Endocrine Diseases Flashcards
thyroid gland dysfunction
Thyroid function will not return 🡪 daily life-long medication
Hypothyroidism commonly in
▪ Seen in cats treated for hyperthyroidism
Hypothyroidism acquired
hypothalamus or pituitary dysfunction
Hypothyroidism clinical signs
▪ Weight gain w/ no diet change
▪ Bilaterally symmetric alopecia; “rat tail”
▪ Cold intolerance
▪ Recurrent skin infections
▪ Reproduction problems
Hypothyroidism dx
▪ Thyroid ultrasound
▪ Thyroid biopsy
Hypothyroidism tx
Life-long supplementation w/ thyroid replacement
▪ Reevaluate 4-8 weeks after the start of therapy to evaluate levels
▪ Result of a functional thyroid adenoma (>70%) or thyroid carcinoma (1-2%)
Hyperthyroidism common in
cats ▪ Rare in dogs (neoplasia)
Hyperthyroidism clinical signs
▪ Middle-aged 🡪 older cat
▪ Polyphagia, V, weight loss
▪ Tachycardia +/- murmur, ↑ systolic BP
▪ Palpable enlarged thyroid
▪ Aggressive behavior, hyperactivity
▪ Blindness w/ retinal detachment
Hyperthyroidism dx
▪ Palpation
▪ ↑ Thyroid hormone levels
▪ CBC/chem – r/o other organ system failures
▪ Nuclear scintigraphy – 1-2 glands
Hyperthyroidism tx
Surgery – curative, preserve parathyroid
▪ Radioactive Iodine-131
▪ Antithyroid drug therapy
Antithyroid drug therapy
inhibit the synthesis of thyroid hormone by disrupting the incorporation of iodine
Diabetes Mellitus
Β-cells in pancreas stop producing insulin in adequate amounts or the cells in specific body tissues become resistant to action of insulin
Diabetes Mellitus occurs
Insulin facilitates the entry of glucose into the cell 🡪 glycolysis
Diabetes Mellitus type 1
100% of dogs, 50% of cats 🡪 insulin therapy
Insulin dependent
Diabetes Mellitus type 2
Noninsulin dependent 50% of cats