Us history study guide 5.4 Flashcards
what is a Turnpike?
A toll Road
What is the National Road Significance?
1.most significant federal funded highway
2. clear direct route from maryland to ohio
3. made of crushed rock
Erie canal
- The best known canal
what is the Industrial Revolution?
- A shift from manual labor to mechanized work
2.Started in great britain and spread to the united states
Samuel slater
- known as the father of the industrial revolution
What did samuel slater do? Effects?
- brough british textile technology to america
- Made an impact on the economy
Francis Cabot Lowell
1created the new factory system,
2. manufactured the whole process of making cloth at once instead of just thread.
“Lowell girls”
- employed young single women from farms
- lived in boarding houses with strict rules and schedual
3.married then left factory
Interchangeable parts
Identical components that could be used in place of one another
Eli Whitney
Introduced interchangable parts
Samuel F.B. morse created what?
1.Introduced electric telogragh in 1837
2. used electrical pulses to send coded messages
3. the messages were instant by 50,000 telegragh lines
where were most cities built and why?
1.near harbors or rivers
2. water was the main, fastest , and cost effective way to move people and goods
what were turn pikes supposed to do but failed to do and why?
- improve roads and ease travel
- only few made profit
- failed to be cost and speed efficiant
what is the reduction of travel time due to the national road
who invented the steamboat and what was the name of the first succesful one?
- Robert fulton
- Clermont
What improvements did the steamboat make?
1.time went from months to days ex. New orleans to louisville 4m to 6d
2.efficiency to move people and goods
why was transportation important for economic growth? wouldn’t spoil(farmers Benefit)
2. people get things faster more access to goods
why were canals efficient and beneficial?
- reduced shipping cost dramatically
- population grew quickly due to NYC’s commercial center
3.enhanced value of farmland
Why were Railroads beneficial ?
- Initially horse drawn developing into steam powered engines
- pull heavier loads at higher speeds
how did railroads have advantages over canals
- cost less to build over hills and faster - putting an end to canal building
social changes due to this Rev.
- travel farther and faster
- increased mobility between regions
- more comunication and cultural exchange
- new job oppertunities
what did the new textile machines do?
spun cloth and wove cloth more quickly and cheaply
What did british ban from the emmigration workers and why
they banned the export of machinery to protect its industrial advantage
due to samuel slater defying the law what happened?
brought british textile to America
what could the textile mills do?
made cotton thread
what type of mill was made and where
a water powered mill in pawtucket
who worked in the mills and where did they live
family systems worked there living in company owned villages
their first centrilized mill was where, And where did they build more factories?
- was first in Waltham MA
2.made more in the town of lowell
How did factories change businesses and workers lives?
- increased pace of production
- They divided the work load into seprate stations
3.workers were needed at a low cost
how did interchangable parts improve things?
1.revolutionized manufacturing
2. repairs were easier and cheaper
who invented and improved the sewing machine and what did it improve
1.elias howe invented it but isaac singer improved
2. lowered cost and increased speed of making cloth into clothing
How did aggricultural production increase, and what new methods were there?
- went from 1/3 to 2/3 harvest sold
- john deer: a steel plow
3.cyrus mcCormick: mechanical reaper