Making Adjectives agree Flashcards
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a black cat
un chat noir
The default form of an adjective is the masculine form
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a black shirt
une chemise noire
To make an adjective agree with a fem noun add -e to the default for
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a heavy bag
un sac lourd
The default form of an adjective is the masculine form
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a heavy suitcase
une valise lourde
To make an adjective agree with a fem noun add -e to the default for
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a yellow bag
un sac jaune
The default form of an adjective is the masculine form
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a yellow shirt
une chemise jaune
If the adjective already ends in -e, a further -e is not added
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a good boy
un garçon sage
The default form of an adjective is the masculine form
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a good girl
une fille sage
If the adjective already ends in -e, a further -e is not added
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -f fem, change the ending to -ve
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -x fem, change the ending to -se
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -er fem, change the ending to ère
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -an fem, change the ending to -anne
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -en fem, change the ending to -enne
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -on fem, change the ending to -onne
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -el fem, change the ending to -elle
Give the feminine form of the adjective
To make an adjective ending in -eil fem, change the ending to -eille