Use Of Biological Resources (11) Flashcards
Genetic modification in plants is _________ difficult. This is because they’re ________-cellular. You have to introduce a new _________ into plant cells and produce a new plant from these few cells.
What is genetic engineering
Moving useful genes from one organism’s chromosomes to another
___________ can be used to cut up DNA or join DNA pieces together
_____________ enzymes recognise specific sequences of DNA and cut the DNA at these points
___________ enzymes are used to join 2 pieces of DNA together
2 different pieces of DNA stuck together are known as ______________ DNA
What is a vector
Something that’s used to transfer something into a cell
What can vectors be used to do
Insert DNA into other organisms
What are the 2 sorts of vector
What are plasmids
Small, circular molecules of DNA that can be transferred between bacteria
Viruses _________ DNA into the organisms they infect
Genetic engineering:
The DNA you want to insert is cut out with a ________________ enzyme. The __________ DNA is then cut open using the same _______________ enzyme.
The vector DNA and the DNA you’re inserting are mixed together with __________ enzymes
The __________ join the 2 pieces of DNA together to produce ________________ DNA
The _______________ DNA is inserted into other cells.
These cells can now use the gene you inserted to make the protein you want. (E.g. bacteria containing the gene for human insulin can be grown in huge numbers in a ______________)
Restriction Vector Restriction Ligase Ligases Recombinant Recombinant Fermenter
Bacteria that contain the gene for human insulin are ______________
What does it mean if something is transgenic
They contain genes transferred from another species
Uses of genetically modified plants
Insulin Biological washing powders Glucose isomerase Human growth hormone Cattle growth hormone Vaccines Clotting factors - to treat haemophilia
How is genetically modified bacteria useful for humans with diabetes
Large amounts of human insulin can be manufactured from genetically modified bacteria that are grown in a fermenter
What are clones
Genetically identical organisms
By what process are plants cloned
By micropropagation (tissue culture)
A plant with desirable characteristics selected to be cloned. Small pieces (_________) are taken from the _______ of the stems and the side shoot of this plant
The explants are _____________ to kill any ________________
The explants are put in a petri dish containing a __________ medium which contains everything the explants need to grow including ___________ hormones
Cells in the explants divide and grow into a small _________. If large quantities of the plant are required, further ___________ can be taken from these plants etc.
The small plants are then taken out of the medium, planted in ________ and put into glasshouses - they’ll develop into plants that are genetically _____________ to the original
Explants Tip Sterilised Microorganisms Nutrient Growth Explants Soil Identical
How to clone a mammal:
Remove the __________ of an _______ cell creating an enucleated cell
A diploid _________ (from a different mammal) is inserted in its place
The cell is then stimulated with ______________ so that it starts dividing by ___________, as if it were a normal fertilised egg.
The dividing cell is then implanted into the ___________ of a 3rd mammal until it’s ready to be born
Cloned mammal will be born and it will be identical to the sheep which it shares a ___________ with
Nucleus Egg Nucleus Electricity Mitosis Uterus Nucleus
Benefit of cloning:
Useful genetic characteristics will alsways be passed on
Infertile animals can be cloned
Organ transplantation
Risks of cloning:
Cloned animals may not be as healthy as normal ones
Difficult, time consuming and expensive
May have unforeseen consequences