Urinary Diseases Flashcards
Fel cystitis AKA
feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD)
2 forms of feline cystitis
Ulcerative and non ulcerative, or
Obstructive and nonobstructive
Fel cystitis timeframe
Resolves in 7-10 days
+/- recur
Feline cystitis goal with diet change
dilute urine w/o ↑ pH
Feline cystitis clinical signs
More frequent urination (small volumes)
Feline cystitis dx
Urinalysis (r/o bacterial cause)
Contrast radiographs: normal or thickened bladder wall
Feline cystitis tx
Diet change
Drug therapy: analgesics
K9 cystitis AKA
bacterial cystitis, urinary tract infection (UTI)
Most common
Common K9 cystitis cause
migration of bacteria up the urethra
Iatrogenic infections
Poor urinary catheter placement technique
Improper indwelling urinary catheter maintenance
K9 cystitis clinical signs
Increased frequency of urination Hematuria
Cloudy urine, abnormal color
Frequent licking of urethral area
K9 cystitis dx
K9 cystitis tx
Antibiotics (oral) based on C&S q8-12 hours
Acute: 10-14 days
Chronic: 4-6 weeks
polycrystalline concretions composed of minerals
Aka bladder stone
Common uroliths in cats (2)
struvite (60%), calcium oxalate (27%)
Common uroliths K9
struvite, calcium oxalate, Dalmatians - urate
Urolithiasis clinical signs
May be asymptomatic
Dysuria (itchy /pain)
Inappropriate urination
Urolithiasis dx
Urinalysis: crystalluria, hematuria, +/- bacteria
Radiographs +/- contrast (not all stones are radiopaque)
Medical Urolithiasis tx helps
Struvite – dietary dissolution (reduce urine pH), 4-8 weeks
+/- antibiotics
Sx Urolithiasis tx
Perineal urethrostomy – chronic obstructions, unable to clear urethral obstruction
Obstructive Urolithiasis tx
Buys time for dissolution or surgery
using a lubricated urinary catheter and fluid-filled syringe, obstruction is propelled back into the bladder (pain management!)
Acute renal failure
An abrupt decrease in glomerular filtration 🡪 azotemia
Acute renal failure result from
hypoperfusion or nephrotoxic injury
Acute renal failure phases (3)
Acute renal failure Induction phase
the time from initial insult until decreased renal function is apparent
Acute renal failure maintenance phase
the period during which renal tubular damage occurs
Acute renal failure recovery phase
renal function improves, existing nephrons hypertrophy and compensate for those damaged, tubular repair occurs when possible
Acute renal failure clinical signs
Oliguria, polyuria
+/- fever
Kidneys painful on palpation
Acute renal failure dx
toxin exposure
Urinalysis: active sediment, casts
CBC/chem: ↑ PCV, ↑ BUN, creatinine, K, & P, acidosis
Acute renal failure tx
Diet 🡪 renal diet
IV fluids
Drug therapy: diuretics, intestinal protectants, +/- phosphate binders, sodium bicarbonate
Chronic renal failure
Irreversible and progressive decline in renal function cause by destruction of the nephron
Chronic renal failure progression
Common disease of older pets
Cats > dogs
Course of the disease: months 🡪 years
Many pets go undiagnosed until renal failure is severe
Chronic renal failure client education
They need to understand this condition is permanent and progressive
Clinical signs of chronic renal failure
Dullness, lethargy, weakness
Anorexia, weight loss
+/- systemic hypertension
Chronic renal failure dx
CBC/Chem: acidosis, anemia, ↑ BUN, creatinine, P, & Ca
UA: m
Chronic renal failure tx
IV or SQ fluids for dehydration
Drug therapy
Kidney diet