Us history midterm study guide Flashcards
Opechancanough was unlike his brother because
he wanted to fight the colonists.
what caused Jamestown’s near failure?
the swampy site chosen for its settlement
William Berkeley was
the governor of Virginia
What is a joint-stock company?
a company run by a group of investors
What was the name of the Native American leader who hoped to use the Jamestown settlers to fight against his enemies and trade metal weapons?
House of Burgesses PEGS
joint-stock company PEGS
tobacco PEGS
male colonist PEGS
swampy land Pegs
Sir Walter Raleigh pegs
disease pegs
Virginia pegs
georgia pegs
powhatton pegs
Powhatan was
the leader of the Algonquin people.
James Oglethorpe was
a founder of the colony of Georgia.
Why did England want to create colonies in North America?
to gain wealth
Why did the first group of colonists led by Sir Walter Raleigh choose to leave the island?
They were unable to receive supplies or grow crops.
John Smith was
a founder and leader of the Jamestown Colony.
The House of Burgesses was
the name of Virginia’s legislature.
According to British law, to whom did proprietary colonies rightfully belong?
powerful individuals or companies
What was the first permanent English colony in America?
Who led frontier settlers in a revolt against Native Americans and attacked and burned Jamestown in frustration from the lack of support by their governor?
Nathaniel Bacon
A legal document giving certain rights to a person or company.
English colonies that were under direct control of the Crown.
royal colonies
Lord Baltimore was
given permission to found Maryland.
Bacon’s Rebellion showed that
farmers would reject a government that catered only to the wealthy.
As the colonists expanded their tobacco plantations, they took more land from the _______________, who became enraged.
American Indians
What saved Jamestown from failing
Bacon’s Rebellion was
an armed rebellion against the governor of Virginia
When English ships returned to ________ in 1590, the settlement was found abandoned and the settlers had disappeared. It remains a mystery today.
describe the difficulties of Jamestown.
lacked safe drinking water
the settlers lacked skills
many settlers died of disease
many settlers died of starvation
Lord Baltimore hoped more _____________ would live in his colony than _______________.
Catholics, Protestants
What is the first permanent colony in New England?
They were English Protestants who wanted to “purify” the Church of England and live by a strict moral code:
Why would you say Rhode Island was different from the Puritan colonies?
in rhode island you can have any religeous belief
Why did most Puritans come to North America?
to set up their own societies
Most New England colonists viewed American Indians as
lazy savages.
What was significant about the Mayflower Compact?
It was a political agreement based on the principle of self-government.
This war was fought between the colonists and Native Americans in southeastern New England (namely Massachusetts and Rhode Island
King Philip’s War
What caused conflict between the English settlers and the American Indians?
disagreements over trade and English expansion into American Indian lands
How did the rapid spread of English settlements affect Native Americans
threatened their way of life
This religious group wanted to completely separate from the Church of England and create a new church of their own:
How many people were killed during the Salem Witch Trials?
What is the geography of the New England Colonies?
a land of dense forests, rolling hills, and a short growing season.
He served as the first governor for Massachusetts Bay Colony and gave the “City upon hill” speech:
John Winthrop
An American religious leader who was banished from Massachusetts because she was teaching in her home:
Anne Hutchinson
How was Massachusetts politically different compared to the Southern colonies?
It allowed Puritan men to elect their own governor.
Who was the leader of Plymouth Colon
William Bradford
Why did the Salem Witch Trials end?
the govenors wife was accused and so the govenor ended it
What caused the Salem Witch Trials?
young girls that were believed to be witches and becuse of sickness and death of people and animals
He was an American Indian leader. The colonists referred to him as “King Philip.”
The Puritans migrated to New England to
escape religious persecution.
This war was fought between the colonists and Native Americans in Connecticut.
Pequot War
Which of the following was a driving force in Puritan settlements?
a passion for social order
How did Puritans regard different ideas, religions, cultures?
rejected them
The cause of King Philip’s War was
The Algonquins wanted to drive the English out.
When American Indians moved into “praying towns” established by the Puritans, what happened to the lands they left behind?
The Puritans took over most of the lands for new settlements.
The Puritans were persecuted for
for challenging England’s official church.
He founded Rhode Island after being banished (or kicked out) from Massachusetts.
Roger Williams
common jobs of slaves in the north
1.dock worker
2 sailor
3 house servant
4 farm hand
common jobs of slaves in the south
- grew tobacco
- grew rice
- grew sugar
- grew indigo
Why did most enslaved Africans live in the Southern Colonies?
The Southern Colonies depended more heavily on labor-intensive agriculture.
Pennsylvania was an attractive colony for immigrants because it was known for its
Besides Germany, what European country did people emigrate from?
What is the key difference between an indentured servant and a slave?
-an indentured servant is a servant who works for no money because he or she has a debt or ows something
- a slave is owned by someone but they can also buy their freedom
A former slave who became a famous poet
Phillis Wheatley
What were common methods of resistance for enslaved people? (Check all that apply)
-Running away
-breaking tools
-faking illness
How did slavery affect families in the English colonies?
Families were often separated to make escape or rebellion more difficult to plan.
Use 10 words or phrases to describe what an enslaved person may see, hear, feel, taste, or smell during the Middle Passage. Be very specific.
They would hear cries,screams, they would see dead people and sick people they would feel tormented they would feel pain and smell the puke and feces and urine and the smell of death
For German immigrants, the economic pull factor of the colonies was
the abundance of cheap land.
How did the British policy of salutary neglect benefit England?
providing Britain with raw materials for manufacture.
Which was NOT a job that colonial women were responsible for doing?
assisted husband during legislature
What effect did the Great Awakening have on religious life in the colonies?
It helped make religion in the colonies more democratic.
The key term for a constitutional guarantee that no one can be held in prison without charges being filed.
habeas corpus
Choose the 4 correct options to complete the statement: Women had no political standing and therefore could not…
2.hold office
3.serve on a jury
4.own property
In their treatment of their American colonies, how did England’s monarchs after the Glorious Revolution differ from those of France and Spain?
They exercised relatively less control over the colonies.
An eighteenth-century movement inspired by European philosophers who believed that society’s problems could be solved by reason and science
What was the name of England’s elected lawmaking body?
Define the British policy of salutary neglect
the colonial governments were more or less able to self-govern without intervention from Parliament
How did the Great Awakening affect colonial society?
It helped increase religious diversity and spread ideas about equality.
What is mercantilism?
A system by which a mother countries gains money and power by exporting more than importing.
How did the British policy of salutary neglect benefit the colonies?
enabled the American colonies to prospertrading with non-British entities to spend that wealth on British-made goods, while at the same time providing Britain with raw materials for manufacture.
Why was Benjamin Franklin such an important colonist?
gaining French support for American independence.
What best characterizes John Locke as an Enlightenment thinker?
He used reason and observation to formulate new ideas.
What are the last names of the leaders of the Great Awakening?
Edwards and whitefield
The Enlightenment led colonists to question the authority of monarchs and
the Church.
what were the factors of the New England region
1.Average Life Expectancy 70 years old rivers
3.abundance of fish
5.healthiest colonists
6.people lived in compact settlements
what were the factors of the middle colonial region
1.known as the bread basket
2.ethnically and cultrally diverse
3.temperate climate
what were the factors in the southern region
1.warmest climate
2.malaria was common
3.majority of enslaved people
4.longest growing season
5.economic equality
6.small amount of churches
The Great Awakening was a widespread movement during the 1700s that emphasized
a personal relationship with God
What key purpose did the Navigation Acts serve?
to reinforce mercantilism
Why did people in the New England, Middle, and Southern colonies adapt different ways of life?
The regions had different geographies and resources.
The main objection the Colonists had to British taxation was that
They were not represented in the British Parliament
The Townshend Acts were passed in 1767 in order to
Increase revenue (money) for British parliament by taxing items such as glass, lead, paper, and tea.
How did the Colonists resist the taxes placed by British Parliament
Boycotting, protesting, and violent actions against the British.
What does the term boycott mean?
Refusal to buy goods with the intention of the company losing money.
What was the Boston Tea Party?
Colonists protesting the Tea Act by sneaking onto ships at night and dumping many crates of tea into the Boston Harbor.
What was the Boston Massacre?
An unclear event that resulted in five civilians dead and Paul Revere creating artwork to make the Colonists more angry towards the British.
What were the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts?
Acts forcing Colonists to house troops, denied them land claimed by Colonists, closed Boston port for trade, and more.
What did the Colonists want back after British Parliament passed the Coercive (Intolerable) Acts?
Salutary neglect
A meeting held by 12 delegates (or representatives) that organized a boycott of British goods is called the
First Continental Congress
True or False: The people in British Parliament and the Colonists did not differ in views of how to run a government
false they had diffrent views in laws like for example laws were written down but they didnt write them down
True or False: The British felt justified in taxing and passing laws on the Colonists because they were British subjects.
True or False: The Colonists felt comfortable with helping pay war debt that Britain got during the French and Indian war.
false instead they raised taxes to repay the debt
True or False: Tax collectors stayed and continued to work in Colonial America after colonists burned their houses down, damaged their offices, and treated them poorly.
false they left and then more laws were placed
Colonists writing letters to each other across colonies to talk about British ruling
Committees of Correspondence
Raised taxes on printed and legal materials such as deeds, certifications, wills, etc.
the stamp act
Raised taxes on sugar, molasses, coffee, and other imported goods.
the sugar act
Cut taxes on tea to make Colonists buy tea instead of smuggling it.
the tea act
Underground network of Colonists to undermine British rule
sons of liberty
if you were a colonists what act would have angered you the most
the stamp act
The French and Indian war was a conflict between the __________________ from 1754–1763.
British and French
A plan to unify the colonies
Albany Plan of Union
The cause of the French and Indian War was
France and Britain’s competing claims over land.
At the end of the war, the American Indians aided
the British.
After the fall of Quebec, eastern North America was controlled by
the british
One consequence of the French and Indian War was that
the colonists began to see themselves as different from the British.
What was the greatest advantage the French had over the British in the 1700s in North America?
They had support from more American Indian groups..
What was the main reason that the French built Fort Duquesne?
to keep the British away from the Ohio River Valley
How did American Indians in the Great Lakes area respond to the British defeat of the French?
Many groups formed an alliance and attacked the British.
How did the French and Indian War set up future conflict between the British and their American colonists?
The British wanted the colonists to help pay for debt from the war.
The Proclamation of 1763
forbade the colonists from moving west of the Appalachian Mountains.
Following the French and Indian War, the British controlled all lands
east of the Mississippi River
The French and Indian War led to
a weakening of colonial loyalty to Britain.
The Continental Army was formed to support
New England’s struggle against British troops.
The name given to the colonists who supported Britain in the American Revolution was _______________
The greatest shift in colonial opinion towards independence and a republican government came after the publication of Common Sense by
Thomas Paine.
He is most famous for alerting Colonial militia of British invasion before the Battles of Lexington and Concord.
Paul Revere.
Based on the map, what caught the British so off-guard by the minutemen on their march back to Boston?
The minutemen attacked the retreating British all along the route.
In the book Common Sense, the author argues that the colonies should
break their ties with Britain.
The phrase “Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness,” as found in the Declaration of Independence, refers to
specific unalienable rights
“The shot heard round the world” is a famous quote that describes what?
the shot that fired when the colonists defeated british troops when they were walking back to boston
How are the words militia and minutemen related?
Minutemen were militia
The May 1775 meeting of delegates who met in Philadelphia to discuss splitting or staying with Britain was called the ____________.
second continental congress
What is a republic?
a government for the people run by the people
Who drafted the Declaration of Independence?
thomas jefferson
This battle lifted the Patriots’ morale after a series of defeats
well-equipped, disciplined, and trained army
British Strength
The Americans won the Revolutionary War mainly because
they had the determination to outlast the British.
This battle was psychological victory for the Patriots - with more ammunition they may have won
Bunker hill
Successful tactics and strategy helped win the war
American Strength
lacked a well-supplied, stable, and effective fighting force
American Weakness
British general who surrendered at the Battle of Yorktown
Charles Cornwallis
skillful negotiator; his contribution to the founding of the US was significan
Benjamin Franklin
served as Commander in Chief of British army and resigned after he could not defeat the Patriots
William howe
French aristocrat who fought on the Patriot side and helped trap the British in the final battle.
Marquis de Lafayette
Do you think more African Americans fought for the British or the Patriots? Explain why.
Most african Americans supported the British for reasons we know, but many served with the Continental Army because they believed in what the revolution presumably stood for.
Explain the following quote: “This country is the scene of the most cruel events. Neighbors are on opposite sides, children are against their fathers.”
This quote is stating that this was a horrible war.
One of the biggest problems facing Washington and his troops was
a lack of food and clothing.
had to transport all supplies, troops, etc.
British Weakness
key term for a professional soldier who is paid to fight in a foreign army
had money troubles because they were starting from scratch
American Weakness
What was the military tactic used at Yorktown?
dig trenches through which he could move his heavy guns close enough to Yorktown to pound Cornwallis into surrender.
This battle convinced the French to openly side with the Patriots and was the turning point
finest navy in the world
British Strength
Describe what
conditions were like for soldiers at
Valley Forge by writing a quick letter home.
Refer to what you learned in the… A Soldier’s Life
reading or the America: The Story of US video
it was cold, their wasnt much food, they huddled to stay warm in the few tents they did have there was disease and frostbit and bordom
What effect did the outcome of the Revolutionary War have on American Indians?
Many American Indian groups lost land in treaties with the new United States government.
What did France give the Patriot army? (List 3 things)
supplies soldiers and food
Which of the following factors contributed to the Patriots’ success in winning the Revolutionary War?
Some British actions, such as hiring Hessian soldiers, cost them support among the colonists.
Final battle of the American Revolution
In which of the following battles did the colonists most benefit from foreign assistance?
Native Americans helped them - feared their resources would be lost
British Strength
Define ratify.
To approve of something
What is The Federalist?
1.a series of 85 essays
2. written by Madison, Hamilton, and John Jay 3.published in new york newspapers in 1787 and 1788 convince new york to ratify the constitution
What are the differences between the Federalists and the Antifederalists?
1.Federalists argued that a strong central government could overcome the difficulties facing the new nation
2.Antifederalists disliked the lack of a bill of rights. They believed that liberty could not survive unless the federal government was weak.
How did the Federalists win ratification of the Constitution?
They added THE bill of rights(1st ten amendments)
what is the first amendment?
gaurentess freedom of :
what is the second amendment
gaurentess the right to bear arms
what is the fifth amendment
ensures the protection against self-incrimination
what is the 4th amendment
protects individuals against unreasonable search and seizures
what is the eighth amendment
protects against cruel and unusual punishment against excessive bail
what is the 6th amendment
gaurentess the person caused of a crime the right to a swift and fair trial
what was the triangular trade? of manufactured goods from Europe to Africa, 2.enslaved people from Africa to the Americas,
3.and raw materials from the Americas back to Europe
what states where in the new England colonies
New Hampshire
Rhode Island
what were the southern colonies
North Carolina,
South Carolina
what were the middle colonies
New Jersey
New York,