United Nations Flashcards
objectives of the UN
- maintain international peace and security
- develop friendly relations among nations based on respect of principle of equal rights and self determination of people
- achieve international cooperation in solving problems and encouraging respect for human rights and freedom
- to create a centre for harmonising the actions of nations
3 new objectives/ motto of UN
disarm, decolonise, develop
headquarters of UN
all organs are based in New York, USA, except International court of justice with is in Hague, Netherlands
flag of UN and when it was adopted
a polar map of the world embraced by twin olive branches
adopted on October 20, 1947
official languages of UN
organs of UN
- general assembly
- security council
- international court of justice
- economic and social council
- trusteeship council
- secretariat
composition of general assembly
all members of UN
each state has 5 representatives in general assembly, but each state has 1 vote
regular session begins each year on the third tuesday in september and continues till the third week of december
at the start of each regular session, the assembly elects a new President, 21 vice presidents, Chairmen of the 6 main committees
presidency rotates between five groups: Asia, Africa, Eastern Europe, Larin America and Caribbean, Western Europe, other states
how are special sessions convened in general assembly
by the secretary-general at the request of security council or by a special request by a majority of members
decisions taken by two-third majority
election of non permanent members of security council
admission of new members
budgetary issues
suspension or expulsion of members
powers and functions of general assembly
- consider and make recommendations on the principles of cooperation, in the maintenances of international peace and security
- discuss any question relating to international peace and security and make recommendations on it
- discuss and make recommendations on any questions within the scope of the charter or affecting powers and functions of any organ of the UN
- initiate studies and make recommendations of promote international political, social, economic cooperation
- to make recommendations for peaceful settlements of disputes
- receive and consider reports from other organs of the UN
- consider and approve the budget of the UN and to apportion the contribution among members
- elect non permanent members of security council, ECOSOC and trusteeship council
- appoint secretary-general on recommendation of security council
composition of security council
consists of 15 members
permanent members- china, france, russia, britain, USA
afro-asian countries- 5
latin american countries- 2
west european and other countries-2
east european countries- 1
all non permanent members elected for term of 2 yrs
retiring member is not eligible for re election
veto power
each member of security council has 1 vote
negative vote of a permanent member is called a veto
council is powerless if one of the permanent member vetoes
functions of security council
- maintain international peace and security in accordance with the principles and purposes of the UN
- investigate dispute or situation which might lead to international friction and take military action against aggressor
- recommend methods of adjusting such disputes or the terms of settlement
- formulate plans for the establishment of a system to regulate armaments
- determine the existence of a threat to the peace or act of aggression and to recommend what action should be taken
- call on members to apply economic sanctions and other measures not involving the use of force to prevent or stop aggression
- take military action against aggressors
- recommend the admission of new members
- recommend to the GA appointment of secretary-general
- with the GA, elect members of ICJ
what did ICJ replace
Permanent Court of International Justice which had functioned in the Peace Palace
composition of ICJ
15 judges elected to nine-year terms of office by GA and SC
may not include more than one judge from any nationality
elections are held every 3 years for one-third of the seats
retiring judges may be re-elected
members of court do not represent their governments but are independent magistrates
elects its president and vice-president for a three-year term
parties of ICJ
only member states may apply to and appear before the court
sources of applicable law of ICJ
decides cases in accordance with international treaties and convention in force, international customs, general principles of law, subsidiary means, judicial decisions, and teachings of most highly qualifies publicists
voluntary jurisdiction of ICJ
the court is competent to entertain disputes if the states concerned agree to take the issue to it
compulsory jurisdiction in ICJ
- against background that a large number of treaties provide that disputes are submitted to court
- jursdiction extends to disputes pertaining to interpretation of international law AND reparation/compensation to be made for the breach of international obligation
advisory opinions of ICJ
advisory procedure of the court is open solely to international organisations
ony the five organs of UN and 16 specialised agencies are present
codification of international law
examines international conventions, international customs, judicial decisions, general principles of law in process of codification