pronouns is : le/la/les, moi/toi/lui, nous/vous/leur
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
avoir (to have)
- aie (tu)
- ayons (nous)
- ayez (vous)
Avoir is irregular
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
être (to be)
- sois (tu)
- soyons (nous)
- soyez (vous)
être is irregular
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
savoir (to know)
- sache (tu)
- sachons (nous)
- sachez (vous)
savoir is irregular
Conjugate the following verb in imperative mood :
vouloir (to want)
- veuille (tu)
- veuillons (nous)
- veuillez (vous)
vouloir is irregular
Translate to French
Be good! (tu)
Sois sage!
Savoir is irregular