Conjunctions Flashcards
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you and me
toi et moi
et = and
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It’s raining and it’s very cold
Il pleut et il fait très froid
et = and
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Do you prefer green or blue?
Tu préfères le vert ou le bleu?
ou = or
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Give me that or I’ll get angry
Donne-moi ça ou je me fâche
ou = or
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I wonder if she’s lying
Je me demande si elle ment
si = if
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If it doesn’t rain, we’ll eat outside
S’il ne pleut pas, on mangera dehors
si becomes s’ before a vowel
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If I were in your place, I wouldn’t invite him
Si j’étais à ta place, je ne l’inviterais pas
si = if
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I was going to dial your number when you called
J’allais composer ton numéro lorsque tu as appelé
lorsque = when
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I don’t like lentils or spinach
Je n’aime ni les lentilles ni les épinards
ne … ni … ni = neither …. nor
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Or he is sick or he is lying
Ou il est malade ou il ment
Ou …. ou = either or
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Either he is sick or he is lying
Ou bien, il est malade ou bien, il ment
Ou bien …. ou bien = either or
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It’s expensive, but very good quality
C’est cher, mais de très bonne qualité
mais = but
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Are you coming tonight? But yes.
Tu viens ce soir? Mais oui.
mais = but
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I can’t go out because I still have work to do
Je ne peux pas sortir parce que j’ai encore du travail à faire
parce car = because
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He doesn’t come because he doesn’t have a car
Il ne vient parce qu’il n’a pas de voiture
parce car = because
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You have to take a bus to get there because it is forbidden to get there by car
Il faut prendre un bus pour y accéder car il est interdit d’y monter en voiture
car = because
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As it rains, I take the car
Comme il pleut, je prends la voiture
comme = as
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I missed the train, so I will be late
J’ai raté le train, donc je serai en retard
donc = so
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I don’t go out when it rains
Je ne sors pas quand il pleut
quand = when
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When I’m rich…
Quand je serai riche, …..
quand = when
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While I’m in France, I’ll go see them
Pendant que je serai en France, j’irai les voir
pendant que = while
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He says he loves me
Il dit qu’il m’aime
Que = that, when it joins 2 halves of a sentence
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She knows you are there
Elle sait que vous êtes là
Que = that, when it joins 2 halves of a sentence
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They don’t go there as often as we do
Ils n’y vont pas aussi souvent que nous
Que is also used when you are comparing two things or two people
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Melons are more expensive than bananas
Les melons sont plus chers que les bananes
Que is also used when you are comparing two things or two people
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Christian called while Chantal was taking her bath
Christian a téléphoné pendant que Chantal prenait son bain
Some prepositions can be used as conjunctions if you put que after
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While I’m in France, I’ll go see them
Pendant que je serai en France, j’irai les voir
Shen pendant que is used to talk about the future, use the future tense.
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When you’re older and have a house of your own.
Quand tu seras plus grand et que tu auras une maison à toi.
Que can replace another conjunction to avoid having to repeat it
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As it’s raining and I don’t have an umbrella,
Comme il pleut et que je n’ai pas de parapluie.
Que can replace another conjunction to avoid having to repeat it